An advanced stage breast cancer patient with lung, liver, and bone metastases. After three and a half years of Integraive Cancer Therapy, her cancer has gradually shrunk. Now she lives well with her tumor still present.
Share a case of breast cancer on request.
One of my patients, Joey, a Hong Kong woman, 44 years old. In early 2016, she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer with distant metastases to the liver, lung, bone and left supraclavicular lymph nodes. At a HK hospital, she was told that she had only 8-9 months of life. After several courses of chemotherapy, the side effects were intolerable. She consulted me on her management. We recommended low-dose chemotherapy to reduce side effects and add our metabolic therapy, plus functional medical intervention.
She followed our recommendations very carefully and seriously. The patient not only lives far beyond the expected “8-9 months”, but now the tumor has shrunk significantly. The tumors in her lungs and left supraclavicular lymph nodes have disappeared. No more breast tumor. Her liver metastasis still exists. When I visited Hong Kong three years ago, she was in a wheelchair and was in no spirit and was very weak. Now the patient is in much better shape, has no major side effects, and is back to work. She is still living with a tumor.
Our Integraive Cancer Therapy is (metabolic therapy + functional medical intervention) based on a restricted ketogenic diet, with anti-aging/functional medicine systemic intervention to restrict the cancer cell growth and to boost her immunity.