Basic science thinking vs clnical thinking.
These are 2 totally different styles of thinking. As a basic scientist, s/he needs to dissect complex problems into single and small questions and then seek solutions to these small but basic questions. S/he doesn‘t have to concern him/hserself with the overall consequence of the whole system.
Whereas for a clnician, his/her mission is to relief the pain/suffering of the patient, not just the focal symptomatic problems. So his/her focus should be the whole sysmte (the patient). If not, the consquence may be like the old saying in surgery, ”the surgery was a great success, but the patient died“.
This is one of the major drawbacks of “modern science”: we use too much statistics. Also basic research and clinical medicine are 2 totally different sciences. But today, clinicians are trained to think like basic scientists. This is the fundamental flaw in clnical medical education. In China, I heard that even a community hospital doctor needs to write basic science research paper in order to get promotion. What a stupid and nearsighted policy!