Announcing the Healthy Living Lectures Series!

Drs. Wile, Dillard and Cheng, at the Cheng Integrative Health Center/Doctor’s Weight Loss Center will start offering free lectures on various topics on health, disease prevention and treatment.  America is in a healthcare revolution where the conventional medicine which focuses more on the acute care or symptomatic treatment is giving way to anti-aging/functional medicine which offers a holistic approach to health and disease management.  Most, if not all, chronic diseases are related to our lifestyle, to diet, exercise, environmental pollution and to our own hormonal imbalance.  We’ll discuss these various topics and how they relate to your own health and disease management.  There is no charge to these lectures.  However, due to limited seatings available, reservations are required.  Our first lecture will be on Monday, Aug. 7th at 11 am in our offices at 6149 St. Andrews Rd., Columbia, SC 29212.  Please call 803.233.3420 or email ( to reserve your seat.  The first lecture will be an overview of Anti-Aging/Functional Medicine.

Dr. Richard Cheng

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About Dr. Charles Wile, MD

Charles H. Wile, MD graduated with distinction from George Washington University MedicalSchool in 1975. He completed a residency in Family Practice at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (AFB) in 1978. He retired from the Air Force in January 1995 with the rank of Colonel. During his 24 year military career he served at Eglin AFB in the Family Practice Residency Training program and was a test item writer for the American Board of Family Medicine. He also served at Iraklion Air Station, Crete; at Ramstein AFB, Germany; and, at Charleston AFB, S.C. After retiring from the Air Force, he practiced full-time emergency medicine in North Carolina and South Carolina for 16 years and became Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. He has been an Advanced Cardiac Life Support Instructor and an Advanced Trauma Life Support instructor. In January 2011 he joined Civil Service and worked for 6 years at a community based Family Practice clinic in association with Ft. Jackson. In addition to a general Family Practice, he offered his
patients Restorative Medicine. He was trained by Neal Rousier, MD and Sangeeta Pati, MD in the protocols for Hormone Replacement Therapy. Dr. Wile only uses Bio-identical Hormones in his practice, along with encouraging a healthy lifestyle. He focuses upon restoring healthful nutrients and managing toxin exposures. He advises regular
aerobic exercising, dynamic strength building, stretching and balance activities. He promotes various relaxation techniques to harmonically balance mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. He has been married for 34 years and has 3 children. He has 2 grandchildren, a dog, 3 cats and cares for 5 feral cats. He is a volunteer at the Palmetto Lifeline Pet Rescue Agency. Dr. Wile will be working part-time and offering his Restorative Medicine experience and skills to patients at the Cheng Integrative Health Center.

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Welcome Dr. Wile to join us!

Dr. Wile, a very experienced medical doctor who devoted decades of his professional life to the US military community, joined us at Cheng Integrative Health Center/Doctor’s Weight Loss Center.  Welcome, Dr. Wile, it’s our great pleasure to have a well trained, well experienced and yet very kind and gentle doctor like you to join us.  Dr. Wile will be practicing integrative medicine to our patients using a holistic approach to disease treatment and prevention.  Dr. Wile is particularly interested in hormonal balance in our patient population.

Charles H. Wile, MD graduated with distinction from George Washington University MedicalSchool in 1975. He completed a residency in Family Practice at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (AFB) in 1978. He retired from the Air Force in January 1995 with the rank of Colonel. During his 24 year military career he served at Eglin AFB in the Family Practice Residency Training program and was a test item writer for the American Board of Family Medicine. He also served at Iraklion Air Station, Crete; at Ramstein AFB, Germany; and, at Charleston AFB, S.C. After retiring from the Air Force, he practiced full-time emergency medicine in North Carolina and South Carolina for 16 years and became Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. He has been an Advanced Cardiac Life Support Instructor and an Advanced Trauma Life Support instructor. In January 2011 he joined Civil Service and worked for 6 years at a community based Family Practice clinic in association with Ft. Jackson. In addition to a general Family Practice, he offered his
patients Restorative Medicine. He was trained by Neal Rousier, MD and Sangeeta Pati, MD in the protocols for Hormone Replacement Therapy. Dr. Wile only uses Bio-identical Hormones in his practice, along with encouraging a healthy lifestyle. He focuses upon restoring healthful nutrients and managing toxin exposures. He advises regular
aerobic exercising, dynamic strength building, stretching and balance activities. He promotes various relaxation techniques to harmonically balance mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. He has been married for 34 years and has 3 children. He has 2 grandchildren, a dog, 3 cats and cares for 5 feral cats. He is a volunteer at the Palmetto Lifeline Pet Rescue Agency. Dr. Wile will be working part-time and offering his Restorative Medicine experience and skills to patients at the Cheng Integrative Health Center.

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We are closed on July 3rd and 4th!

Happy July 4th to all! Our office will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, July 3rd and 4th. And will reopen on Wednesday, July 5th! Have a happy and safe holiday!

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Cancer is a Mitochondrial Dysfunction Disease: Integrative Cancer Management

Updated Dec. 5th, 2o20.

Upon my invitation, Dr. Tom Seyfried, Professor of Biology at Boston College delivered this video lecture (English with Chinese caption) to the 2nd annual Conference of China Low Carbon Medicine Alliance on November 15, 2020. Dr. Seyfried is an internationally well known scientist on cancer metabolic theory. He published masterpiece Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: on its Origin, Management and Prevention in 2012. We translated it into Chinese and published in 2018. Cancer metabolic theory has received great responses internationally.

From pathogenesis to prevention and clinical management, cancer metabolic theory overturns the traditional cancer genetic mutation theory, better answers the question why cancer is still not a curable disease, and points to the right direction of cancer prevention and management. The initial results of cancer metabolic therapy both internationally and from our team are very promising.

Dr. Cheng with Dr. Seyfried, Oct. 2020, at the International Cancer Metabolic Theory Conference, Baltimore 

  Author: Tom Seyfried, Ph.D.

Editors (Chinese): Richard Z. Cheng, M.D., Ph.D, Chuan Chen, MD. Publisher: China Science Press, Beijing 2018


Most cancer are caused by various factors including carcinogens and unhealthy lifestyle. These factors not only affect our genes, but they also damage our mitochondria, the energy source of our cells.  A large number  of studies have pointed to the damage of energy production in mitochondria as the key mechanism of cancer development. When energy supply is insufficient, cells will die. But every cell is an independent life. In order to survive, cells shuffle genes to enhance the glucose and glutamine fermentation for energy production (so called substrate level phosphorylation) , which is normally suppressed. Dr. Seyfried also pointed out that this energy metabolism disorder is also the root cause of cancer metastasis.

Our integrative cancer management starts from lifestyle changes, especially diet (restrictive ketogenic diet), including nutrition (especially antioxidants, mitochondrial nutrients), toxin removal, and hormone balance. It’s not just the lifespan of a cancer patient that matters, but equally importantly the quality of life of these patients that matters. We do not only focus on the inhibition or killing of cancer cells, but also stress the importance of the overall health of the cancer patient.

Cancer Metabolic Theory

We were all told that cancer is a disease caused by DNA mutations.  Based on this dogma (so called Somatic Mutation Theory), a few initial insulting mutations (so called driver mutations) will start the cancerous process, causing many other mutations in a cell and eventually turn the cell into a cancer cell. So all the daughter cancer cells should bear the same driver mutation fingerprints.  The scientists have been searching for these driver mutations for the past decades.  If we could find these driver mutations, then we should be able to develop unique drugs to target them and kill them all.  This was the holy grail for scientists.  Starting in the mid 1990s, DNA sequencing became rapid and inexpensive.  Scientists mapped the whole human genome in the 1990-2000 era (the Human Genome Project).  Very quickly, scientists also sequenced many cancers (The Cancer Genome Atlas, TCGA).  But to our dismay, we did not find the driver mutations everyone was looking for. A driver mutation is a grand father mutation that causes a cell to turn into cancer cell, so it must be present in all (at least the majority) of cancer cells.  But scientists have not found even one such driver mutation.  Yes, cancer cells display numerous DNA mutations.  But these mutations vary greatly from cancer to cancer.  Even in the same patient, cancer cells from the same tumor mass show different mutations.  All in all, no one can find any specific mutations that are present in a majority (let alone all) cancer cells. This has really frustrated all cancer research scientists.

Actually not all scientists believed this driver mutation theory.  Dr. Pete Pedersen of Johns Hopkins University and Dr. Thomas Seyfried of Boston College are among the leaders of a few scientists who believed that cancer is a metabolic disease, a disease not caused by the DNA mutations, but caused by the mitochondrial damage.  This is a very old theory, proposed by the late Dr. Otto Warburg, a Nobel laureate, back in the 1920s.  Warburg observed that while normal cells can burn both glucose and fat as fuel, most, if not all, cancer cells use glucose as their only or primary fuel.  Normal cells burn glucose through 2 pathways: anaerobic glycolysis or fermentation (i.e., in the absence of oxygen, glucose is converted to pyruvate and lactate with minimal energy production). But whenever oxygen is present, glucose is mostly burned through Oxidative Phosphorylation (OxPhos), in the mitochondria, which produces 18 times more energy than the fermentation process.  However, Warburg observed that cancer cells, even in the abundant presence of oxygen, uses mostly anaerobic glycolysis to produce energy.  This phenomenon is known as the Warburg Effect.  The PET scan we use for cancer diagnosis today is based on this glucose preference of cancer cells: cancer cells use far more glucose than normal cells as fuel.  Hence, radio-labeled glucose is injected into a patient which is then taken up mostly by the cancer cells.  The radio-label lights up the cancer cells like a Christmas tree.

The Major Problems with the Current Gold Standard of Cancer Therapies

  1. For the past several decades, since Nixon’s War on Cancer, the cancer treatment result (commonly measured as 5-year survival) for most cancers (esp. cancers of solid tissues like the liver, lungs, pancreas and colon) has not changed much (PMID: 15630849), despite the much money and manpower put into this War on Cancer.  The progress on cancer has been mostly on early diagnosis and early surgical removal of cancers, very limited on chemo or radiation therapy of advanced cancers.
  2. The theory (Somatic Mutation Theory) based on which the current cancer drug development/treatment is based is seriously being challenged and, very likely, outright wrong.
  3. Cancer stem cells.  All cells including cancer cells come from stem cells.  When stem cells divide to give rise to 2 daughter cells, one usually goes dormant while the other keeps diving.  Current chemo/RAD don’t kill these stem cells. Cancer stem cells are a major source of drug resistance and disease relapse.
  4. The current chemo/RAD therapies for cancer are often too toxic and don’t kill stem cells (above).  This approach aims only to kill the enemy cells and do nothing to boost patient’s own defense.

Cancer Metabolic Therapy

Based on this theory that cancer cells mostly rely on glucose as fuel, one can devise a strategy to “starve” cancer cells by limiting their fuel supply (cutting off sugar and carbs in their diet and increase healthy fats as the fuel, or so called Ketogenic Diet), as well as using glycolysis inhibitors (to further block fermentation pathway of cancer cells).  This approach will seriously reduce the energy supply to the cancer cells while the normal cells are unaffected.  Using this approach (or some variation of it), people have achieved very promising results worldwide.  Here is a short list of some selected reports:

  1. Slocum et al reported (Metabolic Therapeutics Conference, 2/4/17,  Tampa FL) their result of treating 44 cases of stage 4 lung cancer (NSCLC) using a combination of chemo/RAD and metabolic therapy.  The 1-year survival rate of this group of patients was 86.1% (compared to 18% in the literature, PMID 3096514).
  2. The same group (Slocum et al) reported 82.6% 1-year survival for a group of 33 cases of stage 3/4 pancreatic cancers, compared to 20% 1-year survival of combined stages 1-4 in the literature (Slocum et al., J of Pancreas, 2016 Jan. 08, 17(1)36-41).
  3. A case report: an 81 year-old woman diagnosed of stage 3 rectal cancer is still in clinical remission 27 months (by the time or report) after using chemo and metabolic therapy (Slocum et al. 2016).
  4. Roger D was diagnosed of stage 3 bladder cancer in June 2016.  He chose not to get any chemo/RAD, instead he started ketogenic diet in July.  In a short few months, he was in clinic remission (personal communication).
  5. Linda Nabeling of Case Western U reported over 20 years ago 2 cases of advanced brain tumor (stages 3/4) in 2 young girls (3 and 8 years old).  They were given only months, if not a few short years, to live.  These girls were first treated with chemo/RAD with severe side effects and later switched to metabolic therapy (ketogenic diet), both girls were still well (with no clinical sign of cancer) and alive 9 and 15 years later (with the most recent follow up data).
  6. Melanie Schmidt of Wurzburg Germany reported a 16 case 3-months trial of ketogenic diet.  Those who followed the diet were found to have tumor either not progressing or reduced in size.
  7. Eugene Fine of Albert Einstein Medical School reported 10 cases back in 2012 of going on ketogenic diet.  PET-CT showed no progression or or even reduction in tumor size.
  8. Beth Zupec-Kaniay applied ketogenic diet to 10 brain cancer patients. All showed improvement and some even achieved long time survival.
  9. Ko and Pedersen of the Johns Hopkins University applied 3-bromopyruvate (3-BP) to a late stage gastric cancer with liver metastasis (with 95% liver damage) and severe ascites to a young boy.  The boy’s doctor predicted he won’t survive until the next birthday.  The boy’s father, out of desperation, found Ko and Pedersen team. They used 3-BP for the patient and the patient achieved complete remission: no sign of cancer cells anywhere!  The patient survived more than 2 years and eventually died of pneumonia due to poor liver function, not due to cancer recurrence.  At autopsy, no cancer cells were to be found anywhere.
  10. Aasmund, a young Norwegian athlete, was found a 10cm lymphoma (mediastinum), 9 years ago. After a few toxic rounds of chemo without much success, he gave up on chemo and switched to metabolic therapy.  He consulted me ~3 years ago.  I recommend integrative therapy, including high dose IV Vit C.  He reported to me about 1 year ago that he finally became cancer-free!
  11. Joey, a 44 year-old woman of Hong Kong, was found (2016) to have stage 4 breast cancer with metastasis to the lungs, liver, left supraclavicular lymph node and vertebral bodies.  She was also given a few months to live.  She received a few rounds of chemo and also added metabolic therapy.  Her tumors in the breasts, lungs and neck are gone with only some residual tumor activity in the liver.  She has returned to part time work about 1 year and a half ago. When I saw her in Hong Kong about 3-4 years ago, she was wheelchair bound, very weak and pale.
  12. Csaba Toth reported a patient with oral cancer.  The patient declined all surgical, chemo/RAD and went on ketogenic diet. 20 months later, the tumor reduced in size (confirmed by MRI) and the patient is fine without any side effects or symptoms.
  13. Dr. Zuccoli reported a case of his mother with brain tumor (glioblastoma multiforme).  Knowing how bad the cancer is, Dr. Z convinced his mother to go on ketogenic diet.  Within a few months, her cancer was nowhere to be found (confirmed by MRI).  She stayed on ketogenic diet and the cancer remained under control (MRI).  But then when she went off the ketogenic diet, the cancer came back.

Other Anti-Cancer Therapies

High dose vitamin C intravenously (HDIVC) for cancer treatment has been reported in the literature for a long time. HDIVC is safe and without significant side effects, according to the Physician Data Query, published by the National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD, if done properly under the supervision of a trained healthcare professional. We have extensive experience with this therapy.

  1. Vitamin C.  Large dose Vitamin C has been used in cancer treatment for a long time. When used properly, large dose IV Vit C (Gonzalez et al., J of Orthomolecular Medicine V30, No.1, 2015);
    1. Can improve patient’s quality of life;
    2. Reduces side effects due to chemo/RAD;
    3. Reduces viral/bacterial/fungal complications of cancer patients as well as improves the symptoms of a patient’s Vit C deficiency and inflammation;
    4. Can kill cancer cells via
      1. Competitive inhibition of glucose uptake by the cancer cells;
      2. Reduce the oxidative stress in a cancer cell, with Vit C being an electron donor;
      3. Kills cancer cancer cells via H2O2 produced by Vit C.
    5. Increases collagen synthesis, improves the immunity.

Our Integrative Cancer Therapies

We believe that cancer is a chronic disease and can/should be managed as such. We take an integral approach to cancer treatment with 2 goals:

  1. Any methods that kills cancer cells without significant side effects, including conventional chemo/radiation therapy.
  2. Boosting patient’s own health using anti-aging/functional medicine approach. This very important part of the treatment has been largely ignored by the conventional cancer therapies in the past.

Specifically, we use an integral approach to treat cancers (esp. advanced stage cancers) using the Restricted Ketogenic Diet + Glycolysis Inhibitors + Broad Spectrum Nutritional Supplementation + Large Dose IVC.  If you have any questions, please schedule an appointment by calling 803.233.3420 to come to talk to Dr. Cheng.

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Whey Protein/VC/MitoSuppport Weight Loss Plan:

WheyProtein/VC/MitoSupport Weight Loss Plan.

Vitamin C is structurally very similar to glucose.  When you ingest a large dose of Vit C, it tricks your body to release insulin.  Vit C also seems to have an appetite suppression capability and many people on large dose Vit C alone report weight loss.  (I am one of these people.  For many years, I tried to lose about 10 lbs to look better but without much success.  Months ago, when I started large dose daily Vit C program, I am talking about ~15 grams of Vit C plus the MitoSupport, I lost 8-9 lbs within 2 weeks and have never gained that weight back).  Vit C is a powder toxin neutralizer and grandfather of anit-oxidants.  Large dose of Vit C is very safe.  The only side effect of Vit C is GI intolerance, watery diarrhea, called Vit C flush.  Vit C has been used as a healthy colon cleanser once a week.

MitoSupport.  Mitochondria are a structure inside of every one of our cells.  It functions as a rechargeable battery within our body.  Malfunction of mitochondria has been found to be responsible for many diseases including autism, heart disease and dementia, as well as aging.  Some natural supplements such as alpha Lipoic acid, CoQ10, L acetyl-carnitine are found to be able to improve mitochondrial function by improving their quality (and probably even increase in quantity as well).  I personally have been very interested in anything that will help my sports insurance and energy level.  I have been taking these MitoSupport supplements for the past few months, I felt significant improvement in my energy level and in my endurance.  Some of you may know that I have been playing badminton against people half of my age or younger (mostly college students or grad students).  You know how desperate I am in searching for power enhancing supplements.  I am glad I found them.  Now I am passing my research results onto you.

Whey protein.  Whey protein is nutrient rich with lots of essential amino acids.  It helps our muscle building and immune system boost.

When we combine these 3 together, we have a powerful weight loss program.


For the First Week:

1. One tablespoonful of the Liver Detox mix, mix in cool or room temperature water (do not use warm or hot water as it will clump whey protein), drink 3 times a day as meal replacement.  You may also make smoothies with this protein mix.

2. Eat plenty of green leafy veggies, to include esp. cruciferous veggies (such as broccoli, cabbage or cauliflower).

3. Drink plenty of water, or tea (green tea preferred without adding sugar or other junks).

4. Do not eat any other foods, such as meats or carbs.

5. Do not eat any food 3-4 hours before bed time.  Give yourself a 12 hour break between the last meal and the first meal of the next day.  This 12-hour period is important for your body esp. mitochondria to digest and process the food load.

From the Second Week:

1. Breakfast: Mix one tablespoonful of Weight Management mix in room temperature or cool water or make a smoothie out of it.  Drink once or twice a day (You’ll need an extra bag of Weight Management Formula, if you plan to use it twice a day).

2. Take 1 teaspoonful (~5gm) of Vit C, dissolve in <4 oz warm water, drink twice a day.  On the weekend, choose a day that you plan to stay home, mix 2-3 teaspoonfuls of Vit C, dissolve in ~ 4 oz warm water and drink it.  Don’t dissolve in too much water, as the sour liquid is not as pleasant as a beer or soda, although quite tolerable.  The goal of this weekend higher dose of Vit C is to produce a Vitamin C Flush: a mild diarrhea (but not uncomfortable) to cleanse your colons.  So start from ~10 grams and work your way up.  The amount of Vit C to produce a mild diarrhea varies between people and also depends on how much toxins you accumulated in your colons.  Once you start taking Vit C regularly, you’ll need less Vit C.

3. For lunch and dinner: If possible, skip dinner.  Eat a 15 gram protein (lean meats or fish or protein powder), plus plenty of green leafy veggies, to include esp. cruciferous veggies (such as broccoli, cabbage or cauliflower).

4. Drink plenty of water, or tea (green tea preferred without adding sugar or other junks).’

5. Do not eat any food 3-4 hours before bed time.  Give yourself a 12 hour break between the last meal and the first meal of the next day.  Try to eat natural real foods, not the processed, canned or prepared foods.  Cut out the sodas or other sugary drinks.  This 12-hour period is important for your body esp. mitochondria to digest and process the food load.

6. Exercise, both aerobic and anaerobic types.




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New Weight Loss Products

Dr. Cheng has spent last few years focusing on anti-aging medical research.  Dr. Cheng received his certification from American Academy of Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine.  As a result of his study and research, he has developed several new products based on the principles of anti-aging medicine.

1. Liver Detox Program.  This is a one-week liver detoxification program.  All of us, especially those weight loss patients, should go on a liver detox program several times a year.  We are surrounded by all kinds of chemicals, pesticides and herbicides.  US has over 80,000 registered chemicals, the effects on the human body of many of these chemicals are unknown or unresearched.  These toxins are stored in our body, including the fat tissues.  When we lose weight, these toxins are released that make us uncomfortable.  Detox in early phase of a successful weight loss program is critical.

2. WheyProtein/C/MitoSupport Program.

Vitamin C is structurally very similar to glucose.  When you ingest a large dose of Vit C, it tricks your body to release insulin.  Vit C also seems to have an appetite suppression capability and many people on large dose Vit C alone report weight loss.  (I am one of these people.  For many years, I tried to lose about 10 lbs to look better but without much success.  Months ago, when I started large dose daily Vit C program, I am talking about ~15 grams of Vit C plus the MitoSupport, I lost 8-9 lbs within 2 weeks and have never gained that weight back).  Vit C is a powder toxin neutralizer and grandfather of anit-oxidants.  Large dose of Vit C is very safe.  The only side effect of Vit C is GI intolerance, watery diarrhea, called Vit C flush.  Vit C has been used as a healthy colon cleanser once a week.

MitoSupport.  Mitochondria are a structure inside of every one of our cells.  It functionas as a rechargeable battery within our body.  Malfunction of mitochondria has been found to be responsible for many diseases including autism, heart disease and dementia, as well as aging.  Some natural supplements such as alpha Lipoic acid, CoQ10, L acetyl-carnitine are found to be able to improve mitochondrial function by improving their quality (and probably even increase in quantity as well).  I personally have been very interested in anything that will help my sports insurance and energy level.  I have been taking these MitoSupport supplements for the past few months, I felt significant improvement in my energy level and in my endurance.  Some of you may know that I have been playhing badminton against people half of my age or younger (mostly college students or grad students).  You know how desperate I am in searchign for power enhancing supplements.  I am glad I found them.  Now I am passing my research results onto you.

Whey protein.  Whey protein is nutrient rich with lots of essential amino acids.  It helps our muscle building and immune system boost.

When we combine these 3 together, we have a powerful weight loss program.

3. Optimal Nutrients Program.  We now offer a custom formulated vitamins/nutrients optimal for our health based on the state of the art anti-aging medicine theory.  The unique features of this product are listed below.

  • It contains a full spectrum of all the vitamins, including A, B complex, C, D3, E, K2, CoQ10, Astaxanthin, and Resveratrol, as well as Omega-3 Fish oil.
  • It also contains powerful anti-oxidants: Astaxanthin, Resverarol, and Omega-3 Fish Oil
  • High Dose Vitamin C.  Vitamin C is the grand father of anti-oxidants.  Vitamin C is safe at any dose.  High dose vitamin C has been used in treatment of degenerative diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, and arthritis.  High dose (usually intravenous or liposomal Vit C) has been used in cancer treatment.


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Cancer Protection and Reserval Protocol

Dr. Thomas Levy, a well known physician, in his book Death by Calcium outlines the following:

  1. Minimize new toxin exposure.
  2. Eradicate acute and chronic infections.
  3. Eliminate accumulated toxins.
  4. Improve or normalize critical regulatory hormones (sex, thyroid).
  5. Optimize antioxidant and nutrient levels, especially vitamin C, throughout the body.
  6. Selectively and appropriately use prescription medications.”

Further: Dr. Levy suggests the following:

Vit C


















Excerpt From: Thomas E. Levy. “Death by Calcium.” MedFoxPub, 2013-12-04. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

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Insulin Resistance (IR)



imageInsulin Resistance is a proatherogenic state.

Diagnosing IR:

  • Moderate Elevation of GTT and ALT
  • Metabolic Syndrome (also called Insulin Resistance Syndrome)
  • Fasting blood sugar level: 100-125.
  • TG/HDL > 3.5 (Caucasians); >3 (Mexican Americans); >2.0 (non-Hispanic Blacks).
  • A1c >6.5%
  • GTT is the gold standard.
    • 2 Hour GTT 120-139: 66% loss of Beta cell function.
    • 2 Hour GTT <140 but One hour GTT >125, high probability of IR.
  1. IR damages arteries regardless of blood sugar levels
    1. IR increases arterial inflammation
    2. IR immediately and progressively drives endothelia inflammation
    3.  Majority of MI (myocardial infarction) have IR.
    4. Majority of ACS (acute coronary syndrome) patines are Insulin Resistant.
    5. IR significantly increases ischemic stroke risk in non-diabetic adults.
    6. GGT and ALT predict new onset DM and identify underlying IR
      1. These levels of GGT and AT doubled the risk:
        1. GGT women >/=21 units/L vs. </= 6 units/L;
        2. GGT men >/=47 units/L vs. </=10 units/L
        3. ALT women >/= 20 units/L vs. </=10 units/L
        4. ALT men >/= 34 units/L vs <15 units/L
    7. Ethnicity:
      1. TG (triglycerides)/HDL >/= 3.5 = IR in Caucasians
      2. TG/HDL >/= 3.0 = IR in Mexican Americans
      3. TG/HDL >/= 2.0 = IR in Non-Hisanic Blacks.
    8. Abnormal fasting blood glucose identifies IR
      1. ADA definition: 100-125 mg/dl is abnormal and is a strong indicator of IR
      2. 2 Hour GTT:
        1. Increased risk for IR if >/= 125 mg/dl
        2. If >150, 13x greater risk of IR.
      3. ADA: A1c 5.7 – 6.4% = Pre-diabetes = IR


Source: Dr. Jeff Life, A4M Convention 12. 2015, Las Vegas

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Happy Holidays! the office will close on Thursday 12/24/2015, reopen on Monday 12/28/2015. For next week, our office will close on Thursday 12/31/2015, reopen on Monday 01/04/2016.

This week, the office will close on Thursday 12/24/2015, reopen on Monday
12/28/2015. For next week, the office will close on Thursday 12/31/2015, reopen on
Monday 01/04/2016.

Posted in News | Comments Off on Happy Holidays! the office will close on Thursday 12/24/2015, reopen on Monday 12/28/2015. For next week, our office will close on Thursday 12/31/2015, reopen on Monday 01/04/2016.