The following report is an interesting observation that those medical staff and patients who used hydrogen peroxide (HP) oral wash and nasal rinse seem to be protected from Covid-19. HP is a safe, inexpensive, and effective against a variety of pathogens including viruses, when used appropriately.
In a letter recently published in the Journal of Hospital Infections, Dr. Seth Ayettey from the University of Ghana Medical School and Dr. Felix Konotey-Ahulu from the Phoenix Hospital Group in London UK et al reported their clinical study of hydrogen peroxide as oral wash and nasal rinse in the prevention of Covid-19 in a total of 1009 people (of both patients and the medical staff) from 2 sites in Ghana. It is a striking observation that none of the medical staff who had close contact with Covid-19 patients and who took hydrogen peroxide (HP) oral wash and nasal rinse developed Covid-19. They reported that:
At one healthcare facility (SODH) in Ghana,
- Between May and December 2020, out of a total of 466 staff, 8 were using HP for prevention and none of the 8 (0/8) contracted COVID-19; while 62 out of the 358 (62/358) who didn’t take HP prevention developed Covid-19.
- Between January and March 2021, 94 of the 466 staff used HP and none had COVID-19 (0/94). Out of the remaining 372 staff who did not use HP, 10 (10/372) developed COVID-19.
At the 2nd healthcare facility (MO Hospital) in Ghana,
- Between July 2020 and March 2021, 17 of a total of 84 staff developed COVID-19. None used HP.
52 of the 84 healthcare workers used HP between August 2020 and March 2021. None had COVID-19
30 of the 84 did not use HP. None had COVID-19.
- Between July 2020 and March 2021, 5 out of 370 in-patients had COVID-19. None used HP.
- HP prophylaxis for in-patients started mid August 2020. By March 2021, they had admitted a total of 3387 patients. All patients used HP. None had COVID-19.
Dr. Thomas Levy summarizes the vast amount of research on HP in his new book (Rapid Virus Recovery).
Amoah et al. Journal of Hospital Infection. 2021. PMID: 34487774