Gloria weighed 310 lbs when she came to see me in on 4/29/09. By 6/3/10, she was down to 134 lbs, a 176 lbs weight loss in 13 months plus 4 days! Gloria didn’t find it very hard to stay on the diet. The important thing for her to do now is to keep it off. She should follow our maintenance instructions (see Weight Maintenance on this blog).
Table of Contents
- Anti-Aging/Functional Medicine (27)
- Coupons & Money Saving Tips (7)
- Covid-19, Vit C and Integrative Medicine (9)
- Dietary Instructions (9)
- DietBuddy (2)
- DIY Diet (2)
- Employement (3)
- hCG (3)
- hCG's possible effects on other diseases and anti aging (2)
- Holistic hCG Diet (8)
- How does our Holistic hCG Diet work? (7)
- How to use our website and database (2)
- I am on diet, but not losing weight. What should I do? (1)
- Integrative Cancer Therapy (2)
- Medications and Products (10)
- Misc (129)
- New Products (11)
- News (28)
- Obesity Related Diseases (2)
- Obesity: Cause, Theories & Related Diseases (2)
- Policies (3)
- Q&A (5)
- Side effects and problems you may have on our plans and how to solve them (7)
- Skin Loft (1)
- Testimonials (23)
- Weight Loss Contests (22)
- Weight Loss Phases and Monitoring (1)
- Weight Loss Plans (2)
- Weight Maintenance (4)