Hydrogen peroxide nebulizer to treat Covid-19 infection

The following is from Thomas Levy, M.D, J.D., a board certified cardiolosit and a prolific medical writer of 13 books and a international speaker.  Thomas is a good friend of mine and I trust him.  Dr. Frank Shallenberger is also an internationally well known doctor whom I trust as well.  Although I have not personally tested this, I will recommend to you just in case you need it.  This method makes scientific sense and is safe, most definitely worth trying, especially now at this global covid-19 crisis. -Richard Cheng, M.D., Ph.D.

An At-Home Treatment That Can Cure Any Virus, Including Coronavirus

Originally Conceptualized, circa 1990, by Charles Farr, MD
Subsequently Researched and Prescribed by Frank Shallenberger, MD
Current Protocol Created by Thomas Levy, MD, JD

Although COVID-19, aka coronavirus, is deadly in some select cases, and it can spread rapidly, there is a simple, very inexpensive, and highly effective treatment that can treat and rapidly resolve coronavirus and virtually any other respiratory virus. While different individuals can be expected to have variable degrees of positive response, this intervention can be anticipated to eliminate eventual fatal disease outcomes in all but the most advanced cases.

As I hope you will eventually experience, the treatment works for all acute viral infections, and especially well for flu viruses of any variety. In fact, although we are constantly conditioned to not believe in anything “too good to be true,” you will never have to worry about getting a cold or the flu again because you can cure it on your own.

The key ingredient in this treatment is common household 3% hydrogen peroxide, and this is the same substance that can be purchased in a 32-ounce plastic bottle at Walmart, for 88 cents, or at Walgreens for under a $1.00. Perhaps you have never heard of hydrogen peroxide therapy, but since the treatment was first championed by Dr. Charles Farr in about 1990, thousands of doctors have used this therapy for decades to conquer infections in many thousands of patients throughout the world.

How and Why Hydrogen Peroxide Works

Because hydrogen peroxide consists of a water molecule (H2O) with an extra oxygen atom (H2O2), it is this extra oxygen atom that makes it so deadly for viruses. In order to comprehend why H2O2 therapy works so well, you must first understand that viral infections are eradicated from the body not by killing the virus itself, but rather by killing the cells that produce them.

Technically, viruses are not alive, and so it is not possible to kill them. But some agents can physically break down the viral structure and render them inactive. Viruses are actually pieces of genetic code that, in and of themselves, can neither survive nor reproduce. Therefore, in order to replicate, viruses need to infect cells, which means that in the interior of cell, a virus uses the cell’s own DNA and RNA in order to effectively reproduce. Essentially, therefore, the virus controls an infected cell and uses the cell to manufacture new viruses. Then, the new virus can exit the cell and proceed to infect other cells. As a result, the way to control any viral infection is not to kill the virus; rather, the infected cells that have been turned into viral factories must be killed. This is the role of the extra oxygen atom in hydrogen peroxide.

Under normal circumstances with a healthy immune system, one’s immune cells produce their own hydrogen peroxide to kill the infected cells that propagate viruses. When one’s immune cells are overwhelmed, such as the case with COVID-19, hydrogen peroxide therapy merely assists the immune cells in doing the job for which they were originally created.

One Disadvantage of Dr. Farr’s Original H2O2 Therapy

From a patient and consumer perspective, the single main drawback to Dr. Farr’s original therapy is/was that it is primarily an intravenous (IV) therapy. Under most circumstances, this means that you must either administer the IV needle yourself or depend upon another person to assist you. Unfortunately, this is beyond the logistical (and perhaps financial) capacity of most people, and it may be one reason why the original hydrogen peroxide therapy is not more widespread. Nevertheless, it should be realized that the proper intravenous application of hydrogen peroxide exerts a powerful anti-viral and general anti-pathogen effect.

Dr. Shallenberger’s Ingenious Use of a Nebulizer

The great news is that there is a safe and simple way to avoid doctors and IV needles. This method developed by Dr. Frank Shallenberger is almost as effective as IV, can be performed at home, and is much less costly than IV.

The treatment is known as nebulized hydrogen peroxide, and Dr. Shallenberger began using the technique some years ago when he had a patient who was taking asthma medication that her doctor had been administering in a nebulizer. For those who are unfamiliar, a nebulizer is a device that is able to convert a liquid into tiny, microscopic bubbles. As a result, these extremely small bubbles, which appear as smoke escaping from the nebulizer, can be inhaled into the deepest regions of the lungs without any discomfort or irritation. Such a device has long been utilized for asthmatics to get medication to open their lungs, but Shallenberger further noticed that nebulizers have a systemic effect, which is delivery far beyond the lungs only. According to one of Dr. Shallenberger’s patients, the inhalation of her prescribed drug in the nebulizer was “unbelievably strong,” and “affected her entire body.”

What Was Taking Place

It turns out that the tiny bubbles were not only providing medication to the patient’s lungs, but the drug was being delivered to her entire body through her lungs. Based on Dr. Farr’s prior research, Shallenberger reasoned that perhaps H2O2 could be delivered to the entire body with a nebulizer.

Dr. Shallenberger tried the nebulizer delivery system on himself, and he was delighted to discover that the treatment was extremely easy to administer, very comfortable like breathing extremely pure air, and the treatment was in no way irritating. Shallenberger’s first actually ill test subject was his wife who had developed the initial symptoms of flu. She immediately began 10-minute treatments every waking hour, and within 72 hours, (three days), the flu was fully cured. Shallenberger was predictably amazed in that even IV hydrogen peroxide cannot resolve flu in much less time.

Since Mrs. Shallenberger’s rapid recovery, Dr. Shallenberger has treated hundreds of cases of colds, flus, sinusitis, and bronchitis all with the same results. Indeed, Shallenberger has discovered that nebulizer treatments actually have an advantage over the IV therapy. Not only is the hydrogen peroxide disseminated into the entire body through the lungs, it is also going directly to the areas of the body that are most affected by viruses: the sinuses, throat, bronchial tract, and lungs. This is especially important since colds and flu viruses replicate to very high titers in these areas, serving to supply a continuous feed of virus to the rest of the body. Effective hydrogen peroxide nebulization quite literally, “chops the head off of the snake,” and the virus present elsewhere in the body can then readily be mopped up when the new virus influx has been terminated.

It should be kept in mind that hydrogen peroxide kills all pathogens very readily upon contact in an open wound. It should, therefore, be understandable why putting a fine mist of hydrogen peroxide in all the areas of maximal viral replication promptly puts the body on a pathway to rapid healing.
Dr. Levy’s Simple, Inexpensive, and Extremely Effective H2O2 Protocol

Early Onset and Treatment of Virus

Regular off-the shelf 3% hydrogen peroxide can be utilized. Preparations of greater pharmacological purity can be obtained if desired.

For most adults, the 3% concentration can be utilized in the nebulization chamber undiluted. This optimizes the degree and rapidity of anti-viral and anti-pathogen effect.

When a runny nose or slightly sore throat is already present, it is recommended that 10-to 15-minute nebulization sessions be undertaken roughly four times daily or until a symptomatic relief is realized. Many individuals report significant improvement only a few hours after the first one or two treatments. But it would be advisable to persist in these treatments several times daily for at least 24 to 48 hours after you feel everything is completely normal in your sinuses, nose, and throat.

For some, the 3% concentration results in too much stinging/burning in the nose. Such individuals can dilute with water until they find their highest tolerable concentration. Nearly everybody can tolerate a 50/50 combination of the 3% hydrogen peroxide and water. However, still lower concentrations can be utilized with clearly beneficial effect.


As it is a completely non-toxic therapy, nebulization can be administered as often as desired. If done on a daily basis at least once, a very positive impact on bowel and gut function will often be realized as killing the chronic pathogen colonization present in most noses and throats stops the 24/7 swallowing of these pathogens and their associated toxins.

If daily prevention is not a practical option, the effectiveness of this treatment is optimized when somebody sneezes in your face or you finally get off of the plane after a trans-Atlantic flight. Don’t wait for initial symptoms. Just nebulize at your first opportunity.

, run down and constantly require recharging or replacement.

Final Note: This fact and protocol sheet does not contain a copyright, and a patent has not been applied for. Therefore, I encourage the reader to disseminate the contents far and wide to as many people as possible. Because you now have a simple, inexpensive, and effective way to conquer virtually all viral infections, you do not have to live in fear of COVID-19 or any other pandemic.

Yours in good health,

Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

March 18, 2020

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Hospital treatment of serious and critical COVID-19 infection with high-dose Vitamin C

Dr. Richard Cheng, M.D., Ph.D. Shanghai

A group of medical doctors, healthcare providers and scientists met today online to discuss the high dose intravenous vitamin C use in the treatment of moderate to severe cases of Covid-19 patients. The key guest is Dr. Enqiang Mao, chief of emergency medicine department at Ruijing Hospital, a major hospital in Shanghai, affiliated with the Jiatong University College of Medicine.  Dr. Mao is a member of the Senior Expert Team at the Shanghai Public Health Center, where all Covid-19 patients have been treated. Dr. Mao also co-authored the Shanghai Expert Panel Consensus for the Treatment of Covid-19 Infection, an official document endorsed by the Shanghai Medical Association and the Shanghai city government.

Dr. Mao has been using large doses of IVC to treat patients with acute pancreatitis, sepsis, surgical wound healing, and other medical conditions for over 10 years. This time around when Covid-19 broke out, he and other experts thought of VC and recommended VC for the treatment of moderate to severe cases of Covid-19 patients. The recommendation was accepted by the Shanghai Expert Team early on.  All Covid-19 patients in the Shanghai area have been treated in Shanghai Public Health Center, there has been a total of 358 Covid-19 patients as of March 17th, 2020.

Dr. Mao stated that his group treated ~50 cases of moderate to severe cases of Covid-19 infection with high dose IVC.  The IVC dosing was around 10,000 mg – 20,000 mg a day for 7-10 days, with 10,000 mg for moderate cases and 20,000 for more severe cases by the pulmonary status (mostly the oxygenation index) and the coagulation status. All patients who received IVC improved and there was no mortality. Compared to the average of 30-day hospital stay for all Covid-19 patients, those patients who received high dose IVC had a hospital stay that‘s about 3-5 days shorter than the overall patients. Dr. Mao discussed one severe case in particular who was deteriorating rapidly.  He gave a bolus of 50,000 mg Vit C IV over a period of 4 hours. They watched the patient’s pulmonary (oxygenation index) status stabilizing and improving in real-time.  There were no side effects reported to all the cases treated with high dose IVC.

Among the experts who attended today‘s video conference were: Dr. Atsuo Yanagisawa, professor of medicine at the Kyorin University, Tokyo Japan and the president of the International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine; Dr. Jun Matsuyama of Japan; Dr. Michael J Gonzalez, professor at University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences, Dr. Jean Drisko, professor of medicine, and Dr. Qi Chen, professor of pharmacology, both at the Kansas University Medical School,  Dr. Alpha “Berry” Fowler, professor of pulmonary and critical care medicine, Virginia Commonwealth University, Dr. Maurice Beer and Asa Kitfield, both from NutriDrip and the Integrative Medical NY, New York City; Dr. Hong Zhang of Beijing Alps Point Health Technologies, LLC;  William T Penberthy, Ph.D. of Scribe LLC, Florida; Ilyes Baghli, MD, president of the Algerian Society of Nutrition and Orthomolecular Medicine (SANMO); Drs. Mignonne Mary and Charles Mary Jr, both of the Remedy Room, New Orleans; Dr. Selvy Rengasamy, president of SAHAMM, Malaysia. I, Richard Cheng, M.D., Ph.D. of Cheng Integrative Health Center of South Carolina, president of Cheng Health Consulting Services of Shanghai and Senior Adviser to ShenZhen Medical Association and ShenZhen BaoAn Central Hospital, initiated and coordinated this conference. Planned but unable to attend are Dr. Thomas Levy, board-certified cardiologist and world-renowned prolific author of Florida; Dr. Andrew Saul, editor-in-chief of Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, Dr. Hyoongjoo Shin of Daegu Korea and Dr. Federica Spurio of Italy.

Albeit a brief meeting of fewer than 45 minutes due to Dr. Mao‘s limited time availability, the audience thanked Dr. Mao for his time and sharing and wished to keep the communication channel open and also able to talk to other clinicians working at the front line against Covid-19.

In a separate meeting, I had the honor to talk to Dr. Sheng Wang, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Critical Care Medicine of Shanghai 10th Hospital, Tongji University College of Medicine at Shanghai China, who also served at the Senior Clinical Expert Team of the Shanghai Covid-19 Control and Prevention Team. There are 3 lessons that we learned about this Covid-19 infection, Dr. Wang said:
1. Early and large dose IVC is quite helpful in helping Covid-19 patients. The data is still being finalized and the formal papers will gradually be published.
2. Covid-19 patients appear to have a high rate of hyper-coagulability.  Among the severe cases,  ~40% severe cases showed hyper-coagulability, whereas the number among the mild to moderate cases was 15-20%. Heparin was used among those with coagulation issues.
3. The third very important lesson learned is that the time to wear protective clothing for intubation and other emergency rescue measures. If we wait until a patient develops the full-blown signs for intubation, then get ready to intubate, we’ll lose the precious minutes.  So the treatment team should lower the threshold of intubation, to allow proper time (~15 minutes or so) for the team to gear up.  This critical 15-30 minutes could make a difference in the outcome.

Also, both Drs. Mao and Wang confirmed that there are other medical teams in other parts of the country who were using high dose IVC treating Covid-19 patients.


Survey Questionnaire for the Research of Vitamin C in Flu and COVID-19. This is a short survey and won‘t take you more than 2-3 minutes.  This research is initiated by Drs. Qi Chen, Hong Zhang and myself, all Chinese American scientists/doctors.

Thank you.

Whether you take Vit C or not, your participation is important and will greatly help our research.

Click below to begin:


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Ketogenic Diet and Intermittent Fasting, How to Start

I recommend ow carb/ketogenic diet as your basic healthy diet, whether you are healthy, having a weight problem or having other chronic health problems.  This article will get you started on Ketogenic Diet.

For those with weight problems or other chronic diseases (hyperglycemia, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, autoimmune disease, etc.), I highly recommend that you start strictly on a ketogenic diet for at least ~ 3 months.  Once you are adapted to the keto diet, then you can modify it a bit to suit your lifestyle: to enjoy life but not at the expense of our health.

During this adaptation period (the first 3 months or so), I highly advise you to keep a daily record of your weight, blood glucose (for diabetic patients) , blood pressure (for hypertensive patients), and urinary ketone (for everyone else).

  • Total calories (calorie), depending on your body weight.
    • For a person without obesity, the total calories are recommended to be around~ 1600-1800 calories.
    • For weight loss, I recommend to even go lower, 1000-1500 calories daily.
    • Fats should accounts for ~ 70-80% of the total calories.
    • Protein is ~ 1 g / kg of body weight or ~ 10-15% of total calories.
    • Carbohydrates: refers to all high starch, high sugar foods such as rice, wheat products, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn, etc.
    • You can search for the nutrition content of a food product, if you are not sure if you can eat it or not.
    • Urine ketone test: How do you know if you are doing right on a ketogenic diet (in other words, are you in ketosis)? We usually recommend a simple and inexpensive urine ketone test.  If you are at least moderately positive on a urine ketone test, then you are doing right. We usually recommend that you check your urine ketone twice a day, fasting urine ketone in the morning, and in the afternoon.  Do this for a few weeks to 2-3 months until you have set a new routine of your diet.
    • More on Ketogenic Diet: 
  • Ketogenic Diet:

    Vegetables: My general rule is that my lunch is my first meal of the day. I will have a hearty lunch. First, I will try to eat more vegetables. I try to get a lot of vitamins, minerals and nutrients from vegetables. By vegetables, we mean non-starch, usually leafy vegetables. I recommend salad. Try not to cook these vegetables as the cooking process usually destroys vitamins.  Do not overcook vegetables.  I try to fill my stomach with these vegetables to 60-70% full. Then I eat foods that contain healthy fats. Fat pork, beef, lamb or eggs (especially egg yolks), cream, cheese, nuts (such as macadamia nuts), avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, etc. My lunch is like this: first eat a lot of green leafy vegetables, I may eat 2-3 pieces of braised pork cooked with no/little sugar. Yes it may make you feel greasy. With such a fatty greasy meal I actually don’t even feel hungry at dinner time.

  • Intermittent fasting

There are several ways but I personally find the following easy to practice:

  • 2 meals a day, within a 6-8-hour window: I usually intentionally skip breakfast and eat only 2 meals  a day at lunch (12-1 pm) and dinner (5-7 pm) times.
    • If you must eat breakfast (such as 7-8 am), the second meal then can be from 12 to 2 pm. After 2 pm, you will not eat any foods containing calories. You can drink water, tea, etc., but don’t add sweetened milk, etc. You can drink vegetable soup, eat vegetables.
  • Once a week, fast for 24 hours. After Friday’s dinner, I usually don’t eat until Saturday dinner time, that’s about 24 hours without any calories.  I will drink coffee, tea and water, however.  I don’t add any sugar or milk into my drinks.

In the past few years, I have been eating two meals (without breakfast, lunch and dinner 6 days a week. On Saturday, I do not have breakfast and lunch, and only eat dinner (that’s ~24-hour fasting). Not eating breakfast is not difficult for many people, especially Americans. So for me, skipping breakfast is not a big challenge. Fasting once a week is not a big challenge either.


  • Exercise: 

  • Any exercise is fine. But I found group exercises are more fun and usually last longer.  Group exercises are not just exercises but also socializing.
  • HIIT (High Intensity Interval Exercise) is recommended, here is how to:

Warm up for 15 minutes, adding a few 20-second bursts at the end to prepare for the workout. Run, bike, or row for 30 seconds at a nearly all-out effort. Take three minutes active recovery and repeat the 30 on/3 off pattern five or six more times. Finish with a 10-minute cool-down.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Cheng


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Integrative Medical Management of Diabetes and Other Chronic Diseases

Integrative Medical Management of Diabetes and Other Chronic Diseases

-On Essential Metals, Toxic Metals and Diabetes

Richard Z. Cheng, M.D., Ph.D.

Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is a worldwide major epidemic, affecting hundreds of millions of people worldwide. The world’s most populous country, China, has an estimated 110 million diabetic patients in 2017, according to a World Health Organization’s 2016 estimate, or about 10% of China’s population[1]. A 2017 US CDC report estimates the number of diabetes in the United States at ~ 10% of the US population, or ~ 30 million diabetic patients.  There are an estimated  ~ 84 million pre-diabetic patients, 1 in every 4 persons in US today. Combined, there are currently more than 100 million people in the United States with diabetes or pre-diabetes. By 2050, the total diabetes population will triple, accounting for one-third of the US population. Without intervention, pre-diabetic patients generally develop clinical diabetes within 5 years [2].

Diabetes is a major epidemic, causing huge health and economic burden to all human beings. Comprehensive management of diabetes is urgent. The comprehensive management of diabetes must be a joint effort among the governments, the business sector, the private sector, and the medical and pharmaceutical industry and consumers. Otherwise, diabetes will bring heavy, unsustainable health and financial burden to individuals, families, society, and governments.

Low-carb/ketogenic diet for diabetes management has been received increasing attention worldwide in the past few years among the general public and some healthcare providers. There are more and more clinical studies on low-carb/ketogenic diet demonstrating its effectiveness and utility for the treatment of diabetes, which is the first and foremost step in the treatment of diabetes. The clinical application of low-carb/ketogenic diet for the treatment of diabetes is most definitely a milestone towards the ideal diabetic management, but we shouldn’t stop at low carb/ketogenic diet alone. Those who expect the low-carb/ketogenic diet to be a panacea that can solve all the problems of diabetes may be disappointed down the road.

Like most other chronic diseases, T2DM is also a disease of multiple causes including a variety of exogenous factors (diabetogens), such as excessive sugar in the diet, toxic metals overload, environmental chemical toxins, etc., plus unhealthy lifestyle habits (poor sleep hygiene, stress, lack of exercise, unhealthy diet and poor nutrition). Working together, these extrinsic and intrinsic factors, if without prompt and proper intervention, will lead to a series of metabolic disturbances and wreak havoc to our health.

This is the first of a series of articles attempting to systematically analyze various factors implicated in diabetes including a final Integrative Medical Intervention Proposal for the prevention and treatment of T2DM.

Environmental pollution (metal and  chemical pollutants) and T2DM

Proper functioning of human body requires some metals [3]. Some metals (such as magnesium) exist in large amounts and are called macro nutrients [4]. Macro nutrients are nutrients that require at least 100 mg of each in the daily diet [5]. In contrast, some metals such as copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn), chromium (Cr), etc. exist normally in less than 100 parts per million (ppm), so they are properly called trace elements or micro nutrients [6]. Various metals such as magnesium, zinc, chromium, iron, manganese, and copper are considered essential for normal human health [3,7]. Metals are involved in various physiological processes, such as the repair groups of many proteins, water balance, and cofactors of various enzymes, etc. [8]. Several metals are used as metalloproteinases/metalloenzymes as part of proteins/enzymes [9]. Such metal-free repair group proteins cannot perform their physiological functions [10]. Normalizing the content of various metals in the body is a prerequisite for its normal function [11]. Metals contract or relax muscles and transmit impulses through nerves. Most metals exist as soluble salts that regulate the composition of biological fluids. The proper metabolic function of trace elements depends on their normal levels in various body tissues [12]. Drs. Khan and Awan has an excellent review article on this topic [7].

However, the worldwide industrial and agricultural revolutions over the past century and rapid economic development, especially in China over the past three to four decades, have also brought environmental pollution, including various toxic metals and chemicals. These environmental toxins contaminate our food, water, air, and everything we come into contact with in our daily lives. They are an important cause of chronic diseases today. For everyone, especially healthcare professionals, identifying, testing, and taking steps to prevent these toxins from getting into our body, remove them from our body, or to reduce their impact on our health is critical.

Essential metals and their physiological effects

A growing body of evidence exists and shows that these metals are essential for maintaining normal human physiology. These metal imbalances are closely related to diabetes and its complications. If the imbalance of these metals is not corrected, diabetes and other chronic diseases will ensue. 

Iron (Fe): Ferritin is the major storage form of iron. Ferritin is often higher in patients with diabetes and other chronic diseases, suggesting excess iron load. Serum ferritin levels may be a surrogate marker to predict the development of diabetes. 

Iron is an important metal essential for the synthesis of hemoglobin and myoglobin. Iron, like zinc and vitamin C, is also required for the synthesis of elastin and collagen [13]. In the blood, a small portion of serum iron is transported into cells by glycoproteins (called transferrin) [14]. Ferritin is a way of storing free iron in human tissues. Ferritin levels are often increased in newly diagnosed diabetic patients [15,16]. Compared with non-diabetics, patients with diabetes have higher ferritin levels. Recently, it has been reported that the higher the serum ferritin, the more iron deposition in the tissue, which increases linearly with the duration of diabetes [17]. Elevated serum ferritin is considered an indicator of iron overload and can cause hemochromatosis in severe cases [18]. Multiple studies have shown an association between hemochromatosis and type 2 diabetes [19–21]. High iron levels are a major contributor of intracellular oxidative stress, oxidize various biomolecules, such as nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids, which may promote the development of T2DM by reducing insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells and increasing insulin resistance [22–26]. Studies have shown a strong relationship between serum ferritin levels and insulin resistance in pre-diabetes [27,28]. In addition to elevated glucose, serum ferritin levels may be a surrogate marker of diabetes to predict the onset of disease [29,30].

Magnesium (Mg): Patients with diabetes, gestational diabetes are usually low in magnesium. Magnesium deficiency plays an important role in the development of insulin resistance and diabetes.

Magnesium is one of the most abundant macro nutrients and is essential for proper health. The activity of more than 300 enzymes requires magnesium, and these enzymes have a variety of important physiological functions in the human body [31,32]. Magnesium-containing enzymes are involved in glucose homeostasis, neurotransmission, and DNA and RNA synthesis [33]. Magnesium plays an important role in regulating insulin secretion from β islet cells and improves insulin binding of insulin receptors [34,35]. Magnesium deficiency has been shown to lead to a decrease in insulin-mediated glucose uptake [31,36]. On the other hand, magnesium supplementation can prevent insulin resistance and reduce the development of diabetes [37]. Some studies report that compared with healthy controls, patients with diabetes have lower levels of magnesium in the serum and increased excretion of magnesium in the urine [36]. Studies have shown that oral magnesium supplements can lower blood sugar, blood pressure, and triglycerides [37]. Magnesium deficiency is a major factor in the development and worsening of diabetes. Low magnesium appears to be one of the direct causes of insulin resistance [38].

A large PREVEND study in the Netherlands this year (2019) studied 5,747 subjects who were initially non-diabetic. After 11 years of follow-up, authors concluded that low plasma magnesium levels were independently associated with a higher risk of diabetes in women [39]. A recent study involving 14,353 participants with a follow-up of over a 29-year showed that extremely low serum magnesium concentrations in American adults were significantly associated with an increased risk of all-cause mortality [40]. Long-term magnesium deficiency significantly promotes insulin resistance, and continuous magnesium supplementation significantly increases serum and intracellular magnesium concentrations. Magnesium supplementation appears to improve insulin-mediated cellular glucose uptake and improve insulin resistance [41–44]. A 10-year study of 13,525 Japanese showed that high magnesium intake reduces the risk of diabetes [45]. After a 28-year comprehensive analysis of more than 200,000 people in 3 cohorts, researchers showed that higher magnesium intake reduces the risk of diabetes, especially when combined with a low-carb diet [46 ].

In patients with diabetes, high magnesium intake and high serum magnesium reduce the risk of coronary heart disease [47]. In animal studies, magnesium seems to not only reduce insulin resistance, but also increase insulin receptors and glucose transporters, which are hallmarks of diabetes [48–50]. In many diabetic patients, there is a vicious cycle of low magnesium leading to insulin resistance and insulin resistance leading to magnesium deficiency [34,51]. A double-blind randomized trial showed that magnesium has been shown to improve the ability of β-cells to secrete insulin as needed in non-diabetic populations [52]. Low magnesium levels can inhibit insulin secretion in non-diabetics [53]. Diabetics with low magnesium levels tend to develop faster and have more complications [54].

Women with gestational diabetes also show low magnesium compared to normal or non-pregnant women [55]. Magnesium and vitamin E supplementation can significantly improve glycemic control and lipid levels in women with gestational diabetes [56].

Manganese (Mn)

Manganese acts as a cofactor in a variety of enzymes, including those related to bone marrow production and the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats [57]. This is essential for the proper use of choline, thiamine, biotin, vitamin C and vitamin E. Manganese as an enzyme cofactor is also involved in mitochondrial glycoprotein synthesis [58]. When deficient in manganese, the activity of these enzymes is impaired, leading to abnormal cartilage production [59]. Manganese is also a cofactor for pyruvate carboxylase, which plays a role in converting various non-carbohydrates to glucose through gluconeogenesis. In short, manganese is required for normal insulin synthesis, its secretion and manganese imbalance is implicated in the development of diabetes [3]. A study by Forte et al. found a manganese deficiency in patients with type 2 diabetes [60].

Copper (Cu)

Copper is another essential mineral that has multiple biological functions. It is required for the catalytic activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), and it is involved in protecting cells from superoxide radicals [61]. Copper imbalance is associated with disruption of normal high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) balances [62]. Copper also activates the cytochrome oxidase involved in the mitochondrial electron transport chain [63]. In the absence of copper, cytochrome oxidase reduces its activity, which may cause mitochondrial deformation in metabolically active tissues (such as pancreatic acinar cells, liver cells, etc.) [64,65] Existing studies have shown that copper deficiency is one of the causes of the development of cardiovascular disease [66]. Other reports suggest that copper also helps prevent arthritis-related inflammation and epilepsy [67]. Disturbances in copper levels are associated with abnormalities related to the metabolic pathways of diabetes and its complications [3,68]. Copper and zinc metals play a role in protecting human tissues from oxidative damage [69,70].

Zinc (Zn)

Zinc is an essential trace element and is involved in multiple biochemical pathways such as transcription, translation, cell division, and apoptosis [71]. More than 300 enzymes require zinc for their catalytic activity. Removal of zinc from the catalytic site results in the loss of various enzyme activities [72]. About 70% of zinc binds to albumin, and any pathological changes in albumin will affect zinc levels in serum [73]. Zinc malabsorption can cause various types of diseases, including skin, gastrointestinal, neurological, and immune disorders [74].

Chromium (Cr)

The biological activity of chromium depends on its valence and the chemical complexes it forms [12,75]. The trivalent form of chromium has high biological activity and is required for optimal glucose uptake by cells [75,76]. Chromium regulates insulin and blood glucose levels by upregulating glucose transporter (GLUT4) transport in muscle cells to stimulate insulin signaling pathways and metabolism [77]. Chromium deficiency can lead to elevated blood sugar levels and, if persisted for long periods, can lead to the development of diabetes [78]. Some reports suggest that chromium supplements can lower blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes [79]. Prolonged hyperglycemia increases urinary excretion of chromium [3,60].

The relationship between toxic metals and health, chronic diseases, and especially diabetes

When lead, arsenic, zinc, cadmium, mercury and nickel exceed the normal levels, they are powerful oxidants, which can promote the development of chronic diseases including diabetes and even cancer [80].

The toxic metals lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), cadmium (Cd), and arsenic (As) enter the body and deposit in the tissue and are not degradable. As a result, these metals often remain in the tissues for long periods of time, and the problems they cause are often difficult to eliminate. Human tissues can tolerate a certain level of metals. Exceeding this threshold limit can cause tissue damage due to metal toxicity. Some toxic metals, including nickel and arsenic, have been shown to be carcinogens [81–83].

Lead (Pb)

Some toxic metals (including lead) in biological samples (ie, plasma and urine) of diabetic individuals are reported to be higher than non-diabetic individuals [84]. Lead is harmful to most organs of the human body and interferes with metabolism and cellular function [85]. Studies have shown a linear relationship between blood lead levels and renal insufficiency in age-related diseases. This may be due to frequent exposure to environmental lead [86]. Studies have shown that exposure to lead can severely affect the antioxidant pathway [83]. Existing evidence suggests that metal-induced toxicity may cause disturbances in the antioxidant mechanisms in living tissues. As a result, reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced. This imbalance of antioxidants can lead to peroxidative degradation of proteins, nucleic acids and lipids. The oxidative attack of ROS on cellular components has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several human diseases, including diabetes [87,88]. In fact, most, if not all, chronic diseases are associated with elevated oxidative stress.

Cadmium (Cd)

Cadmium is a heavy metal that is widely found in air, water, and soil. The increase in cadmium in water is absorbed by plants, animals and humans [84]. Regular exposure to cadmium can lead to its excessive accumulation in the kidneys, leading to kidney damage and kidney diseases [87]. In addition, high levels of cadmium can reduce calcium absorption, and severely cause bone and kidney damage, known as “Itai-Itai Disease” (Itai is Japanese for Painful) , caused by widespread cadmium poisoning was first discovered in Japan [89]. It has also been reported that cadmium may down-regulate glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) transport through insulin and enhance the induction of pancreatic β-cell destruction in diabetes [80].

Arsenic (As)

Arsenic is a naturally occurring lethal metalloid, mainly used in copper alloys and lead batteries. It is also commonly found in the production of pesticides, herbicides and pesticides. Arsenic is a Group I carcinogen by WHO [80,90–92]. The underground water pollution of arsenic is seriously threatening human beings worldwide [81,84,93]. Arsenic is widely recognized as a carcinogen and a strong oxidant that can damage neurons, liver, cardiovascular, subcutaneous and renal organ systems. Chronic arsenic overdose is the most common epidemic in the world, as is diabetes [94].

Regular exposure to arsenic has been linked to a variety of diseases, including certain types of cancer and diabetes. Studies have shown that glucose metabolism is disrupted due to changes in cell signal transduction, and subsequent translocation of GLUT4 to the membrane may be arrested. Some studies have shown that arsenic is associated with β-cell dysfunction [14,75].

Arsenic is mainly found in underground mineral compounds. It is especially common in the Himalayas. In Bangladesh, with a population of 167 million, more than 100 million people suffer from acute arsenic poisoning, accounting for 2 of every 3 people in this Southeast Asian country! As a result of mining and coal burning, arsenic is released into the atmosphere and surface water on which we live, polluting our living environment. Arsenic, lead, mercury and cadmium accumulate in rice. But arsenic is particularly problematic in rice because arsenic is present in water and soil all over the world, and rice grows in water for a long time. Rice contains vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates, but rice also has something nasty: pollution of metals, especially inorganic arsenic (arsenic). Rice is a major source of inorganic arsenic contamination in the human diet [93]. Rice absorbs 10-20 times more arsenic than other crops. The arsenic content is highest in rice husks, so brown rice has a higher arsenic content [93]. In the past few decades, China’s rapid economic development has also paid a huge price: environmental pollution, especially cadmium, arsenic, lead, and antimony [95].

65% of Chinese people eat rice as their staple food. Of the causes of arsenic excess in Chinese, 60% are thought to be related to arsenic contamination in rice [93]. Half of the world’s population eats rice every day.

About 4% of the 300 million people in the United States have arsenic in public drinking water that exceeds the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) standard (10ug/L) [96]. The actual number may be well over 4%, as there are many (close to half) water sources in the United States that have not been tested. Globally, it is estimated that superficial groundwater affecting 400 million people has high levels of inorganic arsenic [94]. Seafood, rice, mushrooms, and poultry are the main sources of arsenic in food.

Nickel (Ni)

Nickel is a ferromagnetic element and is mainly used in Ni-Cd batteries. Most people are exposed to nickel in different ways, such as drinking water, air, and eating foods contaminated with nickel [97]. The kidney has been observed to be the main organ of nickel accumulation and therefore the cause of renal insufficiency [98]. Forte et al. found that the nickel content in the blood of patients with type 2 diabetes was significantly higher than that in the normal control group [60].

In short, the researchers analyzed various biological fluids such as serum/plasma, hair, urine, etc. in order to understand changes in metal metabolism in various diseases including diabetes. Among these biological samples, urine is unique because it is easily accessible and non-invasively sampled. In some previously published studies, researchers have shown that the amount of metal in urine corresponds to the amount of metal in their serum [1,14]. Previous studies have shown a link between toxic metals and essential trace metals [78].



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3 Key Reasons Why I Recommend Low Carb/Ketogenic Diet

Low Carb/Ketogenic Diet has been very hot in the last few years.  Here I share my experiences with Low Carb/Ketogenic diet for myself and a large number of patients for the 4 or 5 years. 


There are 3 reasons why I recommend Low Carb/Ketogenic Diet:


1. Reduce carbohydrate and glucose intake. Low carb/KD is used for the management of metabolic diseases such as T2DM. This is very intuitive and is what most scholars, allied healthcare providers, patients and the general public recognize and are talking about. But even this straightforward appliction of KD (Diabetics have high blood sugar, and low-carbon/ketogenic diet will lower blood sugar level) is still controversial and has not been recognized and accepted by most doctors.


2. Reduce pollution caused by carbohydrate-rich foods, especially pesticides such as glyphosate, which are mainly in crops with high carbohydrate content. This type of contamination is the main cause of Leaky Gut, or Increased GI Permeability and Dysbiosis (gut bacteria imbalance). The latter is the root cause of many chronic diseases and can be found in nearly all chornic disease patients. This is more obvious in many autoimmune diseases. Most patients with autoimmune diseases have Leaky Gut, dysbiosis, increased oxidative stress, and mitochondrial function impairment. Mangement targeting these deficiencies (leaky gut, anti oxidants, mitochondrial nutrition) including low-carb/ketogenic diet, will often result in disease improvement.  In fact, if you ask and check carefully, you will find that most patients with chronic diseases will have gastrointestinal problems. “Let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food”, our ancestors have long recognized this relationship.  Today this problem is even more obvious: due to the deterioration of our food quality and ever increasing pollution and contaminants.  One can‘t be too careful about the food they eat.


3. Reduce the body’s dependence on glucose as the fuel supply, restore/promote body’s fat as energy supply. Under normal circumstances, we should use both glucose and fat as our fuels.  The two mechanisms for the human body to release and burn glucose and fat as fuel should be efficient and effective. However, due to the excessive amount of calories in todya‘s processed foods, especially the excessive consumption of carbohydrates (glucose and fructose), the demand for our body to release and burn fat as energy is greatly reduced. Our body is supposed to store and release energy on a regular basis.  But due to the excess calories that many people eat today, there is no need for these peoople to release their stored energy (fat).  If they keep doing this for a prolonoged period of time, their body wil forget how to release and burn fat.  Biologically this is called down-regulation of receptors and hormones important in fat metabolism.  Think about this: a typical T2DM patient is overweight (his/her body has lots of fat stored).  But when this diabetic patient misses a meal, s/he may develop low blood sugar, with hypoglycemic symptoms (such as headaches, fatigue, etc). Why? Because his/her body has been relying on sugar as energy for way too long and forgot how to utilized the vast energy source (fat).  This is the root cause of the onset of diabetes, obesity, and many metabolic diseases. 


Therefore, Low Carb/Ketogenic Diet is the FUNDAMENTAL part of my approach to the management and prevention of diseases,  along with other anti-aging/functional medicine principles. For Anti-Aging/Functional Medicine, see my articles elsewhere on this blog.



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A big missing part in today‘s cancer management programs

A very important part of an ideal cancer management plan that is missing in today‘s cancer mangement is the “seed and soil” relationship of cancer. Why do cancers grow in some people? Is it because of bad luck or bad genes? Why is cancer a lot more common than it was decades ago? One of the main reasons is that there are many more carcinogens around us today than before. On top of that is our reduced ability to fight cancer (e.g., reduced antioxidants from reduced vegetable intake in the diet). Therefore, in a cancer patient, we need to ask what is the overall health status of the patient? Are there any known carcinogens in the patient? Or maybe the patient is low in cancer-fighting nutrients (e.g., antioxidants). What other cellular functions that are already damaged?  Without addressing these issues, a cancer management program is flawed. In other words, we need not only to help the patient to fight against cancer, but also help the patient to regain his/her health, his/her cancer fighting ability.

Toxic Metals in a Colon Cancer Patient

Here is part of a the tests we ran on a newly diagnosed colon cancer patient.  The test shows he has way too much nickel, thallium, barium, tin, tunsten, and gadolinium. Most of these heavy metals are highly toxic and carcigenegic. And yet he has them in his body, and God knows for how long.  


So in his cancer management, we need to include heavy metal removal program to improve his odds of success.


Poorly Controled Glucose and HbA1C

Here is his glucose metabolism tests. He is a diabetic and his glucose control is still less than ideal.  He needs to be more strictc on the ketogenic diet to further reduced his blood gluose and HbA1C levels.

Highly Toxic Metals in a Urinary Bladder Cancer Patient



Therefore, a good comprehensive cancer management program should include these tests (including the tests shown here and other tests), and then attempt to correct these underlynig problems in addition to direct anti-cancer management.


For anti-cancer management, we use a cancer metabolic theory based – approach that includes Restrictive Ketogenic Diet.

More Info:  http://www.drwlc.com/blog/2017/03/16/integrative-cancer-therapies-introduction/

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Anti-Aging/Functional Medical Testing, A Major Weapon for the Prevention of Cancer, Coronary Heart Disease, etc

Many people get annual physical exams.  But often times the physical exam seems to be fine, but not long after they are diagnosed of cancer or some other severe diseases.  


This is because the current physical exam is designed only to detect the presence of clinical diseases, that is, whether you are sick or not, it‘s not designed to look for “how far are you from being sick”, or the subclinical problems.  This is where Anti-Aging/Functional Medicine comes in.

All diseases develop over a period of time, often years if not longer, from asymptomatic (subclinical) to symptomatic (clinical), from reversible to irreversible. Take diabetes for example. When you are diagnosed of diabetes, your pancreatic B-islet cells (responsbile for producing insulin) are 80% irreversibly dead. The same is true for cancer. 

As we all know, bad diseases like cancer and diabetes do not develop overnight.  On average, it takes about 10 years for diabetes to develop, that is to say, you have about 10 years to detect diabetes before it becomes diabetes.  

Before you develop clinical symptoms of these diseases, in fact, a lot of biochemical and physiological changes happen in your body. These changes are detectable now.  In addition to the conventional physical exam items, anti-aging/functional medical tests usually include vitamin/nutrient levels, including antioxidants, toxins (oxidants), oxidative stress markers, metabolic markers, markers of mitochondrial metabolism abnormalities, and Gut health markers (Leaky Gut and dysbiosis, etc.), hormone balance (or lack thereof).  The results of these tests will give us a good understanding of how a person’s body works and what problems exist. These tests will guide us on how to intervene and improve our health, prevent the onset of diseases and treat any existing disease. They are called Anti-aging/functional medical testing. If you are interested in such testings, contact our office at 803.233.3420, or email us at info@drwlc.com.


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An advanced stage breast cancer patient with lung, liver, and bone metastases

An advanced stage breast cancer patient with lung, liver, and bone metastases. After three and a half years of Integraive Cancer Therapy, her cancer has gradually shrunk.  Now she lives well with her tumor still present.


Share a case of breast cancer on request.


One of my patients, Joey, a Hong Kong woman, 44 years old. In early 2016, she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer with distant metastases to the  liver, lung, bone and left supraclavicular lymph nodes. At a HK hospital, she was told that she had only 8-9 months of life. After several courses of chemotherapy, the side effects were intolerable. She consulted me on her management. We recommended low-dose chemotherapy to reduce side effects and add our metabolic therapy, plus functional medical intervention. 


She followed our recommendations very carefully and seriously. The patient not only lives far beyond the expected “8-9 months”, but now the tumor has shrunk significantly. The tumors in her lungs and left supraclavicular lymph nodes have disappeared. No more breast tumor. Her liver metastasis still exists. When I visited Hong Kong three years ago, she was in a wheelchair and was in no spirit and was very weak. Now the patient is in much better shape, has no major side effects, and is back to work. She is still living with a tumor.



Our Integraive Cancer Therapy is (metabolic therapy + functional medical intervention) based on a restricted ketogenic diet, with anti-aging/functional medicine systemic intervention to restrict the cancer cell growth and to boost her immunity.

Joey 2018

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Basic science thinking vs clnical thinking

Basic science thinking vs clnical thinking.


These are 2 totally different styles of thinking.  As a basic scientist, s/he needs to dissect complex problems into single and small questions and then seek solutions to these small but basic questions.  S/he doesn‘t have to concern him/hserself with the overall consequence of the whole system.


Whereas for a clnician, his/her mission is to relief the pain/suffering of the patient, not just the focal symptomatic problems.  So his/her focus should be the whole sysmte (the patient).  If not, the consquence may be like the old saying in surgery, ”the surgery was a great success, but the patient died“.



This is one of the major drawbacks of “modern science”: we use too much statistics.  Also basic research and clinical medicine are 2 totally different sciences. But today, clinicians are trained to think like basic scientists.  This is the fundamental flaw in clnical medical education.  In China, I heard that even a community hospital doctor needs to write basic science research paper in order to get promotion. What a stupid and nearsighted policy!

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Management of a Patient with Skin rash, Abdominal Pain and Fatigue, with a Functional Medicine prospective

Summary: A patient with debilitating skin rash, abdonimal comfort and fatigue for nearly 1 year, with no improvement from dermatology and family medicine care.  The problem: a dermatologist looks at skin rash and doesn’t recognize that her other non skin symptoms are part of her illness, while a family doctor thinks the skin rash is a dermatology problem. This is a typical problem with the current medicine.  But Anti-Aging/Functional Medicine practitioner looks at the whole body, a concpet very similar to the ancient traditional Chinese medicine.  With our Anti-Aging/Funcitonal Medicine approach, she started feeling better in just days, and all her skin, discomfort and fatigue are gone.

Early June 2019: Out of desperation, Dawn stops by at our clinic, hoping we can offer some “miracle” to her miserable life.


Upper Extremity, Dawn in mid June ‘19,


Dawn stopped by our clinic in mid June 2019, hoping we could offer some solution to her long lasting illness: debilitating skin rash with abdominal pain, fatigue and fogginess for nearly one year! Her skin rash was all over her limbs and her body.  (Shown above is skin rash on one of her upper extremities, taken in early June 2019). 

She saw a dermatologist, who did skin bipsy and offered some treatments that didn‘t work.  The dermatologist told her ”skin rash is a type of the most challenging diseases”.  

Dawn also went to see her regular family doctor, who ran some blood tests, did CT and other exams for her abdodominal pain and fatigue.  Didn’t find a cause and wasn’t able to help her problems either.

These debilitating itchy skin rash, feeling tired, and belly pain have been really taking a toll on her health, her work and her life.  She drives by our clinic regulary and saw often our sign: Cheng Integrative Health Center.  She finally, in mid June, 2019, stoppby by at our clinic, hoping that we could offer some “miracle” to her miserable life.

After listening to her story for about 10-15 minutes, I already knew the root cause of her problems. I didscussed the concept of Leaky Gut, Oxidative Stress and bacterial imbalance (dysbiosis) as the root cause and pathology of her disease, and also how I treat these conditions:


1. Strict ketogenic diet


2. Intermittent fasting


3. Vit C 10 g / day, in divided doses


4. Cheng Liver Detox


5. Cheng TotoCell Nutrients


6. Mg Glycine/Citrate


7. MegaSpore Biotics



She left our clinic with hope and uncertainty.

Late June 2019: While I was in China lecturing, in a thrilling email Dawn told me she felt better in just a few days. 

In late June, 2019, I was on a lecturing trip to China, I received Dawn’s email along with some photos, showing her improving skin rash. She excitedly told me that the rash and abdominal pain improved significantly. 

Late June ‘19 

9/16/19: Dawn‘s rash completely healed and her symptoms of abdominal pain and discomfort, fatigue are gone, with only some residual bowel movement irregularities.  But if she eats certain carbs, she would still feel bad.  

With Dawn at the office 

Dawn, completely healed, 9/16/19

Dawn returned to the clinic today, thrilled, even brought her hsuband to discuss anti-aging/functional medicine. All her skin rash, abdominal pain, fogginess and fatigue are gone. On top of all these, she also lost 8 pounds. And she looks great, very slim and exuberant with energy. Although she still has some residual problems like irregular bowel movements. And in the past 3 months, she has ”cheated“ only three times, ate some bread and some other carbohydrates. Every time she ate these carbs, she‘d immediately feel sick to the stomach with sikin itch, and abdominal discomfort. She said she also “cheated” on some ice cream, but it didn’t seem to bother her. 

I told her that these observation is consistent with the mechanism that her main problem is the contaminants (glyphosate being a major culprit) in the carbs (other types of foods are less contaminated by glyphosate).  These enviromental toxins (Glyphosate) can tear up our GI tract, and can also enter our body and wreak a havoc.  Sugar is not her main problem, which explains why ice cream would induce her symptoms, but carbs would.  This also means that her leaky gut and dysbiosis have not healed yet (it takes time for these issues to heal).  

Conclusion: Many skin diseases, especially autoimmune skin diseases, are skin manifestations of systemic diseases. When dealing with these skin diseases, we can’t just focus on the skin, but ignore the whole body. Like Dawn, she has skin (rash), gastrointestinal (abdominal pain), and general (weak) symptoms. We can’t separate these disease presentations separately: a dermatolgoest treats the skin while an internist treats the gut. These are the different symptoms of the same disease.

It‘s this “holistic view” that we are missing in our current medicine.  With current medicine, we are so specialized, and subspecialized that we begin to only see treats, not the forest. 

Our current understanding of these diseases

Toxins in the diet (such as glyphosate) -> Gastrointestinal barrier destruction (increased permeability, leaky Gut, dysbiosis) -> Exogenous macromolecules (that should not enter the body) enters the body (including the toxin itself) -> immune response (a form of imflammation, or increased oxidative stress) -> various local symptoms (including eczema, psoriasis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis etc). 


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