hCG is a pregnancy hormone. When a woman is pregnant, she usually has about 1000-2000 times more hCG in her body than the standard dose for weight loss (125 IU/day). What does hCG do in a pregnant woman? One of the most important functions of hCG is probably to guarantee steady energy supply to the fetus. How does that work?
In today’s America, we don’t think much about the importance of food. Food is everywhere and it is mostly cheap. If there is anything that we need to worry about food, it is that we have too much of it. But in the history of mankind, food shortage has been always a problem. Even today, billions of people face food shortage. So our body is well built to cope with food shortage. Our body is quite efficient in using energy. Our body is able to store as much food as possible. Whenever our body detects a slow in food intake (such as if you were eating less than 800 calories a day), the body will go into a slow metabolism mode to save energy. But for some reason, our creator did not build in a mechanism to deal with too much food intake. Ideally, when we become overweight or obese, a mechanism should kick in to slow down or stop our desire for food. But overweight or obese people not only will not slow down eating, they may even have bigger appetite than others.