C-Reactive Protein (CRP-hs) is part of our Initial Anti-Aging Screening Test Panel. The normal range from a regular lab may be > 5 or even >10. However, research shows hsCRP > 1 starts to be correlated with ever increasing cardiovascular events and all cause mortality.
- Elevated due to previous infection
- Chlamydia, herpes, CMV can cause inflammation and plaque formation.
- Is an anti-body like substance.
- Predictive of future MI even if cholesterol is normal.
- Elevated CRP-hs (high sensitivity) was found to be the strongest of 12 markers for heart attach, in a study involving 28,263 female patients.*
- Periodontal disease causes heart attack (elevates CRP).
How to lower CRP?
- Exercise
- Baby ASA, 81 mg, daily
- Essential fatty acids
- Quercetin as a supplement
- CoQ-10
- Natural Cox-2 inhibitors
- Grapeseed extract (100 – 200 mg)
- Curcumin (300 – 600 mg)
- Green tea (3 cups or 3 caps/day)
- Rosemary
- Statin drugs
- ACE inhibitors
- Beta-blockers
*Ridker, ., et al., “C-reactive protein and other markers of inflammation in the production of cardiovascular disease in women,” NEJM 2000;342:836-843.
Other references (PMID numbers): 29699031, 29137033, 28834887, 28693795, 28462626, 28327451, 29137033, 28834887, 28462626, 28327451.