This suggestion seems to be against the current advice. Here is my theory.
Every time we eat a meal, our blood sugar (and other calorie materials) level rises, which causes our body to adjust our hormones to move the excess calories into storage (mostly subQ fat). Between meals, sugar level decreases, causing our hormones to reverse the process and release calories from storage to provide energy to support our activities. The problem we face today is that many people eat too much at a meal and eat between meals. As a result, before our body is able to store away all the calories from the previous meal, one is eating again, adding more calories to the body. So the body is busy nearly around the clock to move the excess calories from the blood into the storage. If one keeps doing this for years and years, our body then forgets how to release energy anymore. This energy releasing ability is like a skill, use it or lose it. (The biological mechanism is probably via a up- or down-regulation). This, in my opinion, explains why a diabetic patient can’t miss a meal, otherwise, hypoglycemia ensues.
So I advice that we go back to the traditional lifestyle: eating 2-3 meals a day. Don’t eat right when you feel hungry. When you feel hungry, your body is mobilizing your hormones trying to release energy from your fat storage. Wait for, say, 30 minutes, then eat. Also, eat slowly and don’t eat 100% full, 80% is good enough.