We are exposed to more chemical toxins than people in other developed countries. In order to restore our health, we need to reduce our toxic burden. For example: Up to 90% of cancers in the U.S. are thought to be “caused” by environmental toxins! The following is a brief list of common toxin examples:
- Alcohol stimulates the Estrone (E1) receptor sites. As per the Nurse’s Health Study, 3 glasses of wine per week increases breast cancer risk by 40%!
- Caffeine stimulates an excess production of bile which can deplete the liver of essential nutrients.
- Formaldehyde, used to produce Decaf coffee, can cause liver impairment.
- Phthalates, Dioxin and Bis-phenol A (BPA), used to manufacture plastics, are endocrine disrupters which bind to and stimulate E1 (Estrone) receptor sites. Common sources include: plastic bags, Ziploc bags, baby bottles, food wraps, vaginal lubricants, and nail polish.
- Pesticides, such as Lindane and DDT, which can be found on imported produce, bind to and stimulate E1 (Estrone) receptor sites.
- Polycyclic aromatic carbons, found in gasoline, oil combustion, cigarette smoke and charred meats, bind to E1 (Estrone) receptors.
- Artificial sweeteners, such as Aspartame and Sucralose, have been associated with neurological dysfunction.
- Trichloroethylene, used as a dry cleaning solvent, can impair liver function.
- Bromine, found in processed and enriched flour, energy drinks, and “Mt. Dew”; chlorine, found in our water supply and in swimming pools; and fluorine, found in tooth paste– all can displace iodine, which can result in goiters and in
- Heavy metals, such as mercury, lead and arsenic, can be found in deep sea fish– such as tuna and mackerel, dental amalgams, old house paints, and supplements from other countries. These heavy metals can displace lighter metals, such as calcium (by lead) and magnesium (by mercury), and aggravate osteoporosis, dementias, and arthritis.
Generally, we are all nutritionally depleted and suffering from hyper-arousal because our environment has become seriously disturbed because of many factors, including: 1) global warming and climate change; 2) soil depletion and desertification; 3) fresh water decline; 4) mass extinctions and biodiversity loss due to changed ecosystem functions and balance; 5) stratospheric ozone depletion; and, 6) Toxin overload. This creates a cumulative toll upon our health and well-being.
Therefore, start with eating a healthy and nutritious diet, drinking plenty of clean water, doing regular daily physical activity and exercise, having a practice of meditation, prayer or relaxation including deep breathing, getting at least 7 hours of sleep nightly, filling your heart with gratitude and appreciation, taking at least 15 minutes per month walking in a forest, and enjoying your intimate relationships with family and friends. Then, consider regularly de-toxifying your body each season (or quarter) during the year.
We live in a “toxic soup”. Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are natural or synthetic compounds present in the environment which can interfere with both cellular nuclear receptor site stimulation and with nuclear receptor site resistance to functional stimulation resulting in impairment of both hormone synthesis and function and with normal physiological functions.
EDCs have been linked to neurological effects and attention problems (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorders, thyroid disease, obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, male and female reproductive disorders (including infertility), and many cancers. EDCs lead to an earlier age for menarche, and disruption in the timing of puberty and the bodily changes of sexual maturation.
Progesterone receptor site resistance, caused by industrial chemicals, can contribute to polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and with infertility; uterine fibroids; endometriosis; reduced production and duration of lactation; and, with menopausal issues of reduced mental focus, insomnia and anxiety. Progesterone receptor site resistance can also cause unopposed estrogen stimulation of the breasts, which can be important in carcinogenesis, which, incidentally, is NOT reflected in the blood levels of the sex hormones.
Chemicals used in plastics, herbicides, pest control products, cosmetics, food coloring and many drugs will concentrate in fatty fetal tissues including: the brain, thyroid gland, thymus, breast tissue, pancreas, testes, ovaries, adrenal glands and prostate!! Thus, there is A FETAL ORIGIN FOR MANY ADULT DISEASES!
Prenatal exposure to EDCs impacts early brain development often manifesting as psychosocial deficits in childhood including: suspected autism spectrum disorders and the attention deficit-hyperactivity syndrome.
For example, adult offspring of women who were previously exposed to DES (diethylstilbesterol), which is no longer used, presently manifest insulin resistance, a 50% increased risk of diabetes, and increased risks of heart disease, hypertension, elevated lipids, osteoporosis, discogenic low back pain, and cancers, especially of the breast and prostate gland. BPA, phthalates, and organic pollutants, which are deeply imbedded in the products of our modern consumer society and our environment, have similar effects to DES.
EDCs are “obesogens” in children and in adults. The world-wide obesity epidemic is, in part, caused by the environmental pollution caused by these chemicals. There is also a parallel rise in the incidence of pancreatic disorders and pancreatic cancer, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, insulin resistance and diabetes. EDCs also effect thyroid hormone resistance and the consequent rise in hypothyroidism.
I STRONGLY RECOMMEND CONSIDERING A TWICE PER YEAR (UP TO A QUARTERLY) DIETARY ANTI-INFLAMMATORY FOOD CLEANSING PROGRAM, along with a “liver cleanse”. {I have done this program several myself with remarkable results, and experiential knowledge about how the foods that I choose to eat have a dramatic effect on my energy, alertness, weight, overall sense of well-being, and generalized body inflammation.}
I also STRONGLY RECOMMEND ANY WOMEN WHO PLANS TO GET PREGNANT DO A DETOXIFICATION AND CLEANSING PROGRAM in order to clear endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from her body that can adversely affect her fetus. Please see your physician to discuss such a program.
1) Here is just the bare-bones approach with a simple (yet powerful) list of THINGS TO AVOID: All gluten, soy, sugar, milk products, eggs, most meats, and peanuts. Also, NO tobacco, alcohol nor caffeine. And, avoid MSG, artificial sweeteners, and GMO products (including high fructose corn syrup). IT IS IMPORTANT TO READ FOOD LABELS CLOSELY.
2) USE Good oils include: Olive oil, coconut oil and walnut oil. Otherwise, try to limit other oils especially canola and rapeseed which are more inflammatory and cause fatty degeneration of the heart and other organs.
3) USE Good grains include: buck wheat, quinoa, and rice.
4) It is OK to use honey, coconut sugar and maple syrup in moderation.
5) It is OK to use almond milk, hemp milk, rice milk or a similar substitute for cow’s milk or soy milk.
6) Avocados and coconuts are rich in good fats and are consequently very satisfying and filling to eat.
7) Start each day with ¼ to ½ fresh squeezed lemon juice in warm to hot water. Drink this ½ hour before eating your breakfast.
8) It is OK to eat chicken and fish for 5 meals per week on weeks #1 and #3. YOUR DIET WILL BE VEGAN FOR WEEK #2: Stick with only fruits, vegetables, non-gluten grains and legumes.
9) Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Eat slowly and mindfully. Stop eating when you are full and satisfied, whether or not your plate is clean.
10) Take probiotics 15 to 30 billion count capsules daily.
11) Green smoothies make a great meal. Also, a Vegan cook book can give you good ideas for simple and delicious recipes (keeping in mind the restrictions from #1 above.) Consider enjoying a green drink daily.
12) Keep a food journal so that you can remain conscious about your choices as well as to annotate how you are feeling physically and emotionally and to track your weight. Be aware that, especially during the first week, the detoxification process may be uncomfortable. So, remember your motivations for starting this cleanse and “keep the faith” and you will feel so much better once your body clears the toxins and you get into a rhythm with this new way of eating. You may find that your taste for certain foods will change. For example, once the cleanse has been completed, you may find that sweets are now nauseatingly too sweet. And, notice how you feel when reintroducing gluten products, soy, milk products or meat. Are you more Sluggish? Constipated? Filled with Mucus? Achy? Mentally Dull or Sleepy? You may become motivated to continue a largely vegan diet because you will have more energy, clarity, and feel better physically and emotionally.
13) If you aren’t losing weight as desired, you may be eating too much fruit, especially dried fruits, and/or nuts. Or, you may wish to manage your food portion size, and avoid eating second helpings and snacking. Also, consider eating avocados or coconuts to experience fat triggered satiety.
14) BE AWARE: for the first 3 to 7 days after starting the cleanse, you may experience mild headaches, irritability, labile moods and fatigue as your body de-toxifies and the released toxins are circulating and being eliminated. THIS WILL PASS. THEN YOU WILL NOTICE increased energy, mental clarity and emotional stability. Also, you will notice decreased joint pains and body aches.
15) Consider adding a “liver cleanse” on your second week: Mix: 1 Tbs Safflower oil, 1 Tbs Olive Oil, 2 fresh squeezed lemons, 1 fresh squeezed orange, 1 tsp fresh grated garlic, 1 tsp fine grated ginger, and ¼ tsp cayenne pepper powder and drink upon awakening, preferably 2 hours before eating breakfast. Do this on Mon-Wed-Fri. Then, on Tues and Thurs, mix 1 cup unsweetened organic apple juice, 2 fresh squeezed lemons, 1 Tbs Safflower oil, 1 Tbs Olive oil, 1 tsp fresh grated garlic, 1 tsp fine grated ginger, and ¼ tsp cayenne pepper powder and drink this upon awakening, again preferably 2 hours before eating breakfast.
16) ***IT IS BEST TO DO THIS CLEANSE WITH SUPPORT***. Invite your spouse or a good friend to join you on this adventure of self-discovery about how food can influence your consciousness and your physiology.
I have a trusted friend, who is a nutritionist, who offers an on-line fully guided 3-week food cleanse experience quarterly that is a gentle and a very effective program. She will contact you daily with very helpful suggestions, encouragement, and supportive information. And, there is also a group forum that adds additional support. If you are interested, she can be contacted at or email her at (NOTE: there is an underline spacer between her first and last name.)
TOXINS are one of the primary causes for energy loss and energetic imbalance in the body, and, consequently disease. For example: FATIGUE is a serious and chronic problem in our society. Toxin related imbalances can also result in a wide range of physical, emotional, and mental health issues.
There are 3 important types of toxins to address:
- A) Exogenous, or external toxins are those present in the outside environment. Common problems include tap water, smog, alcohol, sugar and artificial sweeteners, food preservatives, additives and artificial flavorings, tobacco, pesticides, petrochemicals, heavy metals, viruses, bacteria, prescription medicines, and over-the-counter medicines.
Environmental stress puts a demand on the adrenals to produce the “Life Hormone”–Cortisol. Consider that cortisol sits at the base of a pyramid, with thyroid hormones sitting on top, followed by insulin, and the sex hormones. Depleted adrenal function will result in depleted thyroid function which will result in depleted insulin and sex hormones.
- B) Endogenous, or internal toxins produced in the body as a result of compromised digestion and inefficient metabolism. They result from poor eating habits, pancreatic digestive deficiency, an altered gut microbiome, and re-circulation of toxins because of constipation. Toxins are discharged by the liver, kidneys, lymph, colon, lungs and skin. As more toxins accumulate, they place severe stress on the organs of elimination. Consequently, the kidneys, liver and lymph system become less efficient in their ability to excrete these waste products. The toxins then accumulate in other organs and the connective tissues. The body tries to compensate by having the endocrine glands produce hormones to help stimulate detoxification. Over time these glands become tired/depleted. The end result is an inefficient elimination system with toxin accumulation. When coupled with reduced organ functioning, an ideal environment is created for illness to flourish. Also,
- C) Toxic thoughts and emotions add to systemic hyper-arousal and stress, hormone over-drive, and general systems compromise.
Although it is impossible to eliminate all toxin exposure, it is important to minimize it so that our bodies can handle the residual load. For example, limit your exposure to LED Blue wavelength light from computer, tablet, and TV screens, and LED light bulbs, especially at night, which will interfere with your melatonin release, and, consequently your sleep. Use glass containers instead of plastic containers (which contain plastic micro-particles). Avoid inhaling smoke and fumes from gasoline, paint, glue and cleaners. Eat locally grown organic foods in order to avoid pesticides in your food. Avoid eating GMOs—especially corn, including high fructose corn syrup. Avoid using artificial sweeteners. And, avoid using toxic house products, cosmetics, and grooming chemicals.
- Avoid the following 3 types of PLASTICS:
- a) Number 7 plastic is polycarbonate. BPA is its basic building block. BPA is a hormone disrupter with strong estrogen effects. It also disrupts pancreatic cell function and leads to insulin resistance. It can be found in the lining of some single-use metal food and beverage containers, some reusable sports bottles, in single use microwave food containers, and was found in most plastic baby bottles. Heat and sunlight break down the plastic releasing BPA. {Welshons WV, et. al., “Large Effects from Small Exposures: mechanisms for endocrine-disrupting chemicals with estrogenic activity,” Environmental Health Perspective, 2003; 111(8):994-1006; and, Ho SM, et. al. “Developmental exposure to estradiol and bisphenol A increases susceptibility to prostate carcinogenesis and epigenetically regulates phosphodiesterase Type 4 variant 4”, Cancer Research, 2006; 66(11):5624-32.}
- b) Number 6 plastic is polystyrene. It is found in foam containers and clear disposable take out containers. It leaches styrene, a suspected human carcinogen. Foods with a high fat and alcohol content will leach out more of the toxin.
- c) Number 3 plastic has polyvinylchloride (PVC). It’s found in plastic food wrapping and cooking oil bottles. PVC commonly uses phthalates as a plasticizer in order to make the plastic soft and flexible. Unfortunately, it easily leaches out and acts as endocrine disrupters. They target the steroid hormone synthesis pathway and disrupt male sexual differentiation. Phthalates cause broad health effects, birth defects in baby boys, reproductive problems in men, thyroid and immune system disruption. REMEMBER: even though a plastic container may be labeled “microwave safe”, microwaves release plasticizers from the containers into your food. Instead, use plastic containers that have the numbers 1, 2, 4 and 5. NOTE: By eating clean food and avoiding phthalates, urine levels will diminish after 3 days.
Therefore, Consider using stainless steel and glass containers for cooking and for storing food.
As reported in the news magazine The WEEK, November 9, 2018, {}, “examining 39 brands of salt from 21 countries including the U.S., researchers found that 90% of the samples contained microplastics—defined as pieces less than 5 mm in size—with sea salt being the most contaminated, followed by lake salt and then rock salt. Plastic levels were highest in samples from Asia, a hot spot for plastic pollution; salt sold in Indonesia was the most polluted. Sea salt is a good indicator of the magnitude of microplastic pollution in the surrounding marine environment. The study estimates that the average adult consumes 2,000 pieces of microplastic every year from salt. In a separate study in Austria, researchers took stool samples from eight individuals in Europe, Japan, and Russia; all tested positive for microplastics. Plastic particles in the gut can affect the digestive system’s immune response, and aid in the transmission of toxic chemicals and pathogens.”
As reported in the magazine The WEEK, 16 November 2018, “Prenatal exposure to a type of chemical found in floor tiles, food packaging, shampoos, and cosmetics could cause language delays in young children, new research suggests. Scientists have long been concerned that phthalates, which make plastics more flexible and long-lasting, can affect the development of children’s brains. The new study—a collaboration between teams in Sweden and the U.S.–looked specifically at their impact on early speech development, reports The Philadelphia Inquirer. Researchers tested urine samples from about 1,365 pregnant women, all in their first trimester, for phthalates. When the women’s children were between 30 and 37 months old, the researchers asked the mothers how many words their offspring used. They found that the children of women who had higher phthalate levels during pregnancy were more likely to suffer from a language delay, knowing fewer than 50 words. One of the study’s authors, Shanna Swan from Icahn School of Medicine in New York, advises pregnant women to try to reduce their exposure to phthalates by using scent-free personal-care products and phthalate-free nail polish. But she acknowledges that the chemicals are ‘hard to avoid,’ because they are ‘hidden in many household products, like vinyl floor covering and upholstery.’”
Also, the sheer volume of disposable plastic is clogging our oceans and landfill sites. Our waste plastic pollution is threatening the life forms in our oceans. We need to change our habits! “The effect of discarded plastic bags on marine life can be staggering. When they are dropped as litter or blow off garbage piles, tey often wind up in storm drains or waterways. The bags then flow to the ocean, where sea creatures like turtles mistake them for jellyfish or some other food. Just consider the beached whale that washed up in the Philippines in March 2019 with 88 pounds of plastic in its gizzard. With humans dumping up to 13 million metric tons of plastic waste into the world’s oceans annually, how many other sea creatures are we needlessly killing?” {From The Week, 4/12/19}
Here are some suggestions for reducing our plastic consumption: 1) Carry a reusable cloth bag. 2) Use plastic-free containers, such as glass or metal jars. 3) Pack a travel kit with bamboo cutlery, non-plastic food tray, straw, and water bottle. 4) Buy in bulk, to minimize packaging. 5) Consider purchasing second-hand items to avoid buying “new plastic”. 6) Recycle your plastic. 7) Wear natural clothes, and avoid synthetic fibers. 8) Make your own toiletries. 9) Do without products using plastic.
- AVOID TOXIC HEAVY METALS: There is an hypothesis that neurological conditions such as autism, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and other degenerative diseases of the brain are aggravated by mercury toxicity (found in deep sea fish like tuna, and in thimerosol, (which was formerly, but is NO LONGER, used in vaccinations as a preservative), dental amalgams and contaminated supplements. Mercury depletes mitochondrial glutathione {our primary anti-oxidant} by 50% and poisons the cardiovascular system. Symptoms of mercury poisoning include: tremors, insomnia, memory loss, neuromuscular effects, headaches, cognitive and motor dysfunctions.
A protocol has been developed by Dietrich Klinghardt, MD. He first recommends avoiding allergens and toxic foods in the diet such as gluten, dairy, and processed foods. Then, he adds sublingual vitamin B12 and folate to restore methylation which protects cells from toxins, including mercury. Most people’s immune systems can detoxify some mercury. However, 20% of the population have a genetic methylation defect which compromises their ability to detoxify mercury. He also recommends supplements to restore cellular metabolism {discussed in the book “The Puzzle of Autism” by Dr. Amy Yasko}. Finally, he adds transdermal-2,3-dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid (TD-DMPS) to chelate and eliminate mercury and lead from the central nervous system. {NOTE: if using TD-DMPS, take a balanced mineral supplement to replenish nutritional metals like zinc, copper, and molybdenum. It can be obtained from College Pharmacy at 866-828-8203.} Another approach is to use ZEOLITE (see below).
- AVOID INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES AND HERBICIDES: Pesticides pervade our lives. They are associated with birth defects, cancers, neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s Disease and Multiple Sclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, and thyroid diseases. Unfortunately, pesticides are pervasive within our foods. NOTE, anything put onto the skin is absorbed even better than when eaten. Thus, avoid direct skin contact (and inhalation) with pesticides. For example: 1) Gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (Lindane) is a pesticide which is a carcinogen. An oral ingestion study demonstrated it was a liver carcinogen. An inhaled long term exposure study showed it was associated with effects on the liver, blood, nervous system, cardiovascular and immune systems {EPA Hazard Summary, Apr 1992, revised Jan 2000.} 2) The following are known endocrine disruptors: polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs); polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phenol derivatives, organochlorine insecticides– like endosufan and DDT, the herbicide atrazine, and the fungicide vinclozolin. According to The Week, 4/12/19: “About 70 percent of U.S. Produce has pesticide residue even after being washed, a new study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) found. Strawberries, spinach, and kale had the highest levels of pesticides, the advocacy group said.”
- AVOID TOXIC HOUSE PRODUCTS: Examples include: 1) trichloroethylene, used in dry cleaning, is associated with cancers of the kidney, liver, lymphatic systems and the cervix {EPA Hazard Summary, Ap 1992, revised Jan 2000.} 2) Perfluoroctanoic acid (PFOA) is used for coating house materials (to provide water and oil resistance) such as with: carpeting, carpet care liquids, upholstery, apparels, textiles, wax and wax remover, sealants, dental floss, food contact paper, and cookwares. It is an endocrine disruptor. According to a 2009 study, it is associated with infertility: increasing the time to get pregnant, decreasing semen quality, affecting breast maturation in young girls, and with the late onset puberty. It also alters thyroid hormone levels. Thus, choose house building materials wisely:
MAKE YOUR OWN BODY PRODUCTS: Use essential oils (eg. Lemon oil or orange oil) along with coconut, shea or jojoba oils.
MAKE YOUR OWN HOUSE CLEANSERS: use essential oils, lemon juice, and vinegar. Also, bleach is great to destroy viruses.
- DECREASE OR ELIMINATE DRINKING Ethyl ALCOHOL– (Especially Women). Research shows that drinking, binge drinking, and extreme binge drinking by women are all increasing. While alcohol misuse by anyone presents serious public health concerns, women who drink have a higher risk of certain alcohol-related problems compared to men. Women should be aware of these health risks and make informed decisions about alcohol use. In the United States, a standard drink is one that contains about 14 grams (0.6 fluid ounces) of “pure” alcohol. The percent of pure alcohol varies within and across beverage types: for example: 2 ounces of beer with about 5 percent alcohol content; 5 ounces of wine with about 12 percent alcohol content; and, 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits with about 40 percent alcohol content. Although the standard drink amounts are helpful for following health guidelines, they may not reflect customary serving sizes. A large cup of beer, an over-poured glass of wine, or a single mixed drink could contain much more alcohol than a “standard drink”.
According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which are intended to help individuals improve and maintain overall health and reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, moderate alcohol consumption is up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men. Studies show that women start to have alcohol-related problems sooner and at lower drinking levels than men and for multiple reasons. On average, women weigh less than men. Also, alcohol resides predominantly in body water, and pound for pound, women have less water in their bodies than men: less lean body mass and more fat mass. This means that after a woman and a man of the same weight drink the same amount of alcohol, the woman’s blood alcohol concentration (“BAC”, the amount of alcohol in the blood) will tend to be higher, putting her at greater risk for harm.
Women are more susceptible to alcohol-related heart disease than men, even though they may consume less alcohol over their lifetime than men. Research suggests that alcohol misuse produces brain damage more quickly in women than in men. In addition, because alcohol can disrupt the development of the brain during the adolescent years, teen girls who drink may be more vulnerable to brain damage than teen boys who drink. Women also may be more susceptible than men to alcohol-related blackouts, defined as periods of memory loss of events during intoxication without loss of consciousness.
Drinking alcohol is an independent risk factor for developing cancers. Regular alcohol use increases Estrone. There is an association between drinking alcohol and developing breast cancer. Depending on the study: women who consume about one drink per day have a 5–9 percent higher chance of developing breast cancer than women who do not drink at all. That risk increases for every additional drink they have per day. Also reported, women who drink more than 3 alcoholic drinks per week increase their risk for breast cancer by 20% to 70%. {Smith-Warner SA, et. al., “Alcohol and Breast Cancer in Women: a pooled analysis of cohort studies, JAMA, 1998; 279:535-540; Hamajima N, et. al., “Alcohol, Tobacco, and Breast Cancer—collaborative reanalysis of individual data from 53 epidemiological studies, including 58,515 women with breast cancer and 95,067 women without disease,” Br J Cancer, 2002; 87:1234-45; Nielsen NR, et. al., Int J Cancer, 2008 Mar 1; 122(5):1109-13.} Especially note: any drinking during pregnancy can be harmful. A woman who drinks during pregnancy puts her fetus at risk for physical, cognitive, and/or behavioral problems.
According to the National Cancer Institute (in their online publication, updated 1/9/2019), globally there are more than 5 billion cell phone users. The number of cell phone calls per day, the length of each call, and the amount of time people use cell phones has dramatically increased. Many people are concerned that cell phones will cause cancer and other serious health problems. Cell phones emit low levels of radio-frequency energy/radiation (RF). Hundreds of studies in the U.S. and in Europe have failed to show an association between exposure to RF energy and health problems. Low frequency RF energy is non-ionizing radiation, like sunlight and microwaves. In contrast, high frequency ionizing radiation, like X-rays and Gamma rays, strip electrons away from atoms and can damage biological tissues, including DNA. RF energy is not sufficient to ionize atoms. Large amounts of RF energy can create heat and cause tissue damage, especially to the eyes and the testes {because low blood flow to these areas doesn’t carry away excessive heat}. However, the quantity of RF energy from cell phones does NOT create sufficient heat to raise body temperature and to be problematic.
Analyzing sources of funding behind 49 cell phone and human health studies published in the past 10 years saw no apparent link between the source of funding and the direction of the conclusions: the use of cell phones is not associated with increased risk of brain tumors in humans. A cohort study, conducted in Denmark, evaluating 358,000 cell phone users with brain tumors, demonstrated no association between cell phone use and the incidence of gliomas, meningiomas, or acoustic neuromas, even among people using cell phones for over 13 years. The “Million Women” prospective cohort study, conducted in the United Kingdom evaluated self-reported cell phone use and found no increased risk of gliomas, meningiomas nor other CNS tumors. The largest case-control study of cell phone use, “The Interphone Study”, conducted by a consortium of 13 countries showed no statistically significant increase in CNS cancers related to cell phone use. Although cell phone use has dramatically increased, the overall incidence of brain tumors has been stable-unchanged.
There have been a few studies, which get great fear-mongering press attention, showing some evidence of a statistical association between cell phone use and brain tumors. Reasons for these discrepancies include: recall bias, participation bias, inaccurate reporting, changing technology and methods of use. Older cell phones used analog technology, while todays cell phones use digital technology which operate at a lower power level. And, texting and hands-free technology reduce the distance of the cell phone from the body, which diminishes RF exposure. There are theoretical concerns regarding children because their heads are smaller, the thickness of their craniums is thinner, and they have the potential of accumulating more years of cell phone exposure than adults. There are several studies under way to evaluate these concerns. Thus far, data does not support these theoretical concerns. A case controlled study called CEFALO, conducted in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland, evaluating children 7 to 19 years old, between 2004 and 2008, found no association between cell phone use and brain tumor risk either by time since initiation of use, amount of use, or by the location of the brain tumor. In February 2018 the FDA and Federal Communications Commission (who share responsibility for regulating cell phone technologies) issued a statement: “we believe the current safety limits for cell phones are acceptable for protecting the public health.”
Studies are on-going. Although fears remain that there is an association between cell phone use and fatigue, headaches, decreased concentration, increased heart rate and increased blood pressure, decreased quality and function of sperm, and decreased melatonin production, there are many other potential causes. However, in order to reduce your fears, consider: 1) reserving the use of cell phones for shorter conversations and for when landline phones are not available; 2) use hands-free technology, such as wired headsets or ear pieces, which place more distance between the phone and your head; 3) don’t sleep with your cell phone next to your pillow; and, 4) DON’T TEXT WHILE DRIVING. {Also, reference an article in VOX, by Julia Belluz, edited by Eliza Barclay, “A comprehensive guide to the messy, frustrating science of cellphones and health”, 11/2/2018.}
- BLUE (LED) LIGHT PROTECTION: {According to a presentation by Dave Asprey called: “A Systems Approach to Metabolic Aging Through the Eyes,” at the A4M International Congress in Las Vegas, 15 Dec 2018:} Like food, light can be both a both a nutrient and a drug. Light exposure changes our biology and affects our cognitive function. The dominant light spectrum in LED lights is blue. “The blue spectrum of light is like the high-fructose corn syrup of vision.” Exposure to blue light disturbs sleep, increases insulin resistance, increases body fat weight, and increases the incidence of CVD and strokes. Since 1997, LEDs have economically replaced most incandescent light bulbs, and they dominate TV, tablet and computer screens and cell phone screens. Blue light hurts the eyes, slows mitochondrial function and decreases sleep quality. Blue light adversely affects the circadian rhythms, reduces melatonin release, decreases mitochondrial growth, increases depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD), increases cancer risks, and increases anxiety. The main effect of blue light is upon the mitochondria. It produces aging: increasing free radicals and damaging mitochondrial DNA. It also causes the retinal ganglion cells melanopsin receptors to self-destruct—resulting in an increase in macular degeneration.
The red spectrum of light upgrade brain functions, energizes cells, and slows aging. Red lights also help to quickly resolve jet lag. Mr. Asprey advise everyone to wear orange colored glasses indoors to block out excessive blue light exposure. It will decrease eye stress, increase energy, improve blood sugar regulation, and improve sleep. Use red light bulbs after sunset, especially if you need to be up and functioning late at night, in order to protect your eyes, and help you to eventually sleep. Also, use red light strips or a red light bulb in your office to improve the ratio of blue to red light wavelengths. You will notice a decrease in your pain and inflammation, improved collagen density in your skin with decreased skin roughness, a reversal of photo-aging of your skin, increased nitric oxide production, and a rescue of neurons from apoptosis. {Additionally, supplementing with bilberry extract, lutein, and astaxanthin in Krill Oil can also help to protect your eyes.}
- DRINK PLENTY OF CLEAN WATER. A good rule-of-thumb: divide your weight in half and drink that amount of water in ounces each day. {Also, consider adding a pinch of sea salt to each glass to help transport the water better into your cells.} Volvic water from France and Fiji water are good choices. Also, “Mountain Valley Spring Water” which comes in glass bottles, is a good choice. Or, consider drinking non-distilled, pure filtered water. Our tap water is treated with chlorine which can cause cancer causing hypochlorites, which can also displace iodine, which can result in hypothyroidism.
STRUCTURED WATER: structure determines function. For example, crystalline silicone dioxide is quartz versus amorphous SiO2 is glass; and, the difference between a diamond, graphite and coal is the structure of carbon. Consuming structured water helps to enhances detoxification. For example, sunlight creates structured water which holds energy through charge separation. Thus, in addition to trapping energy from sunlight by photosynthesis, sunlight can directly give the body energy by structuring water. Approximately 70% of the human body is water: For example, the brain is 70% water, lungs 90%, blood 82%, skin 80%, muscle 75%, bones 22%. The water inside of a cell is in the state of a gel. Functioning molecules are suspended in this gel. Prayer, sunlight and the music of Mozart all can help to enhance the organized structure of water for optimal health. Using a spinner to create vortex (structured) water can also be beneficial. {Ling, Gilbert Ning, “The Physical State of Water in Living Cell and Model Systems,” 2006, Dec 16, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences; 125(2):401-417; Das, Ronnie; Pollack, Gerald H., “Charge Based Forces at the Nafion-Water Interface,” 2013, Feb 26; Longmuir; 29(8):2651-2658; Pollack, Gerald H.; 2001, “Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life: a new unifying approach to cell function”; Seattle: Ebner & Sons; Matveev, VV, “Native Aggregation As a Cause of Origin of Temporary Cellular Structures Needed For all Forms of Cellular Activity, Signaling and Transformations”, 2010 June; Theoretical Biology and Medical Modeling; 7:19; Jaeken, Laurent and Matveev, Vladimir, “Coherent Behavior and the Bound State of Water and K+ Imply Another Model of Bioenergetics: negative entropy instead of high energy bonds”, 2012 Sept; (PDF) The Open Biochemistry Journal; 6:139-159; Shimokawa, Shigezo, et. al., Japan Society of Applied Physics, 2007 Jan 10; “Effects of Sunlight on Liquid Structure of Water”, 46(1).} Glacier melt and waters with volcanic ash in them are rich in colloidal minerals (held in suspension—the gel state and not dissolved). Flowing rivers, especially with water falls, create vortices which create structure water which locks in colloidal minerals which provide for regenerative nutrition for plants, and, then subsequently, for animals. MRI studies have demonstrated that chronic diseases have a chaotic water structure. And, they also have demonstrated that eating a good diet can re-order water structure and reverse tissue aging.
DON’T DRINK alkaline ionized water on a regular basis. Tap water, distilled water, bottled water are all acidic. Several poor studies, using an ionizing filtration system (such as obtained from, which produces Japanese “Kangen water”, (which can also be purchased at a Whole Foods grocery store), have stated that it is beneficial for reducing inflammation because, reportedly it scavenges free radicals and acts as an antioxidant. HOWEVER, it is neutralized by the hydrochloric acid in the stomach and it will also dilute the stomach acid. Reducing stomach acid can be detrimental with long-term usage, because it will impair digestion and nutrient absorption.
Home ozone water purification machines are available. A cost effective machine from Longevity Resources of British Columbia can be obtained by calling 877-543-3398 for information. Ozone can eliminate infectious agents and oxidize organic chemicals in the water. It won’t remove fluoride nor heavy metals from the water. You would need distillation or reverse osmosis to do that. Also, alkaline water plus hydrogen rich water reportedly can be beneficial. A Q-plate Vesta H2 Water Ionizer can be obtained from for about $3000.
AVOID plastic bottle storage. Dehydration increases the body’s acidity (which is problematic). Therefore, consider keeping well hydrated by making and drinking “Adrenal-Aid”: mix 100 to 120 ounces of pure structured water with a pinch of Pink Salt (to taste), 3 tablespoons of lemon juice or raw apple cider vinegar, and raw honey (to taste) and sip it throughout the day. You can test your morning urine with a digital pH meter: desired goal is a pH >6.7 to detoxify. If your pH measures <6.7, then you need to actively detoxify your body.
- So-called, “Alkalinizing” the body may help to promote detoxification. So-called “alkalinizing” the body helps to reduce inflammation. A) It IS a good idea to limit eating a lot of animal food products: meat, fish, dairy; and, also, to limit coffee, tea, and wheat flour (but not because these are all ostensibly “acidifying”). All alcoholic beverages are also supposedly “acidifying”. B) Using so-called “alkaline foods” are a good idea. It IS important to increase the quantity of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes in your diet (but not because they are ostensibly “alkalinizing”). When digested, all citrus, berries, apples and melons are so-called “alkaline”. Seaweeds and sea salt are also ostensibly “alkalinizing”. Fermented soy products such as tofu and tempeh are also ostensibly “alkalinizing”, as are spices such as chili, cinnamon, curry and ginger.
The systemic acid-base balance, the pH is closely maintained– (7.35-7.45)– through a combination of both intracellular and extracellular buffering and by regulatory mechanisms in the lungs and kidneys. Maintenance of pH is crucial for proper functioning of cellular mechanisms and the normal functioning of all enzymes. Necessary adjustments of pH occur through control of arterial carbon dioxide levels (pCO2—which is acidic and mediated by the central nervous system and the respiratory system) and the plasma bicarbonate level (HCO3—which is basic and mediated by the kidneys.) Under most circumstances, carbon dioxide production and ventilation are matched, and a steady state carbon dioxide level of about 40 mmHg is maintained. The kidneys regulate plasma bicarbonate levels through reabsorption of filtered bicarbonate, formation of titratable acid, and excretion of nitrogen ions (NH4) in the urine. Thus, serum pH is tightly controlled, and deviations are a result of disease processes. ***THUS, It is a MISCONCEPTION that eating so-called “alkaline” and “acidic” foods, and drinking “alkaline” water will significantly affect the serum pH (acid-base balance). While so-called “alkaline” fruits and veggies DO have health benefits, it isn’t because they affect the serum pH.
CONSIDER: doing a 7 day “veggie cleanse” seasonally . The more “raw vegetables and fruits” the better. Minimize canned, boxed, processed, refined, over cooked and microwaved foods. AVOID all meat, fish, dairy, eggs, sugar, alcohol, sodas, coffee and tea. Get family support and participation. Drink lots of plain water. Make a 7-day meal plan and prepare several recipes in advance and rotate eating them. Consider snacking with a small quantity of HEALTHY FATS such as nuts, coconut mana, and avocados between meals and at bedtime in order to avoid hunger.
- EAT LOCAL ORGANIC FOODS: Organic foods have 40% more nutrients and 30% more antioxidants than cheaper produce. Choosing foods from Farmer’s Markets that are grown locally is important for your overall health and well-being. Choose your fish wisely: avoid fish from Alaska and the Pacific ocean because of the Fukishima melt-down radiation; and, limit king makerel, tilefish, swordfish and sharks because of heavy metal concentrations. It is OK to eat flounder, wild salmon, sardines, herring and catfish. And, READ Food Labels.
- A) GROUNDING or “Earthing” is the direct barefoot contact with the surface of the Earth which promotes electron balance in the body and improves health and reduces inflammation. Normal metabolism creates free radicals. Go outdoors at least twice per day for at least 5 minutes: although, if you are unhealthy, 20 to 40 minutes a day may be needed to restore your energetic balance because chronic conditions require a longer contact. Put your feet directly on the earth. Walking on the grass, sand, dirt or concrete barefooted or with conductive foot wear such as cotton socks, nylons and leather shoes directly connects us to the Earth and discharges accumulated energies, which left alone can precipitate disease states. Rubber and plastic soles are non-conductive and literally keep one from synchronizing and harmonizing the energies.Grounding pads and sheets can also be purchased to be used during sleep. {Reference the book: “Earthing: the most important health discovery ever?” or} Grounding reduces inflammation, blood viscosity, pain and stress. The nervous system and skin conductance is altered within 2 seconds of grounding your feet into the soil. {Oschman JL, et. al., “The Effects of Grounding (Earthing) on Inflammation, the Immune Response, Wound Healing and Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory and Autoimmune Diseases,” J Inflamm Res, 2015 Mar 24; 8:83-96.}
- B) FOREST BATHING: “Connection to Nature increases our general sense of well-being and bolsters our immunity, so we’re not as susceptible to getting sick. Phytoncides are produced to help plants and trees protect themselves from harmful insects and germs; in the process, they help us in similar ways. Negative ions are tiny molecules produced in nature that offer mood-enhancing benefits. When we “forest bathe”–spend time sitting and walking in natural environments—we breathe in phytoncides, negative ions, and soil bacteria; together they provide health benefits. Walking in the woods even once a month boosts immunity.
Trees emit phytoncides, basically plant essential oils, to protect themselves. We’ve evolved alongside trees, so what protects them will also protect us. Alpha-pinene and beta-pinene are two phytoncides found in the forest—released from trees when the temperature rises above 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Inhaling these fragrances lowers blood pressure and increases our sense of comfort and being at ease. Phytoncides also increase our bodies’ natural killer cell activity, which is part of the immune system’s way of fighting off cancer. The immune boost from just 15 minutes in the forest lasts up to 30 days, suggesting that a forest bath once a month is enough to sustain higher levels of immunity.
Negative ions are invisible molecules found in the forest, the mountains, and near water, such as oceans and waterfalls. When you visit these places, you absorb the negative ions into your bloodstream, which produces a biochemical reaction that boosts production of serotonin, the neurotransmitter that’s responsible for alleviating depression and relieving stress. The negatively ionized air promotes alpha brain waves and increases brain wave amplitude, creating an overall clear and calming effect.
Additionally, direct contact with Mother Earth provides adsorption of trillions of soil based organisms who are “old friends” to our skin and our gut which help to keep us healthy. A cure to distress can be found in a handful of forest soil. Exposure to the soil bacteria Mycobacterium vaccae can improve our immune health and emotional health by acting as a natural antidepressant that increases the release and metabolism of serotonin in parts of the brain that control cognitive function.” {Extracted from an article: “The Healing Magic of Forest Bathing” by Julia Plevin found in the magazine Spirituality and Health, March/April 2019.}
- C) The electromagetic beat (frequency) of the Earth is synchronized with the human heart and brain. These Schumann waves have a 7.83 Hertz frequency. Astronauts in space required a Schumann wave generator in order to stay healthy. Without experiencing the 7.83 Hz frequency, human health declines. {Wever, R., “The Effects of Electronic Fields on Circadian Rhythmicity in Men,” Life Sci Space Research, 1970; 8(1):77-87.}
- Focus on your BREATHING and RELAXING: take 25 slow, counted breaths three times per day. Un-commit your time schedule. Soak for 15 to 20 minutes in a tub of hot water with 5-6 cups of Epsom salts (Also, add several drops of Lavender essential oil to promote relaxation.) Pamper yourself and put yourself first for at least ½ hour per day.
- BREATHE CLEAN AIR: Each year millions of tons of toxic pollutants are released into the air predominantly from factories, automotive cars and trucks, forest fires, and accidental releases. {} Go for a walk in a forest or along the ocean shore to breathe in refreshing clean air and healthful negative ions. The best way to clean the air in your home or office is to fill your space with PLANTS Palms. You can also use HEPA and UV filters. Using an oxygen concentrator, especially when exercising, can be beneficial. A “Platinum 10 O2 Concentrator” can be obtained for about $1000 from PowerMed Regenerative Lifestyles. It helps to reduce reactive oxygen species which can damage body tissues.
- BOWEL HEALTH: Promote REGULAR BOWEL MOVEMENTS. Our gastrocolic reflex programs the bowels to contract after eating. A healthy bowel moves 3 times per day after meals. Constipation lowers the production of B-vitamins and serotonin; lowers the metabolism of hormones; and, encourages the reabsorption of toxins which were meant to be eliminated from the body. Bowel organisms such as Candida and Mycoplasma can impair absorption of nutrients and cause an acidic environment. It is VERY IMPORTANT to increase plain water intake. Correct thyroid insufficiency. Consider re-training the bowel to contract after eating: A) Increase dietary fiber and fiber supplementation such as using Metamucil (psyllium fiber)– 2 Tbs in 8 oz water once or twice per day. B) Vitamin C >6 gm daily, along with magnesium oxide or citrate, can be very beneficial. C) Add Senna or an herbal formula such as “CleanseMore” once or twice per day to stimulate peristalsis. D) Add probiotics 15 to 30 billion count capsules with each meal. Also, add soil-based organisms eg. “Megasporebiotics”– 2 capsules daily. Continue this regimen for a month and then use it as needed.
Consider using BENTONITE (a clay slurry) which helps adsorb and remove toxins from the intestines.
Consider using ACTIVATED CHARCOAL. The preferred source of activated charcoal is heated coconut shells, although other organic materials such as wood, peat or coal can be heated then powdered and turned into capsules or tablets. 1 gram of charcoal has a surface area equivalent to a football field. Thus, a small amount is able to adsorb (condense and bind) a large amount of toxins to excrete them through the stool. Charcoal has been used to adsorb ingested poisons and drug overdoses. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work with every toxin. BE AWARE: charcoal not only removes toxins, it can also remove important nutrients, so don’t use it every day. Don’t take it within 2 hours of eating nor at the same time that you take supplements or any prescription medications. Drink a lot of water after taking charcoal to help flush out the toxins. It can also be useful for helping to relieve intestinal gas and indigestion.
ZEOLITE is a volcanic mineral with a honeycomb crystalline structure which can detoxify and strengthen the immune system. The chambers within the honeycomb structure are negatively charged which attracts positively charged toxins like lead, mercury and nitrosamines. Once bound, the body can then excrete the heavy metals and toxins. Zeolite also helps to “alkalinize the body”. Alkalinizing minerals like calcium, potassium and magnesium are within the zeolite crystal structure. Heavy metals impair kidney function. Thus, zeolite helps to bind and rid the body of toxins and consequently helps to improve kidney function and balance the body’s acid/base pH. Zeolite also helps to increase T-cell activity and to increase the number of macrophages. Zeolite can support intestinal wall integrity and decrease excessive “leaky gut” permeability. Because heavy metals like mercury can result in depression, excessive anger, and problems with anxiety, zeolite detoxification can support positive moods. And, zeolites have a powerful antimicrobial activity. It has been used to treat urinary tract infections and dental plaques. It can also adsorb viral particles within its crystalline cages. Treating patients with cancer daily for one month with zeolite can help to restore their immune systems. You need to supplement with a high quality source product that has been properly cleansed and sized for optimal adsorption. A good product is available from Touchstone Essentials and also from MDPrescriptives.
If there is poor improvement, consider heavy metal toxicity, and measure serum levels. THEN, Consider ORAL CHELATION for heavy metals, including mercury, using a humic and fulvic acid complex, for example: 1 capsule twice daily for 5 days per week– (“Metal Magnet” If acutely toxic, then intravenous chelation therapy is indicated. ALSO, Consider removing any mercury amalgam fillings and replacing them with non-toxic substitutes.
- ENHANCE YOUR NATURAL LIVER DETOXIFICATION SYSTEM: A key function of the liver is the conversion of lipid soluble metabolites and toxins into water soluble products that can be eliminated largely by the kidneys. Phase one detoxification is mainly controlled by the P450 enzyme system. Phase two detoxification is largely managed by the processes of methylation and by donating sulfur groups, followed by elimination of these complexes by the kidneys and the colon. Thus, to enhance the substrates used for these processes consider supplementing with water soluble vitamin C, and lipid soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Also, consider taking n-acetyl cysteine (NAC). AND, eat cruciferous veggies and garlic for their high sulfur content. And, be aware that Vitamin B12 (in the form of methyl-cobalamin) is a great source for methylation.
- SKIN ELIMINATION OF TOXINS: EXERCISING and vigorous physical activity is a great way to promote perspiration and elimination of toxins from your body. Enjoy a SAUNA: you can help to flush toxins from your system through your skin by perspiration. Especially, exercising followed by a sauna is also very relaxing and helpful.
- Detoxify by consuming CHLOROPHYLLIN. It is a water-soluble form of chlorophyll which binds to many chemicals, allowing the body to safely eliminate them. It helps to neutralize major oxygen species and acts to protect mitochondria against oxidative damage by free radicals. It can help prevent the development of hepatocellular carcinoma and other environmentally induced cancers. It protects against breast, pancreatic and colon cancers. A mycotoxin produced by molds, aflatoxin, is a carcinogen and associated with lung cancer and gall bladder cancer. Chlorophyllin binds to the carcinogenic byproducts of aflatoxin metabolism decreasing bioavailability of these cancer producing chemicals. Taking 100 mg of chlorophyllin with the heaviest meal of the day can help reduce dietary and environmental toxins. A proprietary brand is available from for about $24 for a bottle of 100 capsules.
Here is a recipe for a tasty “GREEN DRINK”: Mix in a food processor: 2 peeled cucumbers, 2-3 large leaves of kale, 4-5 large lettuce leave (preferably not ice berg lettuce), 2 cups of spinach, ½ cup of parsley, a handful of cilantro, ½ cup of beets, ½ jalapeno without the seeds, 2 to 3 celery stalks, a handful of swiss chard or dandelion greens, 2 carrots, 2 green apples, 2 whole lemons or limes freshly squeezed, and 1 cup of coconut water. Enjoy!
- A) ***TIME RESTRICTED FASTING***–eating ad libitum within a specified time frame, during daylight hours or for 7 or 8 hours/day resulting in a 13 to 16 hour fast. This is the easiest way to incorporate fasting within most people’s life-style. It is most useful for managing and maintaining weight loss. It is easy to adapt, minimally disruptive, but relies upon a regular eating schedule. {Owen E, et. al., Adv Exp Med Biol; 1979;111:169-88; Kerndt PR, et. al., West J Med; 1982;137:379-399}.
Align yourself with your natural circadian rhythms: We are meant to eat during the day and to fast at night. If we eat later at night: our cortisol response becomes flattened, our glucose tolerance decreases, and we experience changes in our body temperature rhythm. There is increased lipid catabolism and increased leptin secretion: Leptin is a hormone predominantly made in adipose cells that also helps to regulate energy balance. It inhibits the experience of hunger. (The actions of leptin are opposed in balance by the actions of the hormone ghrelin, the so-called “hunger hormone”.) In people who are obese, there is a decreased receptor sensitivity to leptin which results in an inability to detect satiety despite high energy stores and high levels of leptin. Additionally, when eating after sundown, there is increased oxidative metabolism in the muscles; increased gluconeogenesis, mitochondrial biogenesis, and glycolysis in the liver; and, increased glucagon secretion by the pancreas. The body is trying to produce and store-up energy, and enhance energy utilization efficiency when food sources aren’t available. It is a time for enhancing repair mechanisms and clean-up.
When we eat during the day: our fat cells increase lipogenesis and adiponectin production: {Adiponectin is a protein hormone that modulates several metabolic processes, including glucose regulation and fatty acid oxidation. Adiponectin is secreted from adipose tissue. It helps with energy metabolism and with weight loss, and it is decreased in people who are obese. It triggers insulin receptors to work more effectively.} Our muscles increase fatty acid uptake and glycolytic metabolism; our liver increases glycogen synthesis, decreases cholesterol synthesis, and increases bile acid synthesis; and, our pancreas increases insulin secretion. Our bodies are primed to effectively use energy for exertional and metabolic work. Do a 24 hour to 36 hour fast weekly. Fasting causes the body to support the healthiest cells and triggers programmed cell death (apoptosis) in older cells and abnormal cells like cancer cells. Thus, regular fasting is a way to flush-out older and less vigorous cells thereby optimizing the body’s healthiest cells.
“Fasting triggers a dramatic switch in the body’s metabolism, according to a paper Mattson and colleagues published in February (2018) in the experimental biology journal FASEB. In humans, fasting for 12 hours or more drops the levels of glycogen, a form of the cellular fuel glucose. Like changing to a backup gas tank, the body switches from glucose to fatty acids, a more efficient fuel. The switch generates the production of ketones, which are energy molecules that are made in the liver. ‘When the fats are mobilized and used to produce ketones, we think that is a key factor in accruing the health benefits,’ says Mattson.
One type of ketone flooding the brain is beta-hydroxybutyrate, or BHB. According to a paper published in February (2018) in Nature Reviews Neuroscience, BHB stimulates memory, learning and the cellular housekeeping process of autophagy in mice. BHB also triggers neurons, including those in the hippocampus, a memory center in the brain, to release what’s called brain-derived neurotropic factor, or BDNF, a protein that is important for learning, memory and improved mood. Calorie Restriction doesn’t generate these levels of ketones because glucose stores are never empty.
Mattson points out that, from an evolutionary perspective, the brain power that fasting generates makes sense. Mammals typically go days without food, often hunting on an empty belly. Semi-starved animals with enhanced smarts and energy would be more likely to obtain food and live another day. ‘If you are that wolf or lion, now a week with no food, you better be able to focus your mind and concentrate on what you need to do to get food,’ he says.
Ketones might also help explain several mysteries surrounding brain injuries and disorders. For instance, fasting rodents recover more fully from brain trauma and spinal cord injury, according to several studies.” {pp. 34-35, Discover Magazine, Oct 2018.}
- B) ***INTERMITTENT SHORT-TERM FASTING***: stimulates the body’s protection and rejuvenation modes. My preference is a 3-Day Water-Only Fast done 2 to 3 times per year. There are tremendous health benefits to intermittent short-term fasting: it increases insulin sensitivity, increases PGC1 alpha activity {which is involved in mitochondrial biogenesis, improved thyroid hormone receptor functioning, increased neurotransmitter functioning, and decreasing oxidative stress}, reduces inflammation, and oxidative stress, reduces excess fluids, improves adaptive responses and improves cognition, decreases neuro-degeneration, stimulates human growth hormone (HGH), stimulates brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), enhances weight loss, improves blood pressure and resting heart rate, and provides cancer protection. In a study of normal men who fasted, their HGH levels increased by 5-fold. They also had an increase in lean muscle mass and bone mass. (A low level of HGH causes increased body fat, decreased lean mass and osteopenia.) {Hartman M., et. al., J Clin Endocrinol Metab; 1992:74(4):757-65} And, their BDNF levels improved with improved cognitive functioning; they had improved brain signaling, regulation of appetite, and improved peripheral glucose metabolism; and, they had improved vagal control for their cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems. Potential down-sides: This approach is NOT effective if too many calories are eaten when not fasting. There is a potential rebound effect on ghrelin, the hunger hormone, when not fasting. It may impact the ability to do more intense exercising, and, in animal studies, it can affect fertility. It is unknown if people can sustain compliance with this for the long term. It is important to avoid excessive fasting because it will be catabolic and will compromise your immune system, increase nutritional deficiencies, decrease your muscle mass, and decrease your life-span. {Mattson MP, Ageing Res Rev; 2012b;11:347-352 (22394472); Heilbronn LK, et. al., Obes Res, 2005;13:574-81; Heilbron LK, et. al., Am J Clin Nutr, 2005;81:69-73}
- Finally, if your gut remains unhealthy, consider using an Antibiotic Regimen: Intestinal bacterial overgrowth is known to be present in up to 50% of patients with chronic diagnoses of fibromyalgia syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, scleroderma, systemic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and other arthritides. After re-balancing appropriate hormones, optimizing a plant-based diet and ensuring adequate nutrients, the immune system may be supported by empiric treatment with minocycline (which is better than doxycycline because of its extended spectrum of activity, greater tissue penetrability, less sun sensitization, and higher and more sustained serum levels). Treat for 1 to 12 months for long standing conditions with severe pain. For Minocin, use 100 mg HS Monday, Wednesday and Friday initially and increase to 200 mg HS. May substitute Biaxin, Zithromax, or Cleocin 3x/week if Minocin is not tolerated. ***IT IS ESSENTIAL TO supplement with high doses of probiotics.***
A field of EPIGENETICS, known as SOCIAL GENOMICS studies how our social interactions change the expression of our DNA. Not surprisingly, positive interactions lead to positive genomic expressions and negative interactions lead to negative effects. Three important triggers for the more common negative genomic expressions include: social isolation, social rejection, and social conflict. Our genetic mechanisms evolved to interpret these messages as a sign that we’re going to experience injury, so it prepares for this. Even in the absence of a physical injury, our DNA prepares for injury by setting off inflammation. Consequently, for example, these negative social experiences trigger protein expressions (such as enzymes) and activation of the immune system that can trigger the development of breast and prostate cancers. Thus, it becomes crucial to consciously address our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors and to maintain a confident positive psychology filled with love, hope, kindness, caring, and compassion.
The subconscious mind is estimated to be 30,000 times more powerful than the conscious mind. The subconscious mind resides in the emotions of the heart. {Ref.} Heart rate incoherence impairs our performance. Associated emotions that trigger this incoherence include: frustration, anxiety, worry and irritation. Heart rate coherence promotes optimal performance. Associated emotions include: appreciation, love and caring. The heart produces the strongest electromagnetic field in the body, which consequently affects the structure of cellular water. The EM field extends 12 to 15 feet around the body in all directions. Thus, it is a communication system. Changing our heart rate coherence changes our EM field which effects animals and people within that field.
Here is an EXAMPLE of both a cause of anxiety and a mask for anxiety with devastating consequences: TOXIC MASCULINITY AND MISOGYNY. Men have been taught that their desire and pleasure is paramount, and that coercion is part of what is needed to get their desires satisfied. This “YANG” expression leads to being unconscious, grandiosity, dominance displays, aggression, and violence. Girls have been taught to be compliant and afraid of men and their power. This “YIN” expression can lead to being submissive, unseen, discounted, and disempowered. The societal programming and expectation has been that men should be sexually aggressive, physically strong and prepared for violence, unemotional, homophobic, and to de-value women. “Locker Room” behavior has been the norm where competition is based upon physical power, self-reliance, risk-taking, sexual prowess, and promiscuity. (These ideals remains presently evident in the “Alt-Right’s” misogyny and the “Incels” dogma.)
For many boys, the fear of not being perceived as masculine (enough) has often perpetuated these norms. Many boys have learned to make fun of other boys if they step even just a little outside these rigid masculine stereotypes. Fear of rejection often creates anxiety and anger. Bullying is a terrible consequence, as well as the reactive violence to being bullied, including mass shootings. This toxic masculine stereotype has been extremely damaging for men, women and society as a wholere, and must change.
Fortunately, more men can now recognize that “sexism” is not an acceptable form of behavior. Gender equality, cooperation, and being able to express emotions (other than joy and anger) are becoming our new societal values. Because violence has predominantly one gender, there is a pressing need for parents, the media and society to educate and change the way that boys define and express their masculinity. We need to move away from the values of dominance, emotional constriction, toughness, competition, and self-reliance. Boys need to be taught a variety of tools for managing and expressing their energy and their frustrations. They need to be taught the value of cooperation, and helped to build their emotional resilience. And, men need to be encouraged to learn healthy ways of emotional expression, so that tears of joy and sadness are acceptable, and so that they can build their own social networks where they can feel free to talk about their feelings. And, through parental teaching, school instructions, and modeling in the media, boys and men need to learn healthy ways to express their sexuality: framed with the understanding that mutual respect, communication, and sexual joy and expression is a shared experience with mutual pleasures. And, sex should not just be expected (because men are “special”) nor taken. Because of the shift occurring in our societal expectations regarding the masculine role, unless men are educated differently and then change these ancient tribal programs, many men will continue to feel disconnected and anxious, and unable to manage their own energies. Consequently, they may unfortunately react with violence and reactive repression.
Wellness is a choice, and health is much more than the absence of disease.
- a) Our thoughts and beliefs influence our emotions which affect our behaviors and our relationships.
- b) It is important to make course corrections, without experiencing guilt, in order to grow and develop. The word “SIN” is an archery term meaning to be off the mark. This is a learning process. Since we are developing humans, we will make mistakes and wander off the path of wellness. Simply recognize with humor that we are off the path, and get back on target. That is a sign of maturity and taking personal responsibility for healing.
- c) “You cannot solve a problem with the same consciousness that caused it.” {Albert Einstein} 1) Plan with the Mind: Vision/Belief. 2) Execute with Might (the Will): Discipline/Work. 3) Evaluate with the Heart: Desire/Courage. 4) Revise with the Spirit: Humility/Service.
- d) Your attitude affects your sense of hope and your motivation to change. There is power in positive thinking. “Wag more…bark less.” “Ask and you shall receive”, but first you have to ask. Our words reflect our thoughts which affect our emotions and our behaviors. Be conscious of what you say to yourself and to others. If you change the message you can change your behavior. Enjoy the passage of time. “All things flow/change.”
- With practice, new thoughts and actions get easier and then become automatic. Cells that learn to fire together wire together.
- It takes time and patience to change our minds and our behaviors. Since this isn’t quick nor easy, one must be determined to change and be perseverant.
- The mind that opens to a new idea never comes back to its original size. Craziness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
- Consider before speaking: Is it True? Is it Kind? Is it Necessary?
- Be aware of your projections onto others—they are hurtful.
- You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.
- “Everything will be OK in the end. If it is not OK, it is not the end.”
- CHANGE YOUR STORY AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Listen to your body. Change your thinking. “Where there’s a will there’s a way.” Decide then Act. Identify your negative emotions and tell yourself a different story.
- “If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” {Lao Tzu}
- Set the bar high; stop the excuses.
- “He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” {Benjamin Franklin}
- Change the quality of your questions to get better answers. Develop reasons to support your decisions to make a change, and then focus your mind and take action.
- Ask: are my assumptions true? What if I take responsibility? Stop self-delusion: we make things up and then believe them. The fantasy is not the fact. A divergence between desire and reality creates stress and suffering.
- “Grant me the strength to change the things I can change, the courage to accept the things I can’t, and the wisdom to know the difference.” {Reinhold Niebuhr}
- Make movement mandatory. >10,000 steps/day: 5 d/wk. Keep fit: 30 minutes of moderate activity most days of the week; to prevent weight gain: 60 minutes; to lose weight: 90 minutes. Or, consider getting 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week.
- Critique your calorie consumption: excess intake and unhealthy
- Know your normal numbers: Blood Pressure, Fasting Blood Sugar, lipids, Ideal body weight/BMI, waist measurement.
- Address any addictions and harmful habits that are hazardous to your physical and emotional health: these are expensive, time consuming and a form of enslavement.
- “Be the person that your dog already thinks you are!”
- Graciously give your gifts of time, talent, treasures. “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” {Winston Churchill}
- Passionately pursue your purpose: ponder “Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? How can I serve?”—Surrender to your higher power: “Teach me!”
- Don’t be dangerously distracted and diverted by superficial appearances, entertainment, and money.
- Events don’t control our lives—it is the meaning that we attach to them. e Our mind has a huge influence on our experience of physical pain. Pain is inevitable, suffering is a choice. What is the positive that can come out of an experience? What is the blessing? “Things don’t happen to me; things happen for me.”
- Deal with reality or choose insanity.
- Seek out resources. Practice. We are what we repeatedly do. Don’t be careful—you might hurt yourself. Stop worrying. Worry is a prayer for that which you do NOT want to happen. Worry is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do, but you get nowhere.
- Stifle stress. and sever suffering. Attitude is key. “Life shouldn’t be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty, well-preserved body, but rather, to slide in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly shouting— ‘Wow! What a ride!’”
- Pause, ponder, pray—meditate—be mindful.
- Find common ground: leave the judging to GOD. “We are all in this together. We are either going to all rise, or we are going to all fall.” {Martin Luther King, Jr.}
- FORGIVE. Anger destroys and forgiveness heals. “You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.” {Buddha}
- Relish rewarding relationships. “A friend is one to whom you may pour out all the contents of your heart, chaff and grain, together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take it and sift it, keep what is worth keeping, and, with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away.”
- Be grateful. Gratitude is the highest form of prayer.
“Why We Forgive” by Nobel Peace Prize winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu and his daughter Mpho Tutu: “Are you hurt and suffering? Is the injury new, or is an old unhealed wound? Know that what was done to you was wrong, unfair, and undeserved. You are right to be outraged. And it is perfectly normal to want to hurt back when you have been hurt. But hurting back rarely satisfies. We think it will but it doesn’t. If I slap you after you slap me, it does not lessen the sting I feel on my own face, nor does it diminish my sadness as to the fact you have struck me. Retaliation gives, at best, only momentary respite from our pain. The only way to experience healing and peace is to forgive. Until we can forgive, we remain locked in our pain and locked out of the possibility of experiencing healing and freedom, locked out of the possibility of being at peace.
Without forgiveness, we remain tethered to the person who harmed us. We are bound with chains of bitterness, tied together, trapped. Until we can forgive the person who harmed us, that person will hold the keys to our happiness; that person will be our jailor. When we forgive, we take back control of our own fate and our feelings. We become our own liberators. We don’t forgive to help the other person. We don’t forgive for others. We forgive for ourselves.
We are made to exist in a delicate network of interdependence. We are sisters and brothers, whether we like it or not. To treat anyone as if they were less than human, less than a brother or sister, no matter what they have done, is to contravene the very laws of our humanity. Our whole community suffers, and ultimately our whole world suffers.
If your own well-being—your physical, emotional, and mental health—is not enough, if your life and your future are not enough, then perhaps you will forgive for the benefit of those you love, the family that is precious to you. Anger and bitterness do not just poison you, they poison all your relationships, including those with your children.
Unconditional forgiveness is a different model of forgiveness than the gift with strings. This is forgiveness as a grace, a free gift freely given. In this model, forgiveness frees the person who inflicted the harm from the weight of the victim’s whim—what the victim may demand in order to grant forgiveness—and the victim’s threat of vengeance. But it also frees the one who forgives. The one who offers forgiveness as a grace is immediately un-tethered from the yoke that bound him or her to the person who caused the harm. When you forgive, you are free to move on in life, to grow, to no longer be a victim. When you forgive, you slip the yoke, and your future is unshackled from your past.
Not all harms are equivalent, but this is really not the issue. Those who wish to compare how much they have wronged to how much they have been wronged will find themselves drowning in a whirlpool of victimization and denial. Those who think they are beyond reproach have not taken an honest look in the mirror.
The invitation to forgive is not an invitation to forget. Nor is it an invitation to claim that an injury is less hurtful than it really is. Nor is it a request to paper over the fissure in a relationship, to say it’s okay when it’s not. It’s not okay to be injured. It’s not okay to be abused. It’s not okay to be violated. It’s not okay to be betrayed.
The invitation to forgive is an invitation to find healing and peace. Forgiveness opens the door to peace between people and opens the space for peace within each person. The victim cannot have peace without forgiving. The perpetrator will not have genuine peace while unforgiven. There cannot be peace between victim and perpetrator while the injury lies between them. The invitation to forgive is an invitation to search out the perpetrator’s humanity. When we forgive, we recognize the reality that there, but for the grace of God, go I.”
I also like the section translated from the Lord’s Prayer by Jesus of Nazareth from the original writings in Aramaic found in the book: “Prayers of the Cosmos” by Neil Douglas-Klotz: “Loose the cords of mistakes binding us, as we release the strands we hold of others’ guilt. Don’t let surface things delude us, but free us from what holds us back.” Another translation by Gloria Karpinski is: “May we experience all we need to overcome. Teach us to release and empty that we may be filled. Guide us through the shadows of our fears and free us from the bondage of separation.”
There is a very powerful Hawaiian practice for SPIRITUAL CLEANING— moving from repentance to forgiveness to transmutation– using the process of HO’OPONOPONO. HA is the breath of divine inspiration. Pono is the process of making things right, re-balancing. Repeating the word…ponopono… means to a state of completion. There is a petition to Divinity contained within the translated intention “Thank you; I love you”: I’m sorry Creator for errors in me that manifest as problems that affect my life and others. Please transform them to zero, to completion, so that I and all can be free. A “problem” is understood to be a memory replaying in the subconscious mind under the dominion of a psychological complex that causes a restriction of freedoms. Grace flows from Divinity to erase these memories and to create the “Aloha Mind,” a state of peace and happiness. “Aloha” is like “Namaste” (in Sanscrit) which acknowledges the divinity within each other. By getting into a state of balance and equanimity and by taking complete responsibility (not blame), we can elicit our inner-child innocence to take our message to Divinity in order to clean away that which separates us from knowing who we really are. Since the unconscious is unconscious, my job is to identify my discomfort and begin the cleaning process. “Welcome…anger, pain or whatever emotion or experience…thank you, I love you.” By creating an atmosphere of inner hospitality, it disarms the noxious element and removes the power to chase you from your Higher Self to your Lower Self. Out of this hospitality, compassion comes along with freedom.
By repeating the following mantra (at least ten times) you can enter into a state of deep inner peace. This enhanced consciousness will also entrain others, just like a struck tuning fork producing a pure tone will affect another un-struck tuning fork to resonate and begin vibrating in harmony.
I like to sing the mantra as a tone, half-tone up, full tone down descenting chant, alternating between Hawaiian and then English: “Ho’oponopono, Ho’oponopono, Ho’oponopono, Ho’oponopono, Ho’oponopono, Ho’oponopono, Ho’oponopono, Ho’oponopono, I’m so sorry, I love you, Please forgive me, I thank you, I’m so sorry, I love you, Please forgive me, I thank you…(and repeat). {Ref. James Nourse: “Opening The Aloha Mind”}
To those who withhold refuge,
I cradle you in safety at the core of my Being.
To those that cause a child to cry out,
I grant you the freedom to express your own choked agony.
To those that inflict terror,
I remind you that you shine with the purity of a thousand suns.
To those who would confine, suppress, or deny,
I offer the limitless expanse of the sky.
To those who need to cut, slash, or burn,
I remind you of the invincibility of Spring.
To those who cling and grasp,
I promise more abundance than you could ever hold onto.
To those who vent their rage on small children,
I return to you your deepest innocence.
To those who must frighten into submission,
I hold you in the bosom of your original mother.
To those who cause agony to others,
I give the gift of free flowing tears.
To those that deny another’s right to be,
I remind you that the angels sang in celebration of you on the day of your birth.
To those who see only division and separateness,
I remind you that a part is born only by bisecting a whole.
For those who have forgotten the tender mercy of a mother’s embrace,
I send a gentle breeze to caress your brow.
To those who still feel somehow incomplete,
I offer the perfect sanctity of this very moment.
Kwan Yin is the Goddess of Compassion and Healing. Her name is translated roughly from Chinese as “She who hears the cries of the world”. She is the Divine Mother we all long for: merciful, tender, compassionate, loving, protecting, caring, healing and wise. She quietly comes to the aid of her children everywhere. Her mantra is “Om Mani Padme Hum”—Hail the Jewel in the Lotus.
- MSG (monosodium glutamate): MSG is a common food additive that can cause neuronal damage in the hypothalamus with resultant weight gain. MSG shuts off the hypothalamic cell’s ability to respond to leptin and, thus, disrupts the regulation of appetite resulting in weight gain. Consequently, more leptin is produced and leptin resistance is the result which also can overstimulate the sympathetic nervous system and cause hypertension. (Leptin is produced by fat cells and activates the hypothalamic appetite-suppressing anorectic cells and prevents orexigenic cells from stimulating appetite.) It is important to read the label on everything that you buy. However, MSG may be hidden on food labels. Samples of foods that have the following ingredients may contain MSG: autolyzed yeast, barley malt, broth, bouillon, calcium caseinate, carrageen, natural flavoring, gelatin, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, hydrolyzed oat flour, pectin, plant protein extract, soy protein, soy sauce, textured protein, whey protein, yeast extract. Avoid processed foods and very salty foods: most contain MSG. Buy foods with a short ingredient list. Ask your grocer if the wax used on the fruits has MSG in it. Check the label of your cosmetics and other personal care products because they can contain MSG.
- HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP: Fructose is a harmful toxin that is a key factor in the development of metabolic syndrome. Like a toxin, fructose is almost exclusively metabolized in the liver where it is converted to dangerous metabolites such as excessive lipids and uric acid. It has a direct harmful effect (glycation) on tissues throughout the body while performing no necessary nutritional function. Between 1970 and 1990, Americans increased their consumption of high fructose corn syrup by >1,000%; an increase that parallels the rapid rise of the obesity epidemic! It has been added to just about every prepackaged product that you can think of. Fructose now makes up to 10-15% of the calories Americans consume. Some adolescents get nearly 30% of their calories from fructose. Excessive fructose consumption directly causes all five components of the metabolic syndrome: abdominal fat, high blood pressure, abnormal lipid profiles, insulin resistance, and inflammation. Fructose is 7-8 times more potent at producing dangerous advanced glycation end products (AGEs) than glucose. AGEs trigger inflammation and are implicated in the development of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and neurodegenerative diseases.
When fructose is eaten in fruits and vegetables, the slower absorption enables the liver to safely metabolize it. So, don’t stop eating fruits and veggies! Insulin resistance produced by high fructose consumption not only results in a high blood sugar, it also results in chronically elevated levels of insulin. This is a major contributor to cancer and cardiovascular disease. Fructose doesn’t suppress hunger. It doesn’t trigger a rise in leptin nor suppress ghrelin which normally signals the brain to stop eating because of satiety. Thus, the brain still signals hunger so that eating continues after sufficient calories have been consumed. Fructose produces a high after-meal triglyceride level due to impaired blood clearing, and induction of genes that increase new fat production. Excessive liver collections of fat, known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) are seen in the metabolic syndrome. Fructose is a major contributor so that 30% of adults now have this condition. NAFLD can progress to steatohepatitis which is a precursor to liver cirrhosis and failure. Fructose triggers high rates of uric acid which promotes gout and also triggers excessive sodium retention which contributes to hypertension.
- ARSENIC: is a toxic heavy metal commonly found in well water, rice and chicken. It is associated with bladder, lung and skin cancers, immune deficiency, heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. It destroys beta cells in the pancreas which produce insulin. There are no federal regulations for private wells and it is estimated that 13 million Americans are drinking contaminated well water. You can check if you are living in an arsenic contaminated hot spot at Most municipal water is screened for arsenic, however, only in 2011 was the limit in drinking water reduced from 50 ug/L to 10 ug/L. Subsequently the FDA introduced new regulations on the amount of arsenic acceptable in apple juice (a childhood favorite.) If tests confirm elevated arsenic levels in well water, then consider a reverse osmosis filter system or drink bottled or distilled water. Arsenic occurs naturally in soil, and our food crops are doused in pesticides and fertilizers. Rice sucks up these toxins more readily than other food crops. Currently there aren’t any regulations about the amount of arsenic allowed in rice or rice products. Because arsenic accumulates in the rice bran, brown rice (which we tend to think of as healthier than white rice) actually has higher levels of arsenic. Rice grown in California or imported from South East Asia has lower arsenic levels than from other parts of the US. Rinsing the rice before cooking it and then cooking the rice in extra water can reduce the amount of arsenic by up to 40% in the final dish. Consider reducing the amount of rice products eaten by you and your family on a weekly basis: one to three servings for adults and kids should eat even less. Since the 1940s chicken farmers have been permitted to use certain forms of arsenic in their chicken feed because it kills parasites, encourages quicker growth and makes the chicken skin pinker for a more appealing presentation in the grocery store. By 2016 the FDA is finally phasing arsenic out of chicken feed. Since organic chickens tend to have lower levels than factory farmed chickens, choose organic birds until safer.
- The Artificial sweetener ASPARTAME: is made from the waste products of genetically modified E. coli bacteria. Aspartame disturbs amino acid metabolism, protein structure and metabolism, integrity of nucleic acids, neuronal function, endocrine balances, and changes in brain concentrations of catecholamines. {European J of Clinical Nutrition, 2008; 62:451-462.}
- Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs): About 68% of American markets contain GMO produce and products versus <0.1% of European markets. Monsanto has conducted the world’s largest (unapproved) human experiment with their product “Glyphosate”–”Round-up”. Current approval for Round-up required: no human trials, no post-marketing surveillance, no evaluation of plant changes or effects, untested assumptions, and industry supported studies! A GMO rodent study in 2009 demonstrated toxic effects on the liver, pancreas, kidneys, reproduction, blood and immune systems. {Dona Artemis, “Health Risks of Genetically Modified Foods,” Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 49(2):164-75.} According to the American Academy of Environmental Medicine statement on GMOs: “animal studies indicate serious health risks…including infertility, immune dysregulation, accelerated aging, dysregulation of genes associated with cholesterol synthesis, insulin regulation, cell signaling, and protein formation, and changes in liver, kidney, spleen and gastrointestinal systems.”
According to a report in The Week, 3/8/2019: “The World Health Organization concluded in 2015 that the herbicide glyphosate ‘was probably carcinogenic for humans’–a finding rejected in 2017 by the Trump administration’s Environmental Protection Agency. The connection between ‘Roundup’ and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma has long been the subject of fierce scientific debate. New research at the University of Washington analyzed all available published studies on the issue. Focusing in particular on people with the highest levels of exposure, such as farmworkers and groundskeepers, researchers found ‘a compelling link’ between the chemical and disease. ‘All of the meta-analyses conducted to date, including our own, consistently report the same key finding,’ the authors conclude. Glyphosate raises cancer risk by 41 percent. Monsanto, which makes Roundup, and the agro-chemical company’s German owner, Bayer AG, are already facing 9,000 lawsuits from people who claim that glyphosate damaged their health.”
- Eat Raw sprouts: they are rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes that aren’t readily available in the un-germinated form. However, the benefits may be offset by a risk of contamination with E. coli and other organisms due to contaminated seeds. The risk is greatest in the young, the elderly and in those with a compromised immune system. Washing the seeds and sprouts with water only reduces the contamination very little. The FDA recommends cooking sprouts, however, that is a sure way to destroy nutritional richness. A better solution is to spray the seeds and the sprouts with commercial three-percent hydrogen peroxide and regular white vinegar, rather than bleach. This will virtually eliminate all bacteria on the food, the kitchen utensils, cutting boards and counters. Then, rinse with water before eating.
- Avoid canola and rapeseed oils which can cause fatty degeneration of the heart and organs. Avoid cottonseed oil which contains a toxic cyclopropene fatty acid that is associated with damage to the gonads, liver and gall bladder. All commercial oils, except those labeled “cold pressed”, are processed with sufficient heat to convert polyunsaturated bonds to a deleterious trans-fatty acid position. A hexane solvent, degumming clarifier and caustic soda for extraction are used in processing, and next to impossible to get completely removed from the product. And, bleaching creates toxic peroxides. Then, the consumer will commonly use the oil for frying, creating oxidative changes generating even more peroxides, which spontaneously break down to free radicals that can damage blood vessels, and DNA resulting in inflammation and immune dysfunction. USE unrefined mechanically “COLD PRESSED” OILS, such as olive oil. Buy oil in GLASS or METAL containers in order to avoid the leaching of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) and phthalates from plastics.
The body has twice as much lymph fluid as blood and twice as many lymph vessels. The lymphatic system includes the lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen and appendix. It aids immune function by filtering out disease-causing organisms, manufacturing white blood cells and generating antibodies. Lymph has no pump. The process of breathing creates a partial vacuum that causes blood and lymph to flow upward so that the lymph can return to the blood stream from which it came. The easiest way to facilitate lymphatic system drainage is to take deep breaths.
- Consider doing a deep breathing exercise for 5 to 10 minutes three times per day.
- Another measure to improve lymphatic drainage is skin brushing. Using a dry skin brush, start with your hands and arms brushing with long, firm strokes towards your heart. Then, do the same with your feet and legs brushing upwards. Then, brush along your abdomen and chest moving towards your heart. This not only keeps lymph flowing, it helps to rid the outer layer of dead skin cells and debris, improving overall circulation and helping your skin to “breathe” easier.
- Regular massages also help move lymph, and, some therapists have learned techniques for deep lymphatic massage, particularly for the chest and the breasts.
- Drink plenty of water such as non-distilled, pure filtered water each day. A rule-of-thumb is to divide your weight in half and then drink that amount of water in ounces each day. Volvic water from France and Fiji water are good examples. In order to increase your hydration from the water, add a pinch of sea salt to each glass of water.
- Kidney friendly foods include: asparagus, blueberries, cranberries, cucumber, grapes, kale, spinach, string beans, and watermelon. Eat a plentiful supply of organic fresh fruits and vegetables that act as natural cleansers because they are high in fiber. Herbs such as dandelion, ginger, nettles, and parsley are recommended. Horsetail tea also promotes kidney drainage.
- Excellent foods include: fresh squeezed lemon juice in water taken upon arising, apples, beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, citrus, dandelion greens, squash, watercress, zucchini and the cruciferous vegetables. Dark leafy greens, rich in chlorophyll, helps to eliminate environmental toxins from the blood stream and to neutralize heavy metals. Bitter greens such as arugula, chicory, dandelion and mustard greens help to increase production and flow of bile and toxic residues.
- A Liver and Gallbladder “Flush”: Mix the following before bed and drink: 5 ounces of Classic Coke; 6 ounces of cold pressed olive oil; and 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice. After drinking this mixture, lie on your right side for 20 to 30 minutes. The next morning, drink one 10 ounce bottle of citrate of magnesia and stay home because the laxative will cause you to move your bowels in great quantity and probably more than once. It may be necessary to repeat this process anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months.
- ALTERNATIVELY: Mix: 1 Tbs Safflower oil, 1 Tbs Olive Oil, 2 fresh squeezed lemons, 1 fresh squeezed orange, 1 tsp fresh grated garlic, 1 tsp fine grated ginger, and ¼ tsp cayenne pepper powder and drink upon awakening, preferably 2 hours before eating breakfast. Do this on Mon-Wed-Fri. Then, on Tues-Thurs, mix 1 cup unsweetened organic apple juice, 2 fresh squeezed lemons, 1 Tbs Safflower oil, 1 Tbs Olive oil, 1 tsp fresh grated garlic, 1 tsp fine grated ginger, and ¼ tsp cayenne pepper powder and drink this upon awakening, again preferably 2 hours before eating breakfast.
Foods cooked at high temperatures create a) mutagens, which damage DNA and increase cancer risk, and b) advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which increase inflammation and oxidative stress by cross-linking with body proteins, which alters the protein structure and function causing them to lose their functionality and prematurely age. For example, breast and prostate cancers are sharply increased in people who eat heavily cooked meat such as hamburgers. Heat destroys crucial vitamins such as C, B6 and E, destroys fatty acids, denatures proteins, and limits mineral availability. Heat also creates toxic oxidized lipids, which aggravate vascular disease, and dangerous, gene-mutating heterocyclic amines, which can be carcinogenic, inflammatory, and which can adversely activate the immune system.
The higher the number of kilounits (kU) of AGEs the greater the risk for cancer. For example, deep fried breaded chicken breast for 20 minutes has 8,965 kU/serving, vs. roasted chicken has 5,418 kU/serving, vs. stir fried with canola oil for 7 minutes has 3,726 kU/serving, vs. boiled chicken breast in water has 1,089 kU/serving. Grilling, broiling, roasting, searing and frying propagate and accelerate AGE formation in food. Cooking methods that produce relatively low AGE levels include poaching, steaming, stewing and boiling. The use of acidic marinades, such as lemon juice and vinegar before cooking also limits AGE formation. Most “junk foods” are cooked at extremely high temperatures, so it makes sense to avoid them.
High blood glucose levels are another cause of protein glycation. Thus, people with diabetes suffer a disproportionately higher number of diseases. Health conscious people can exert a significant amount of control over how quickly their body proteins are destroyed by toxic glycation reactions by reducing the amount of simple sugars and starches they ingest, AND by minimizing their exposure to foods cooked at high temperatures.
Consider eating 70-80% of your food as raw fruits and vegetables (whole or blenderized rather than juiced) or steamed. Steaming, boiling or cooking with water (or broth) limits the heat to 212 degrees fahrenheit which is below the threshold of most toxic chemical reactions. A randomized cross-over study evaluated the difference between one group steaming their food and the other group cooking with higher temperatures. After 1 month, the group cooking with higher temperatures had adverse changes including lower insulin sensitivity, lower plasma concentrations of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, and lower vitamin C and vitamin E levels. Also, plasma triglycerides and cholesterol increased. {Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 May;91(5):1220.} Another 6-week study showed that people with diabetes eating food cooked at lower temperatures reduced glycated LDL by 33%, whereas consuming the same food at higher temperatures increased glycated LDL by 32%. {Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2002 Nov 26;99(24):15596-601.}
Consider supplementing with products that will lower your glycation risk when eating foods prepared at high temperatures. Anti-mutagenic agents have been identified in fruits and vegetables. The most potent are indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and chlorophyllin. I3C is found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. It helps to prevent DNA damage. Chlorophyllin inhibits deadly mutagens by trapping heterocyclic hydrocarbon carcinogens (by reacting with their structure making it impossible for them to form adducts with DNA) which are the precursors to malignant transformation in cells. Additionally, Carnosine, Benfotamine and Pyradoxal-5-phosphate (P5P) are helpful for reducing AGEs and mutagens. Carnosine has been shown particularly in people with diabetes to reduce levels of atherosclerosis. Benfotamine is vitamin B1 in a highly absorbable, fat-soluble form that easily penetrates cell membranes. Pyridoxal-5-phosphate (P5P) is activated vitamin B6. A proprietary product called “Glycation Protection Formula” containing Carnosine 1,000 mg, Benfotamine 200 mg and Pyridoxal-5-phosphate 100 mg is available from
Don’t skip breakfast and eat dinner no later than 8 pm. Eat meals that contain 70-80% alkalinizing foods and only 20-30% acidifying foods. On average, limit total protein to 50 grams. Follow a ratio of 40% protein, 20-40% complex carbs, and 20-40% healthy fats. Consume essential fatty acids (cold water fish and extra virgin olive oil.) Eat fruits by themselves either a half hour before a meal of 2 hours after a meal. Avoid artificial sweeteners; however, stevia is OK. Cut down on total carbs. Be mindful and give thanks for your food before eating. Eat slowly and chew your food well. Consider using probiotics and digestive enzymes with each meal.
In addition to intestinal problems such as cramping, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, foul-smelling flatus, and intermittent constipation, hidden parasites can also cause joint swelling and pains, headaches, asthma, fatigue, emotional problems and skin problems including itchy skin. Parasites are more common than most people think. According to the CDC, 60 million Americans are infected with parasites, and the number may be even higher. The most common parasites are Trypanosoma cruzi, that causes Chagas disease, which can have long-term digestive, cardiac and neurological problems; taenia solium tapeworm which can migrate to brain and muscles and cause seizures; and Toxoplasma gondii which travels in cat feces and undercooked foods causing swollen lymph nodes and muscle aches. Exposure can occur from kissing your beloved pets, international travel, eating sushi and raw crustaceans, eating meats that are served rare or medium rare, drinking unfiltered water, including untreated well water, drinking water from streams or lakes while hiking or camping, getting pool or lake water in your mouth, poor toilet habits, from a child in daycare, and eating unwashed vegetables (beware restaurant salad bars.)
Testing is very problematic. Since parasites live in life cycles, if the stool isn’t collected at a time of the month when the parasites hatch and are active, they may not be discovered. Also, parasite eggs will perish when exposed to air for more than a few hours. So, unless a fresh stool specimen is quickly examined, then parasites may be missed. Our current testing isn’t designed to test for the majority of parasites. And, colonoscopy won’t reveal them because many live in the small intestine, the prep will eliminate any obvious parasites, and others live in the colonic wall invisible to the camera.
There are some safe and natural methods for ridding your body of these organisms. Various herbs and foods have traditionally been used to tackle parasites including black walnuts, cloves, pomegranate, raw garlic, carrots, beets, pumpkin seeds, papaya seeds, coconut, honey, goldenseal, barberry, anise and wormwood. CONSIDER: 1) A mixture of papaya seeds and honey taken for seven days can be very beneficial. 2) Or, make a parasite killing smoothie: blend fresh papaya including a tablespoon of the seeds, raw pumpkin seeds, shredded coconut, coconut water and a dollop of coconut oil, honey, and fresh pineapple. 3) Eat plenty of fiber rich foods and drink plenty of filtered water to flush your system. 4) Add probiotics along with vitamin C and zinc to boost your immune system.
Dr. Louise Gittleman in her book “Guess What Came for Dinner?” outlines a 3-step approach for ridding intestinal parasites. 1) “Para-Key” is a blend of herbal ingredients to help cleanse the intestines. The formula includes: grapefruit see extract (helpful against bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites), cranberry concentrate (helpful for restoring the acid-base pH balance), pomegranate (helpful to rid tapeworms and roundworms) , peppermint (helpful to ease flatulence and indigestion and reduce protozoan infestation) and sweet wormwood (helpful against giardia and other parasites). The recommended dose is 2 caps three times daily 30 minutes before meals. 2) “Verma-Plus” is a blend of black walnut hulls (helpful to expel pinworms, ringworms, tapeworms and other parasites), wormwood (different from sweet wormwood, helpful to eliminate intestinal worms), centaury (helpful for deworming by causing parasites to relax their cling to intestinal walls for expulsion), male fern (helpful to purge larger parasites such as tapeworms), cloves (helpful for relieving gas and spasms, and toxic to giardia), orange peel (promotes peristalsis), and butternut (helpful to eliminate pinworms and other parasites). The recommended dose is one-quarter teaspoon in 4 ounces of water taken three times daily: twice between meals on an empty stomach and once at bedtime. It has a very bitter taste! 3) “Flora-Key” is a combination of 5 probiotic strains: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidus longum and B. bifidum, L. reuteri, L. plantarum, and the prebiotic fructooligosaccharides. It is best to begin taking this 2 weeks after starting Para-Key and Verma-Plus. The recommended dose is one teaspoon mixed into 6 to 8 ounces of water 2 to 3 times daily on an empty stomach. You may experience loose bowel movements, fatigue and skin eruptions (signs that the products are working properly). For the best results, use Para-Key and Verma-Plus for 2 weeks, then take a 5 day break before starting again. After the first course of treatment, introduce the probiotics. It may take up to 6 courses of treatment to completely eliminate parasites. Once eliminated, you can expect to notice a dramatic improvement in your symptoms. “My Colon Cleansing Kit” is available from
Interesting Documentary Movies on DVD
- Genetic Roulette: about GMOs
- Fed Up: about our sugar addiction
- Future of Food
- Super-Size Me
- Food, Inc.
Interesting Books
- Outstanding Health by Michael Galitzer MD and Larry Trivieri, Jr.
- Tox-Sick by Suzanne Somers
- Eat Dirt by Josh Axe, MD
- Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker, PhD
- Our Toxic World: A Wake-up Call: chemicals damage your body, brain, behavior and sex by Doris J. Rapp, MD