Will Vaccines Save Us from this Pandemic?

 Covid-19 Vaccines May Be a Double Edged-Sword.

by Richard Cheng, M.D., Ph.D.


80% of people who contract Covid-19 develop only mild diseases. 20% of those who contract Covid-19 show no symptoms. The death rate of Covid-19 for young people up to 50 years of age is similar to an influenza. Between 50 and 70, it starts to increase (but still may not be much worse than a flu, unfortunately there is no age-specific breakdown data to compare with). At age above 75, the risk starts going up significantly.

While for most people, Covid-19 vaccine may not be necessary nor worthwhile, these vaccines may cause deleterious side effects. Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, described above, is just one of such concerns. Distrust of vaccines has been a long standing issue, which can’t be simply dismissed as anti-vaccine mentality1.

Covid-19 Vaccines: Light at the end of the very long tunnel?

The whole world has been immersed in the Covid-19 panic for the most part of 2020. Like US politics, the world also seems split towards Covid-19. Most people experience fear, anxiety and hopelessness, while a significant number of people seem to downplay the danger of Covid-19, not adhering the general warnings of facial masks and social distancing. Americans are not very patient people. After a couple of months of Covid fear and anxiety in the spring, we saw a decline of Covid statistics in the summer resulting in relaxed attitude towards Covid-19. But now, early winter, Covid stats seem to be creeping up again. We begin to see reports that some European countries and US states start locking down again. In the backdrop of unsettled US presidential election, I sense rising levels of fear, anxiety, anguish and even anger in the air. Some even fear the breakout of yet another civil war. This time of the year, winter blues and holiday depression will usually also begin to emerge. Just when the pieces for a perfect storm seem to be falling into places, Pfizer and Moderna both announced their “highly effective” vaccine.

What a shot in the arm: finally, the long-awaited savior has arrived.


After the initial excitement, some of us need to calm down and do a reality check. After some analysis with a dose of common sense, the picture down the road may not be as rosy as most of us want to believe, or at least not in the coming months.

Pfizer reported a Covid-19 vaccine effective in ~90% of 43,000 people. Moderna also reported their similar mRNA vaccine trial on ~30,000 people with 94% effectiveness. These reports really excited the world, offering a glimpse of light at the end of the long Covid-19 tunnel. These vaccines are mRNA vaccines, a new class of vaccines. In a nutshell, instead of injecting a piece of the virus (dead or alive) as in conventional vaccines, Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vaccines inject a messenger RNA to instruct the recipient’s body to start an immune reaction against the spike protein of the SARS-Cov2 virus. This spike protein is what this virus uses to infect and enter the host cell. If we can block this process, then we can block the infection or render it less harmful, at least. This is a brand-new vaccine strategy, one that has never been tested before. Questions towards both the effectiveness and safety arise. Some of the questions are pretty serious2.

  1. The mRNA vaccine technology is the first of its kind, longtime effectiveness and safety are unclear. Only time will tell. Pfizer says viral mutations are not a problem for their mRNA vaccine which will be effective against SARS-Cov2 viral mutants. This also remains to be seen.
  2. Among the younger population, Covid-19 is not more threatening than a seasonal flu. The population that Covid-19 causes more problems is primarily the eldest of the elderly and immune compromised. Will the vaccine protect the elderly, children, pregnant women and immune compromised? We don’t know the answer.
  3. Safety concerns. Several Covid-19 vaccine attempts have met with side effects severe enough to halt the clinical trial. Although Pfizer and Moderna didn’t report serious side effects of their vaccines so far among the 43,000+ and 30,000+ recipients. One of the concerns is a phenomenon called Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE). More below on ADE.
  4. Other problems. To effectively halt the spread of Covid-19 worldwide, it’s estimated that ~2/3 of the world’s population need to develop immunity to Covid-19, whether through vaccine or viral exposure/infection. To immunize several billions of people worldwide or ~200 million in US is a daunting task, let alone that a large number of US residents are reported to be resistant to vaccines. CNN reports recently that up to 45% of people in a survey were against Covid-19 vaccines. Only about half of the people in the survey were willing to receive vaccines. To immunize half of the US population, it’ll still take a considerable amount of time to manufacture, distribute and immunize. We don’t know when that will happen, but we probably shouldn’t expect that before summer of 2021.

ADE (Antibody-Dependent Enhancement)

A Nature article in September 2020 cautioned the potential risks of ADE (Antibody-Dependent Enhancement) of Covid-19 vaccines3. ADE describes a biological phenomenon where vaccines do not protect the vaccine recipients, but instead the vaccine make it easier for the virus to infect and enter cells and may potentially make the recipient develop more serious disease had they not been vaccinated. In other words, vaccines will not protect these patients and instead when they are infected with the virus, the vaccine will make it worse for these patients.

Previous vaccine attempts have been made towards respiratory coronaviruses SARS-Cov (2002-2003), MERS-Cov (2012) and also Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) all seemed to trigger ADE4,5. ADE has become a serious concern to vaccine deveopment6,7. ADE has been observed in many viruses including HIV8,9, Ebola10,11, Influenza12 in addition to SARS-Cov, MERS-Cov and RSV.

So far there has been no vaccines SARS-Cov, MERS-Cov or RSV vaccines approved. ADE is part of the reason.

Worse, there is evidence to suggest that elderly people may be more prone to develop ADE disease5,13. In other words, the population that needs protection the most is also more likely to develop the serious ADE effects.

Should you get the Covid-19 vaccines? 

              The million (or maybe billion) dollar question is why nearly half of US residents are not interested in getting the Covid-19 vaccines?

Covid-19 is a serious disease that, compared to flu, transmits more rapidly and has a longer incubation period (2-14 days for Covid-19 compared to 1-4 days for flu), these 2 factors make Covid-19 spread to more people than flu. Covid-19 also seems to be more serious in some people than influenza. Infection Fatality Ratio (IFR) is one of the metrics to measure the severity of a disease. It measures the proportion of deaths among all infected individuals. In other words, IFR measures the probability of death if you catch Covid-19.

Using this metric, IFR for Covid-19 is similar to that of influenza and may be even lower, at least for people (Table 1), according to CDC. Another study published at the Annals of Internal Medicine recently also estimates the Covid-19 IFR for people 40 years or younger at 0.01% and for people 60 years or older at 1.71%14, in line with CDC’s estimates. These data show that for most people, esp. young people, Covid-19 is not a more serious disease than an influenza. It’s the older population and the population with immune-compromised conditions that may display more serious symptoms when they catch SARS-Cov2.

Table 1. Infection Fatality Rate (CDC) for Covid-1915 and IFR (WHO) for Influenza16

Age (years) Covid-19 IFR15  Influenza IFR16
0-19 0.003% <0.1%

For all age groups combined. No Age specific breakdown data.

20-49 0.02%
50-69 0.5%
=/>70 5.4%


So, if you are young and generally healthy, and don’t want Covid-19 vaccines, and don’t want to catch Covid-19, or if you catch it, you hope you don’t develop serious diseases, is there anything you can do? I’ll answer these questions in the next article. Stay tuned.


  1. Shodiya, Z. W., Titilayo. Why So Many Americans Are Skeptical of a Coronavirus Vaccine. Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-so-many-americans-are-skeptical-of-a-coronavirus-vaccine/.
  2. Allen, A. Five Important Questions About Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine. Kaiser Health News https://khn.org/news/pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-effectiveness-5-things-to-know/ (2020).
  3. Lee, W. S., Wheatley, A. K., Kent, S. J. & DeKosky, B. J. Antibody-dependent enhancement and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and therapies. Nature Microbiology 5, 1185–1191 (2020).
  4. Cardozo, T. & Veazey, R. Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID-19 vaccines worsening clinical disease. International Journal of Clinical Practice n/a, e13795.
  5. Mercola, Joe. How COVID-19 Vaccine Can Destroy Your Immune System. Mercola.com http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/11/11/coronavirus-antibody-dependent-enhancement.aspx.
  6. Tirado, S. M. C. & Yoon, K.-J. Antibody-dependent enhancement of virus infection and disease. Viral Immunol 16, 69–86 (2003).
  7. de Alwis, R. Impact of immune enhancement on Covid-19 polyclonal hyperimmune globulin therapy and vaccine development. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7161485/.
  8. Robinson, W. E., Montefiori, D. C. & Mitchell, W. M. Antibody-dependent enhancement of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection. Lancet 1, 790–794 (1988).
  9. Robinson, W. E. et al. Antibody-dependent enhancement of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection in vitro by serum from HIV-1-infected and passively immunized chimpanzees. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 86, 4710–4714 (1989).
  10. Takada, A., Watanabe, S., Okazaki, K., Kida, H. & Kawaoka, Y. Infectivity-enhancing antibodies to Ebola virus glycoprotein. J Virol 75, 2324–2330 (2001).
  11. Takada, A., Feldmann, H., Ksiazek, T. G. & Kawaoka, Y. Antibody-dependent enhancement of Ebola virus infection. J Virol 77, 7539–7544 (2003).
  12. Ochiai, H. et al. Infection enhancement of influenza A NWS virus in primary murine macrophages by anti-hemagglutinin monoclonal antibody. J Med Virol 36, 217–221 (1992).
  13. Wu, Fan & Et al. Neutralizing antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 in a COVID-19 recovered patient cohort and their implications. 20.
  14. Blackburn, J., Yiannoutsos, C. T., Carroll, A. E., Halverson, P. K. & Menachemi, N. Infection Fatality Ratios for COVID-19 Among Noninstitutionalized Persons 12 and Older: Results of a Random-Sample Prevalence Study. Ann Intern Med (2020) doi:10.7326/M20-5352.
  15. CDC. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/planning-scenarios.html (2020).
  16. WHO. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report – 46. (2020).



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We will open on July 1st 2020

Dear all,

We have looked forward to writing the notice to let you know that our office will be opening on July 1st and we are eager to welcome you. You will see some changes below when it is time for your next appointments. We made these changes to help protect our customers and staff.








Your confidence and trust are greatly appreciated.

Dr. Cheng and Staff
Cheng Integrative Health Center

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From cholesterol to heart disease and health

Conventional medicine studies in great detail of each and every disease process, while ignoring the very basic and fundamental root causes at play. This is the major reason why most, if not all, chronic disease we know today have no cure, because we are treating only the symptoms, not root causes.
Hereditary genetic diseases are few and most of us have good healthy genes. Don’t doubt our genes!

I believe there are 3 categories of root causes of most, if not all, of our chronic diseases:

  1. Nutrition. These are what our body needs for optimal health. Deficiency or imbalance of these nutrients will result in sub-optimal health and cause diseases.
  2. Toxins, the factors that normally have no place in our body and when present in our body, may impair our health and cause various diseases. These ”foreign“ causes include biological (i.e, viral and bacterial pathogens), chemical (toxins and heavy metals) and physical (radiation, EMF etc) toxins.
  3. Our internal changes due to natural aging such as menopause and andropause. These changes are a result of our aging process, but also contribute to many pathologies. Restoring the hormonal balances to levels similar to our youth will slow down the aging process and prevent or reduce the severity of many of the aging related diseases and symptoms.

Other than the above root causes, we also have secondary causes that happen due to the above root causes. These secondary causes, however, may also contribute to further diseases or symptoms. Leaky gut or dysbiosis, for example, are seen in many chronic diseases. But they are caused by unhealthy diets and contaminated foods. The fundamental treatment of these conditions and the diseases related to them is by correcting the unhealthy dietary habits and avoid the offending contaminated toxins (such as glyphosate).

Conventional medicine, unfortunately, focuses almost entirely on these secondary causes or just the symptoms. No wonder we can’t reverse or cure these chronic diseases.

Someone asked me about cholesterol (including HDL-C and LDL-C) and cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). In general, I believe that the elevated cholesterol (total, HDL-C, LDL-C) are an indicator, not a cause of CVDs. This is akin to fever to disease. Lowering cholesterol is like lowering temperature: it doesn’t really change much of the disease course, but rather a symptomatic treatment. Again, our health (of lack thereof, i.e., disease) is a multi-factorial process. High cholesterol is more of a suggestion of abnormal fat metabolism, which again goes back to my central thesis: we rely too much on carbs for energy and renders fats for energy pathways underutilized and impaired. The other 2 major causes that may impair our metabolism (including fat metabolism) are nutritional elements (vitamins, minerals and nutrients) as well as toxins (chemicals, heavy metals and physical toxins including but not limited to EMFs and radiations). I believe if we go back to our ancestral diets (low carb/keto/carnivore diets, at least low carb for most people) and keep our nutrition optimal and balanced and remove the toxins we have accumulated over the many years, we’ll be able to at least slow down much of our chronic diseases, we may even be able to reverse them and maintain health.

A recent large scale meta-analysis shows no correlation of dietary cholesterol with CVDs. This again provides further evidence that cholesterol is not our enemy. If you want to lose weight, if you want to lower your cholesterol, then eat Fat!



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Covid-19, Vitamin C, Vaccine and Integrative Medicine (3)

Covid-19, Vitamin C, Vaccine and Integrative Medicine

-The journey of a Chinese American doctor, caught between the East and the West, the contemporary and integrative medicine.

The Chinese IVC Clinical Trials

I guess our call for VC was getting somewhere.  Or maybe it’s making other people more willing to stand up and try VC. Anyways, I began to make new friends. I got connected with Dr. Peng, the principal investigator of the first announced high-dose intravenous VC (HDIVC) trial in the treatment of Wuhan pneumonia. Dr. Peng’s IVC trial used 24,000 mg/day IVC in treating these patients. It was like a shot in the arm, that probably encouraged more dcotors to use HDIVC. Before we knew it, the 2nd and 3rd IVC trials were initiated.  I and our international members got in touch with these trial teams and other teams that were interested in either studying HDIVC or direclty using HDIVC. We were intimately involved in the design of some of these trials.

A Wuhan family is saved from the new corona viral infection with VC.

In my WeChat group (a social media APP, very popular in China), someone told me a story of a lady in Wuhan about VC. I did some research and found that lady, Niu Niu and she told me her story.

Niu Niu lives in Wuhan with her teenage daughter, and her parents and brother-in-law couple, are not far away. The 6 of them gathered together regularly especially around the Chinese New Year.  They went shopping together for the New Year supply and the whole family, like the rest of the country, showed exuberant festive happiness.

Then just a few days before the big day, grandma came down with what looked like a common cold.  She felt a bit sick with cough, fatigue and a low-grade fever.  Nothing serious. Around this time, the Wuhan pneumonia rumor was widely spreading, despite the rigorous suppression of this information. Niu Niu had taken some courses on nutrition and knew about VC. So she immediately advised the entire family to take VC. The whole family followed her advise and was taking high-dose VC, around 10,000 mg-20,000 mg daily.  But the grandma wasn’t entirely compliant and was taking only around 5,000 mg a day. The next 10 days went by, grandma was more or less the same, and didn’t get much worse.  The family of 6 ate together nearly every day. No one was wearing a mask nor wearing gloves at home.  No one took grandma’s cold too seriously: Grandma was doing just fine. Grandma is 71 years old with diabetes mellitus and coronary heart disease with stents placed.  She also had a few other chronic diseases. She is not in good health. With her age and health problems, grandma was in the high mortality risk group for the new corona virus.

By the end of January, it gradually became clear of the seriousness of the new corona virus epidemic. Grandma, still on VC daily, went to hospital to check out if she had the virus. Sure enough, she received a diagnosed of new corona viral infection and was admitted to the hospital. While in the hospital grandma’s temperature quickly went up to 390C (~1030F). Niu Niu, her brother and sister-in-law took turn to take care of grandma. Her condition continued to deteriorate and soon she began to develop respiratory difficulties, requiring ECMO (extra corporeal membrane oxygenation, or iron lung) and was transferred to ICU. Grandma even lost her consciousness while at ICU. At this time, the first IVC clinical trial was announced.  Niu Niu took the official IVC trial information to the ICU chief and begged for high-dose IVC use for grandma.  Luckily the ICU chief agreed, but would only give 10,000 mg per day. Even on 10,000 mg daily IVC, Grandma gradually improved, stabilized and was discharged to the regular ward. She spent about 10 days in ICU.

Not only grandma was recovering from a severe Covid-19 pneumonia with respiratory distress, Niu Niu and other 5 members of the family also did not catch Covid-19 infection, despite close contact with a confirmed Covid-19 patient with only masks and gloves for protection.  In particular, Niu Niu, her brother and sister-in-law were taking care of grandma in a hospital where there were many other Covid-19 patients.

I recorded a video and uploaded onto Youtube. This video went viral and received 300,000 views in just 7 days. Then one morning, I received an email notice from Youtube saying my video “violated Youtube’s community rules” and thus was removed. I emailed Youtube and informed them that this was my real interview of Niu Niu, not some story that I made up. But Youtube didn’t care.

So much for “free speech”. I guess we have the right of free speech, but they control what is allowed and what is not.

I have since moved my videos to Brighteon.com. The above mentioned video can be found at: https://www.brighteon.com/53ccca6a-e33b-4dd6-8278-968f68abee5d

Shanghai Medical Association officially endorses high dose vitamin C in the treatment of Covid-19.

More and more news about Vit C use began to surface. The most significant one came on March 1st, when the Shanghai Expert Panel on Covid-19 published their consensus treatment guidelines on Covid-19.

One senior member of the Shanghai Expert Panel is Dr. Enqiang Mao, professor and chief of emergency medicine, Ruijing Hospital, Jiaotong University Medical School. I and our International Team held a video conference with Dr. Enqiang Mao on March 17th with some of the Vit C experts worldwide, including Dr. Paul Marik whose study of using HDIVC to treat sepsis in 2017 caused a renewed worldwide interest in VC’s clinical use. Dr. Apha Fowler, on the CITRIS-ALI trial (the largest HD-IVC trial on sepsis), was also present.

In this video conference, Dr. Mao told the group that all confirmed Covid-19 patients were treated at the Shanghai Public Health Center and the treatment protocols were all discussed among the expert panel members. His team treated ~50 Covid-19 patients, out of a total of 358 confirmed Covid-19 patients in Shanghai.

Hospital treatment of serious and critical COVID-19 infection with high-dose Vitamin C

Dr. Mao told us that the VC patients appeared to improve faster with an average hospital stay that’s about 5 days shorter compared to the 30-day hospital stay for all patients.  There was no death in the VC group and no significant side effects were noted either. There were a total of 3 fatalities of Covid-19 infection, but none of those 3 received IVC treatment.

Guangdong Province Expert Panel officially included high-dose IV VC in the treatment of Covid-19 Treatment.

On March 6th, Guangdong province also published its Expert Panel treatment consensus on Covid-19, which included high-dose Vit C.

Talk with Dr. ZY Peng, the principal investigator of the world’s first HD-IVC clinical trial on Covid-19. 

Click here for the transcript.

After many attempts, we finally were able to invite Dr. ZY Peng to join us in an video conference with our international friends on April 9th, to share with us his experience and insights into Covid-19 and HD-IVC.


  1. HD-IVC seems to reduce the inflammation of Covid-19 significantly.
  2. HD-IVC seems to reduce Covid-19 paitnet’s ICU and hospital stays.
  3. HD-IVC may also reduce the mortality rate of Covid-19 patients, although the number of patients may be too small.
  4. Dr. Peng also told the group that his hospital was giving Vit C powder to all healthcare providers and advised them to take 1-2 grams of VC powder daily.  He also said he believes all the major hospitals in Wuhan were giving Vit C powder to their healthcare providers.  (I think this is significant because although the treatment of moderate to severe Covid-19 patients is very important, prevention or treatment of mild cases is probably even more important for obvious reasons. -Richard Cheng, MD).

to be continued.

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Video conference with Dr. ZY Peng, of the world‘s first high-dose IVC trial

We had the pleasure of  having Dr. ZY Peng as our guest in an international video conference to discuss his experience (in 3 different videos) .

  1. Talk with Dr. ZY Peng on world‘s 1st high-dose IVC for Covid-19 clinical trial (part 1 of 3) link:


2. Talk with Dr. ZY Peng on world‘s 1st high-dose IVC for Covid-19 clinical trial (part 2 of 3):

3)Talk with Dr. ZY Peng on world‘s 1st high-dose IVC for Covid-19 clinical trial (part 3 of 3)


  1. HD-IVC seems to reduce the inflammation of Covid-19 significantly.
  2. HD-IVC seems to reduce Covid-19 patients‘ ICU and hospital stays.
  3. HD-IVC may also reduce the mortality rate of Covid-19 patients, although the number of patients may be too small.
  4. Dr. Peng also told the group that his hospital was giving Vit C powder to all healthcare providers and advised them to take 1-2 grams of VC powder daily.  He also said he believes all the major hospitals in Wuhan were giving Vit C powder to their healthcare providers.  (I think this is significant because although the treatment of moderate to severe Covid-19 patients is very important, prevention or treatment of mild cases is probably even more important for obvious reasons. -Richard Cheng, MD)

Guest: Dr. Zhiyong Peng, Professor and Chief, Critical Care Medicine, Zhongnan Hospital, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.

Host: Richard Z. Cheng, M.D., Ph.D.

Co-Host: Hong Zhang, Ph.D.

Transcript: thanks to Patrick Holford, Ph.D., London, United Kingdom.

ZhiYong Peng, Zhongnan Hospital,

Why I choose the high dose vitamin C for the covid-19
The pathologic origin of acute lung injury called ARDS. Most admitted in ICU have different severities of ARDS. Most of them are immune-compromised. So far there is not any other medication that is useful. For COVID-19. Initially we also tried some anti-viral medication. We couldn’t see any effect.

Why did we use the vitamin C? The first discovery it is an anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant medication, and also was used used during the epidemic on flu. 17 years ago wheh we faced SARS and we were given vitamin C
One important for the ARDS
Also should some improvement, or signal, for improvement of ARDS patients. it’s based on the dosage. Professor Paul Marik showed improvement in sepsis patients, all based on the dosage.
Another important trial from our hospital, in oncology, used 12 grams of vitamin intravenously in cancer patients given radiotherapy and it improved the patient’s lung function.
This inspired me to choose 24 gram intravenous vitamin C daily for severe ARDS COVID-19. We used 12 grams infusion over 4 hours, every twelve hours twice a day (for 7 days). All patients were compromised on ventilators.

So far we have used (had) on 40+ patients already. We found that the mortality for the patients given vitamin C is 24%. While the mortality for the control group (receiving standard treatment) is 35%. Because of the small sample size we cannot see the statistical differences between the two groups but if we run the sub-group analysis based on the severity on the ARDS we can see the statistically significant differences between the groups in the patients with the most severe ARDS, where PF (pulmonary function) ratio is less than 150. We also saw significant changes with vitamin C significantly decrease the IL-6 (Interleukin 6 – the main marker for inflammation in the lungs) compared to the control group. We also saw a significant decrease the duration of the mechanical ventilation required. Due to the small sample we haven’t seen other benefits (but they may become clearer with larger numbers – they had hoped for 150 patients).

“pulmonary function – less than 150 – we can see statistically significant differences

The good news in Wuhan we have no new cases in the ICU already so we couldn’t achieve the design goal of 150 patients.
I am appealing to other countries in Europe and the United States to share my protocol and continue this study to see any further results of this treatment. I hope through the effort of other medical centres we can share this trial design and increase this sample size to see any further benefits from the vitamin C treatment.

Q. Paul Marik What was the difference in the group with PF below 150?
A. Peng We had 20 in each group.
Q. Paul marik – we give it for 7 days. Some of our clinicians stopped after 4 days and there was a rebound. I think it needs to be for 7 days.
Q. Paul Marik – Do you give with corticosteroids?

A. PENG – we didn’t use corticosteroids or anti-viral medication, only vitamin C. Initially the anti-viral medication didn’t work (so we didn’t use this). We did give the patients heparin (an anti-coagulation).

Dr.Selvan Rengasamy…(need full surname) “In Malaysia we have submitted this protocol to one of the hospitals and they have agreed to follow your protocol for seven days, to be followed with oral vitamin C. We are in this together.”

Dr Richard Cheng… In Shanghai, Dr Mao’s group from the Shanghai Medical Centre has reported on one case who was rapidly deteriorating in pulmonoary function( and unconscious). They gave him 50 grams of vitamin C over 4 hours and there was a real-time improvement of oxygenation index. He recovered (came back to consciousness) and was discharged.”

Dr Paul Marik : This is not ARDS.The ARDS that we see is caused by the ventilator. We try to prevent intubating patients.
Dr Peng; I’m not sure if it’s the typical or untypical ARDS. The most important is the pathology of the lung injury causes by the covid-19. The most important characteristic is the inflammatory changes and oxidative changes and vitamin C can improve these and help the ling injury. All covid-19 have lymphopenia in the early stages (low white blood cells, low immune cells).

Patrick Holford: We have heard of no deaths in Wuhan in the last two days. Richard Cheng, you reported 3 deaths in Shanghai up to last week, maybe 6 now. This is an extraordinary turnaround. How come and how come Shanghai has an extraordinary low death rate. Now lockdown is over. Are ytouy seeing an increase in patients coming into ICUs in Wuhan?

Regarding the current situation. We haven’t seen any new cases for almost two weeks already. There is less than 100 patients in ICUs in Wuhan now. But the good news is we have no new COVID-19 cases coming into ICU. Also, the new cases, just a few every day, and mostly elderly patients and may stay for many weeks. Some will die every day.

Not only in Shanghai mortality low, but also in other provinces, therte are no more deaths from covid-19. It might be a mutuation of the virus. Most of the deaths were in thev early cases in January. We have very strict shut down pol;icy,. No-one was allowed to leave the city since January for almost two months. This is a very important way to cut down transmission to other provinces.


Patrick: We were seeing photographs of DSM trucks delivering 50 tons of vitamin C to Wuhan. Has there been a widespread use of vitamin C in Wuhan.

Probably. In my department and other hospitals we highly recommend the patients use 12 grams to 24 grams a day of vitamin C. That works for significant reduction of becoming a severe case. In my hospital all the medical professionals are given vitamin c powders to take 1 to 2 grams. I heard that the majority of the major hospitals in Wuhan are giving vitamin C powder to there medical professionals.

Devra Davis (from USA but in Saudi Arabia) In NYU a number of colleagues are also doing this. Is it possible that the common herbal medicine, ganoderma/resihi
For the mild case they also recommend Ganaoderma/reishi and it can prevent a mild case become a severe case. Not just in Shanghai, but in other regions. The Chinese government recommend this, but only for the mild cases.

Someone: What is the policy that the local or national government that has helped?

Peng: For the prevention, the document issued a very strict policy lockdown, you need a permit you need a healthcard which includes all your heath data. The have to wear a mask when you go out.

We have opened Wuhan already but there is still a strict control to show your health card which has a record of your history, any history of infection, symptoms.

We have launched a antibody test study for all the high risk population in Wuhan – medical professionals, and their family members, all the volunteers, all the patients and their family. We’ve run this study already. I have heard that 1% of the total population who test antibody positive are asymptomatical, without any symptoms. We have followed up their family members and so far no family members have become infected from exposure to these antibody positive but asymptomical people.

Dr. Hong Zhang Most of the patients died from severe hyposthenia (frailty), in the early stages (of the pandemic) most died from multi-organ failure.

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Covid-19, Vitamin C, Vaccine and Integrative Medicine (2)

Covid-19, Vitamin C, Vaccine and Integrative Medicine

-The journey of a Chinese American doctor, caught between the East and the West, the contemporary and integrative medicine.

The Chinese Theater of World War Covid-19

Staying in Shanghai and jumps into action, Vitamin C comes to rescue

The Chinese New Year came and went. People stayed home. The usual festivities were nowhere to see. This was the weirdest Chinese New Year that anybody had ever experienced in the recent history.

Pretty soon, the epidemic seemed to have escaped Wuhan and was spreading to other cities in China, including Beijing and Shanghai. The US Embassy started calling for evacuation of US citizens. My family in US was asking me to go home as soon as possible. I thought about contacting the US consulate in Shanghai for assistance to return home in Columbia. But when I looked at my parents, I saw in their eyes that they wanted me to stay.

My parents, especially my father, has developed a total trust in my medical opinion. Not just because I am his son. He has been benefiting from my anti-aging medicine approaches. Both my parents have high blood pressure. Years ago, their blood pressure readings were in 160-200/95-110 range, even with several blood pressure pills. Later I learned that the 2 basic mechanisms of hypertension is calcium related: blood vessel calcification causing the hardening of blood vessel walls and the constant spasm of the muscles around the blood vessel walls. Calcium is a major intracellular excitatory element, causing muscle cells to contract and the blood pressure to go up as a result.  My mother also had frequent symptomatic irregular heart beats (ectopic beats). Normally the cells at the sinus node in the heart have the highest frequency of cellular beats (excitation) (60-100 beats per minute). When the sinus node is excited (beats), the electric wave is sent through the entire heart, causing a synchronized contraction. All other heart cells can also get excited, but at a lesser frequency.  Therefore, normally the rest of the heart cells are suppressed by the supreme command, the sinus node. But in case the supreme command fails, i.e., sinus node malfunction, the heart cells next in line will take over and control the heart beat. This is a beautiful fail-proof design by mother nature (or by super-natural forces if you prefer). But if for some reason, the heart cells of lower rank get too excited and start beating more frequently than the supreme command, then ectopic heart beats happen. Too much intracellular calcium is a common finding in these situations.

I changed the blood pressure medications of my parents to long acting calcium channel blocker (LA-CCB) and magnesium. LA-CCB blocks the extracellular calcium from getting into cells. Magnesium is a natural antagonist of calcium. Magnesium is not a medicine.  With these two, one drug and one nutrient, I successfully brought down the blood pressure of my parents to the current 125-140/80-85 levels. And my mother doesn’t complain of “palpitations” anymore. With only one drug (LA-CCB, magnesium is not a drug), I achieved what several drugs couldn’t. I have also successfully treated many other hypertension patients and some of them were like my parents, even with several drugs, the blood pressure was still high. I have not found a patient whose blood pressure I couldn’t control.

In a recent physical exam, both my parents had coronary calcium score (CAC) done. CAC is a sensitive, safe, inexpensive and reliable exam for ectopic calcium deposits in the body. CAC also is highly correlated with mortality and heart attack: the higher the CAC score, the higher the overall mortality and heart attack risks.  My father has a zero CAC score and my mother has a very low CAC score.  We need to know that this is very unusual for this age group. The low or zero scores of my parents may have to do with the long time use of vitamin C and a formula of vitamins, antioxidants, mitochondrial nutrients and anti-atherosclerosis nutrients (what I call TotoCell Nutrition) that I have been giving them. This formula was devopled based on my integrative medicine principles. Of course, my parents are pretty happy about this.

Last summer, while I was visiting Shanghai, my father developed acute exudative pancreatitis, a severe and life-threatening disease. He was admitted to the ICU. I requested the high-dose intravenous vitamin C, which the attending doctor agreed, but only to 10 grams a day, not the 30-50 grams/day that I wanted. But even at this dose, my father recovered pretty rapidly. By day 3, his symptoms were all gone, and by day 5, upon my request, he was discharged home to be under my care. My father’s recovery from a severe pancreatitis was much faster than what most other patients of similar disease experienced, according to my literature search.

Through these events, my father developed a complete trust in my medical opinions, which are often different from those other doctors.

And now, with Covid-19, I could see that he wanted me to stay. So I stayed.

Vitamin C

Knowing what I know about vitamin C (VC), I immediately started calling for early and high-dose VC use in the treatment and prevention of Wuhan pneumonia.

Over 20 years ago, when I was in my 2nd medical residency (I completed a medicine residency at Shanghai Medical University) at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences at Little Rock, AR, where I also obtained my Ph.D. degree in biochemistry and molecular biology, I read a book about VC. I found the evidence was compelling at that time and started taking VC tablets.  Then there was only 500 mg VC tablets available, unlike today, you can find 1,000 mg VC tablets anywhere in US. My interest in VC grew even greater about 10 years ago, especially in the last 5-6 years when I read Dr. Tom Levy’s Primal Panacea and Death By Calcium. Dr. Levy is a board certified cardiologist who also received a law degree. This is reflected in his way of writing, scientific and logical. His books are like a supersized review paper in a scientific journal, conclusions backed up by evidence with lots of references.  His writings are very convincing. I even have translated both Primal Panacea and Death by Calcium into Chinese.

Do you know Vit C (or ascorbic acid) is one of the most studied molecules in the world? There are over 65,000 scientific papers written in the world’s biggest medical library, the National Library of Medicine, hosted at the NIH (better known as Pubmed.gov or Pubmed.com). So next time when someone tells you that there is not enough research on VC, tell them to do their homework better.

I know Vit C has powerful antiviral and antibacterial effects. Vit C has pleiotropic biological effects. VC is also a powerful prototypical antioxidant, boosts our immunity, has an essential role in the synthesis of collagen and is even involved in gene expression.  I’ll talk more about VC later, but suffice it to say, Vit C is a major part of our natural defense system against diseases. This now comes in handy, in the fight against Covid-19. I have always been open-minded. Ever since I was a kid, I was curious in everything. I used to take apart the mechanical clock at home to study how it worked before I was 10. I like to question everything. Unlike many other doctors who probably only read medical journals, I don’t take advises or standard treatment guidelines without my own analysis and digestion. Not only I wanted to know the “how”, I also always want to know the “why”. My interest in Vit C has been mostly in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, esp. in the prevention of osteoporosis and atherosclerosis.  Believe it or not, Vit C deficiency is a primary cause of osteoporosis and atherosclerosis and many other disease.  I’ll talk about this later, since the title of this series includes Vit C and integrative medicine. In the past couple of years, I have been invited to talk at various conferences in China and have made many friends and some of them are in the academia and public hospitals, with whom I share much in common, including VC.

I tried all I could to bring VC to the attention of the medical community and the people in power, as there was no other effective treatment for the Wuhan pneumonia patients other than the supportive care. I even volunteered to go to Wuhan, the epicenter, with only one condition that was to allow me to use high-dose VC both orally and intravenously.  When people asked me if I was afraid of the virus, I told them that not I was not afraid of getting sick, but because I have high confidence in VC.  I told them I’d give myself high-dose IVC daily in addition to taking oral VC to prevent catching the virus and to kill it and prevent it from becoming a serious problem, if I did catch it. My call for VC was sent to the top national expert team in Wuhan through 2 separate members on that expert team.  My call for VC also reached the Shanghai top experts and the leadership. There are a few hospitals that were seriously considering of inviting me to Wuhan, but after finding out my US citizenship, they all went radio silent.  I quickly realized this epidemic is not just a public health matter, but probably more  a political and diplomatic matter.

International IVC Medical Support Team




My call for VC quickly drew attention nationwide and even worldwide. Many doctors and scientists responded to my call and a team of International IVC Medical Support Team was formed.

This team includes medical authorities in China, Dr. Hanping Shi (石汉平), top left, professor and chief of surgery, Beijing Capital Medical University. Dr. Shi is the best known cancer nutrition authority in China and his team has been instrumental in promoting nutrition in health care, esp. in cancer treatment.  Dr. Shi also co-founded the Low Carb Medicine China Alliance, promoting healthy diet to combat the ever-increasing metabolic diseases.  Dr. Shi also holds many other important positions including the committee chair of the cancer nutrition of China Anti-Cancer Alliance and committee chair of the Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Committee of the Chinese Medical Association and of the Anti-Cancer Alliance of China. Through these important and influential positions, Dr. Shi has been promoting nutritional approach to health care, including high-dose IVC in cancer treatment.

Dr. Qi (Kay) Chen, center left, a Chinese American professor of pharmacology, and Dr. Jeane Drisco, top right, professor of medicine, both at Kansas University Medical Center. Drs. Chen and Drisco have done much research including clinical trials on VC, particularly VC’s pharmacokinetics. Our panel also includes a few key figure at the International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine (ISOM), including ISOM’s president, Dr. Atsuo Yanagisaw, center bottom, professor of medicine at Kyorin University, Tokyo, Japan; Dr. Tom Levy, center right, board certified cardiologist and a prolific medical author and international speaker, best known for his work on Vit C books; Dr. Andrew Saul, editor-in-chief of Orthomolecular Medicine News Service and an active VC public educator and author. Dr. Hong Zhang, right bottom, of Beijing Alps Healthtech, also played a critical role.

The term orthomolecular medicine was coined by the late Dr. Linus Pauling, the 2-time Nobel prize winner who devoted most of his later life to the research and promotion of VC.  ISOM has been playing a pivotal role in worldwide promotion of orthomolecular concepts especially VC. Orthomolecular medicine believes that the optimal health comes from internal nutritional balance. We will discuss more on orthomolecular medicine and other alternative medicine later in the book. ISOM has attracted many of the vocal VC believers.

to be continued.

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Covid-19, Vitamin C, Vaccine and Integrative Medicine (1)

Covid-19, Vitamin C, Vaccine and Integrative Medicine

-The journey of a Chinese American doctor, caught between the East and the West, the contemporary and integrative medicine.

The Chinese Theater of World War Covid-19

Back to Shanghai

It was right after Christmas; the Christmas holiday festivities are not entirely over yet and the traditional Chinese New Year was just around the corner. The Chinese New Year is based on the Chinese lunar calendar and varies every year. In 2020, it falls on Jan. 25th.

In a festive mood, I packed up and boarded an American Airliner and arrived at Shanghai, known as MoDu (the Magic Metropolis) by the Chinese, the largest city and the financial center in China where I went to the medical school (Shanghai Medical University) some 40 years ago and where I left for US in 1986. In recent years, I have been coming back more and more frequently to visit my parents and to delivered invited speeches in various conferences on health and disease. This time around, I was supposed to attend several conferences to talk about integrative medicine, ketogenic/carnivore diet and Vitamin C, in addition to spending time with my parents who are in their 80s. I have been making it a rule some years ago that no matter how busy I get, I should always spend the traditional Chinese New Year with my parents.

The plane landed in this neon lit metropolis.  The air tasted much fresher than years ago.  The streets were new and clean, no dirt or trash anywhere in the view. Shanghai is a lot more automated technically than any other cities in US or other places.  Garage gates in particular.  Many garages are automated without attendants. With a mobile phone, one scans a barcode and enters a payment, voila, the gate opens. Many streets are decorated with China red; it seems to me everyone is in a good mood.

Rumors about Wuhan pneumonia

Then, Wuhan began to show up on WeChat, a social media APP that more than a billion people can’t live without these days in China. Wuhan is nearly a thousand kilometers west of Shanghai. Shanghainese’s mentality may be similar to that of New Yorkers: Shanghai is THE world center. Anything outside Shanghai doesn’t matter to them.  What happens in Wuhan has nothing to do with Shanghai and life goes on. Also, there were no reports in the official government media of this rapidly evolving epidemic at all. It is the Chinese tradition that towards the year-end of the lunar Chinese calendar, there will be all kinds of celebrating parties from the public governmental agencies to private corporations and citizens. The central Chinese government headed by the Communist party chief is holding elaborate party with thousands of VIP attendees to celebrate the great achievement of this nation under the great leadership of the great party chief. The Hubei provincial and Wuhan city governments were doing pretty much the same: big parties with lots of attendees. In one area in Wuhan, a model region even held a “10,000-family dinner party” where all families in that area gathered together in a huge dinner party to celebrate the new year. This tradition has been going every year for the last 20 years. This is a landmark of achievements and this tradition can’t be broken.

But right after these huge festivities, the government announced the lock-down of Wuhan city, no one was allowed to go out or come in without special permits.  Unofficial reports of a new corona virus epidemic dominated the media and people were getting sick and dying. People were panicking. But from the government sanctioned media outlets, all was clear. There was no imminent danger. Life is good. Let’s celebrate. But people knew better.  The less the government reports, the more people are worried.  With the modern-day internet and wide spread social media, all kinds of news from brave souls in Wuhan and other place appear.  All of a sudden, people were talking about nothing but Wuhan pneumonia.

On Jan. 23rd, just 2 days before the Chinese Near Year when everybody was getting ready to celebrate, which always involves lots of gatherings, eating, drinking and all the entertainment and craziness found in every culture, Wuhan announced the city-wide lock down: no one can go in or out of Wuhan, a city of more than 10 million people and is the central hub connecting the south with the north and the east with the west, of China.  The rumor was that the Wuhan city lock-down decision leaked out the night before and about 300,000 Wuhan residents escaped the city overnight, before the lock-down at 10 am, Jan. 23rd.

Now this wave of panic rolled over to the eastern seaboard of China, you could feel it in Shanghai. All those New Year’s Eve dinner reservations in restaurants, big or small were cancelled.  People stayed home, not knowing what’s going on.

One of these rumors was about a doctor, Li Wenliang. Dr. Li was an eye doctor in a major hospital in Wuhan. He was among the 8 doctors who first warned his classmates in his WeChat social media group that a SARS like viral infection was detected in a Wuhan wildlife market.  But someone reported his WeChat posting to the government and Dr. Li and the other 7 doctors received admonition from the government for spreading “rumors” to disturb the social harmony in a great country. He was taken by the police at midnight and he was made to confess that he was spreading rumors. Dr. Li was criticized by the official government media, received police warnings.  By all counts, Dr. Li was described as a bad citizen. Later on, it was reported the hospital where he worked was even ready to fire him. The young and unfortunate Dr. Li very soon caught the virus himself and was sent to ICU, where he never came out, sadly. Dr. Li, considered by most Chinese citizens a national hero who warned people of an imminent viral outbreak, died officially as a whistle blower, a “bad citizen”. The whole nation, except some people in power, mourned his death. There was another round of WeChat “complaints” about how the Wuhan pneumonia situation was handled and how the government was too slow to respond to the epidemic and how it tried cover up the epidemic, so on and so forth.  On the one hand these complaints sprang up like the bamboo shoots in the spring, and on the other hand, the government was too busy cracking down on these complaints, deleting those reports or closing down the social media accounts of those who complained, or direct lockup of those “rumors”. There has been a phenomenon well known to the Chinese called “invited to a coffee”, when the National Security Bureau or local police brings someone to an interrogation.

to be continued.

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COVID-19 Update from DrWLC

Dear All,

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, in compliance with the federal and state executive orders, and to prevent person-person transmission of Covid-19, we decide to move our medical services online.

1. We continue to provide medical services to our community over the Internet.

2. We provide our regular medical services including lifestyle medicine, anti-aging & functional medicine, orthomolecular medicine, and integrative medicine. In addition, we also offer Special Covid-19 Treatment consultations. Dr. Cheng has been initiating, coordinating several Vit C clinical trials and Vit C use in the clinical treatment of Covid-19 infections in China. Dr. Cheng is now part of the International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine (ISOM) worldwide consultation team promoting and providing oral Vit C and high-dose Vit C intravenously in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19.

3. Our team of doctors (Drs. Chuck Wile, Larry Dillard and Richard Cheng) are available for an online consultation via telephone or video-conferencing. Our staff will deliver the necessary products to your home.

4. Please book your appointments by calling the office at803-233-3420

5. Please call us at 803-233-3420  9am to 5pm Monday through Friday, we have staff there to help refill your medications.

6. During this difficult time, we will issue $5 discount on shipping cost. You pay $5, we ship medications to your address.


Dr. Cheng has been providing regular updates about Covid-19 treatments on

Youtube ,Facebook and Twitter


Cheng Integrative Health Center

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High-dose oral Vit C effective on prevention or reducing symptoms of upper respiratory viral infections

Oral Vit C has been reported to reduce viral infections or improve the symptoms or shorten the disease duration like cold or flu. In a 30-day training camp, a group of 1444 young and healthy military recruits in Korea, 695 subjects received high dose oral Vit C (6000 mg daily) and 749 subjects did not receive Vit C. The Vit C group showed a 0.8 times lower risk of getting common cold than the control group[1]. In an earlier study, a group of 463 students between 18 and 32 years of age were divided into 2 groups, the Vit C group of 252 students, when they reported upper respiratory viral infection signs and symptoms, were given 1000 mg of Vit C hourly for the first 6 hours and then followed by 1000 mg 3 times daily. The Control group, when they showed signs and symptoms, were given pain relievers and decongestants. The authors concluded that the symptoms decreased by 85% with the mega-dose Vit C[2].

1. Kim TK, Lim HR, Byun JS  Vitamin C supplementation reduces the odds of developing a common cold in Republic of Korea Army recruits: randomised controlled trial. BMJ Mil Health. 2020 Mar 5. pii: bmjmilitary-2019-001384. doi: 10.1136/bmjmilitary-2019-001384. [Epub ahead of print]

2.  Gorton HC, Jarvis K. The effectiveness of vitamin C in preventing and relieving the symptoms of virus-induced respiratory infections. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 1999 Oct;22(8):530-3.

Hospital treatment of moderate to severe COVID-19 infection with high-dose VIt C. More: http://www.drwlc.com/blog/

Posted by Richard Cheng on Wednesday, March 18, 2020


This is a story about a Wuhan family‘s fight against Covid-19 with Vit C that I personally interviewed and verified. The video attracted 300K views in ~7 days and Youtube took it down.

Posted by Richard Cheng on Sunday, March 15, 2020

Hospital treatment of serious and critical COVID-19 infection with high-dose Vitamin C

Shanghai Expert Consensus on Covid-19 Treatment

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Shanghai Expert Consensus on Covid-19 Treatment

The City of Shanghai Expert Consensus on Comprehensive Treatment
of COVID-19

Shanghai Expert Group on Clinical Treatment of New Coronavirus Disease.
Chinese Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2020, 38: Pre-published online. DOI: 10.3760 / cma.j.issn.1000-6680.2020.0016

With the deepening of the understanding of corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the Shanghai COVID-19 Clinical Treatment Expert Group followed the National COVID-19 Diagnosis and Treatment Program, and fully absorbed the experience of domestic and foreign peers in the treatment, and continuously optimized and refined the treatment protocol. This expert consensus was formed from the three aspects of etiology and epidemiological characteristics, clinical characteristics and diagnosis, and treatment protocol.

Cite this article: Shanghai Expert Group on Clinical Treatment of New Coronavirus Diseases. Expert Consensus on Comprehensive Treatment of Coronavirus Diseases in Shanghai in 2019 [J / OL]. Chinese Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2020,38 (2020-03-01). rs.yiigle.com/yufabiao/1183266.htm. DOI: 10.3760 / cma.j.issn.1000-6680.2020.0016. [Pre-published online].

Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first reported in Wuhan, Hubei Province on December 31, 2019 [1,2]. COVID-19, as a respiratory infectious disease, has been included by the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases in the Class B infectious diseases stipulated and managed as a Class A infectious disease.
With the deepening of understanding of the disease, China has accumulated some experience in the prevention and control of COVID-19. The Shanghai COVID-19 Clinical Treatment Expert Team follows the National COVID-19 Diagnosis and Treatment Program [3], and fully absorbs domestic and foreign colleagues’ experience in the management of this disease, to improve the success rate of clinical treatment and reduce the patient’s mortality rate, to prevent the progress of the disease, and gradually reduce the proportion of severe cases and improves their clinical prognosis. Based on the continuous optimization and refinement of the treatment protocol, expert consensus has been formed on the relevant clinical diagnosis and treatment.

I. Etiology and epidemiological characteristics
2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a new coronavirus belonging to the genus β. On February 11, 2020, the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) named the virus severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) [ 4]. Patients with COVID-19 and asymptomatic infection can transmit 2019-nCoV. Respiratory droplet transmission is the main route of transmission, and the virus can also be transmitted through contact. There is a risk of aerosol transmission in confined enclosed spaces. 2019-nCoV can be detected in patients’ stool, urine, and blood. Some patients can be tested positive for fecal pathogenic nucleic acid after the pathogenic nucleic acid test of respiratory specimens is negative. The whole population is generally susceptible. Children, infants, and young children also develop disease, but the condition is relatively mild.

II. Clinical characteristics and diagnosis
(A) clinical characteristics
The incubation period is 1 to 14 d, mostly 3 to 7 d, with an average of 6.4 d. Main symptoms are fever, fatigue, and dry cough. Symptoms can include runny nose, sore throat, chest tightness, vomiting and diarrhea. Some patients have mild symptoms, and a small portion of patients has no symptoms or no pneumonia.
The elderly and those suffering from basic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, coronary atherosclerotic heart disease, and extreme obesity tend to develop severe illness after infection. Some patients develop symptoms such as dyspnea within 1 week after the onset of the disease. In severe cases, they can progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and multiple organ dysfunction. The time to progression to severe illness was approximately 8.5 days. It is worth noting that in the course of severe and critically ill patients, there may be moderate to low fever, even without obvious fever. Most patients have a good prognosis, and deaths are more common in the elderly and those with chronic underlying disease.
The early CT examination showed multiple small patches or ground glass shadows, and the internal texture of the CT scans was thickened in the form of grid cables, which was obvious in the outer lung zone. A few days later, the lesions increased and the scope expanded, showing extensive lungs, multiple ground glass shadows, or infiltrating lesions, some of which showed consolidation of the lungs, often with bronchial inflation signs, and pleural effusions were rare. A small number of patients progressed rapidly, with imaging changes reaching a peak on days 7 to 10 of the course. Typical “white lung” is rare. After entering the recovery period, the lesions are reduced, the scope is narrowed, the exudative lesions are absorbed, part of the fiber cable shadow appears, and some patients’ lesions can be completely absorbed.
In the early stage of the disease, the total number of white blood cells in the peripheral blood was normal or decreased, and the lymphocyte count was reduced. Some patients may have abnormal liver function, and the levels of lactate dehydrogenase, muscle enzyme, and myoglobin may increase; troponin levels may be increased. Most patients had elevated CRP and ESR levels and normal procalcitonin levels. In severe cases, D-dimer levels are elevated, other coagulation indicators are abnormal, lactic acid levels are elevated, peripheral blood lymphocytes and CD4 + T lymphocytes are progressively reduced, and electrolyte disorders and acid-base imbalances are often caused by metabolic alkalosis. Elevated levels of inflammatory cytokines (such as IL-6, IL-8, etc.) can occur during the disease progression stage [5].
(B) diagnostic criteria
1. Suspected cases:
Combined with the following epidemiological history and clinical analysis. Suspected cases were diagnosed as having any one of epidemiological history and meeting any two of the clinical manifestations, or having no clear epidemiological history but meeting three of the clinical manifestations. ① Epidemiological history: Travel history or residence history of Wuhan and surrounding areas or other communities with case reports within 14 days before the onset; history of contact with 2019-nCoV infected person(s) (positive nucleic acid test) within 14 days before the onset ; Patients with fever or respiratory symptoms from Wuhan and surrounding areas or from communities with case reports within 14 days before the onset of the disease; or cluster onset. ② Clinical manifestations: fever and / or respiratory symptoms; with the above-mentioned imaging features of the new coronavirus pneumonia; the total number of white blood cells was normal or decreased in the early stage of onset, and the lymphocyte count decreased.
2. Confirmed cases:
A confirmed case is diagnosed with one of the following pathogenic evidence. ① Real-time fluorescent reverse transcription PCR detected 2019-nCoV nucleic acid positive. ② Viral gene sequencing revealed high homology with the known 2019-nCoV. ③ Besides nasopharyngeal swabs, it is recommended to take as much sputum as possible. Lower respiratory tract secretions can be collected for viral nucleic acid testing in patients undergoing tracheal intubation.
(C) Differential diagnosis
It is important to distinguished COVID-19 diagnosis from other known viral pneumonias such as influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, human metapneumovirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus, etc. , and from Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia. In addition, it should be distinguished from non-infectious diseases, such as pulmonary interstitial lesions and organizing pneumonia caused by connective tissue diseases such as vasculitis and dermatomyositis [6,7].
(D) clinical classification
1. Mild type:
The clinical symptoms were mild, and no pneumonia manifested on imaging examination.

2. Moderate (common) type:
With fever, respiratory tract and other symptoms, imaging examination showed pneumonia.

Early warning of severe cases progressed from moderate (common) type patients should be strengthened. Based on current clinical studies, early warning indicators of progression into severe disease include elderly (age> 65 years) with underlying diseases, CD4 + T lymphocyte count 50%on in lung imaging for 2 to 3 consecutive days, lactic dehydrogenase (LDH)> 2 times the upper limit of normal value, blood lactic acid ≥ 3 mmol / L, and metabolic alkalosis [8].
3. Severe type:
Meet any of the following. ① Shortness of breath, respiratory rate ≥ 30 times / min; ② In resting state, arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) ≤ 93%; ③ arterial partial pressure of oxygen, PaO2) / fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) ≤300 mmHg (1 mmHg = 0.133 kPa). At high altitudes (above 1 000 m), PaO2 / FiO2 should be corrected according to the following formula: PaO2 / FiO2 × [Atmospheric Pressure (mmHg) / 760].
Pulmonary imaging showing lesions progressed significantly within 24 to 48 hours, and those with more than 50% of the lesions were managed as severe.
4. Critical type:
Those who meet any of the following can be judged as critical. ①Respiratory failure occurs and requires mechanical ventilation; ②Shock occurs; ③Combination with other organ failure requiring ICU monitoring and treatment.

(E) Clinical monitoring
The patient’s clinical manifestations, vital signs, fluid volume, gastrointestinal function and mental state are monitored daily.
All patients were dynamically monitored for terminal blood oxygen saturation. For severe and critical patients, timely blood gas analysis is performed according to the changes of the patient’s condition; blood routine, electrolytes, CRP, procalcitonin, LDH, blood coagulation function indicators, blood lactic acid, etc. are tested at least once every 2 days; liver function, kidney function , ESR, IL-6, IL-8, lymphocyte subsets, at least once every 3 days; chest imaging examination, usually every 2 days. For patients with ARDS, routine ultrasound examination of the heart and lungs at the bedside is recommended to observe extravascular lung water and cardiac parameters. For monitoring of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) patients, refer to the implementation section of ECMO.

III. Treatment plans
(A) antiviral treatment
Recommend experimental use of hydroxychloroquine sulfate or chloroquine phosphate, or abidol for oral administration, interferon atomization and inhalation, interferon κ is preferred. It is not recommended to use 3 or more antivirals at the same time. The antiviral treatment should be stopped immediately after viral nucleic acid becomes negative. The efficacy of all antiviral drugs remains to be evaluated in further clinical studies.
For severe and critical patients with viral nucleic acid positive, plasma from recovered patients can be used. For detailed operation and management of adverse reactions, please refer to the “Clinical Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 using Plasma from COVID-19 Patients in Recovery Period” (trial version 1) [3]. Infusion within 14 days of the disease onset may be more effective. If the viral nucleic acid is continuously detected positive at the later stage of the disease, the plasma treatment can also be used.
(B) treatment for mild and moderate types
Recommend enhanced supportive treatment to ensure sufficient heat; maintenance of water and electrolyte balance for internal environment stability; close monitoring of patient vital signs and finger oxygen saturation. Give effective oxygen therapy in time. Antibacterials and glucocorticoids are not recommended in principle. The patient’s condition needs to be closely monitored. If the disease progresses significantly and there is a risk of progressing into severe disease, it is recommended to take comprehensive measures to prevent the disease from progressing to severe. Low-dose short-course glucocorticoids can be used with caution (see the application section of glucocorticoids for specific protocols). Heparin anticoagulation and high-dose vitamin C treatment are recommended [9,10]. Low-molecular-weight heparin 1 to 2 dose per day, continued until the patient’s D-dimer level returned to normal. Once fibrinogen degradation product (FDP) ≥10 µg / mL and / or D-dimer ≥5 μg / mL, switch to unfractionated heparin. Vitamin C is administered at a dose of 50 to 100 mg / kg per day, and should be continued until significant improvement in the oxygenation index. If lung lesions progress, it is recommended to apply large doses of broad-spectrum protease inhibitors from 600 to 1 million units / day until the pulmonary imaging examination improves. In case of “cytokine storm”, intermittent short veno-venuous hemofiltration (ISVVH) is recommended [11].
(C) Organ function supportive treatment for severe and critically ill patients
1. Protection and maintenance of cyclic functions:
Implement the principle of early active controlled fluid replacement. It is recommended to evaluate the effective volume and initiate fluid therapy as soon as possible after admission. Severe patients can choose intravenous or transcolonic fluid resuscitation depending on the conditions. The preferred supplement is lactated Ringer’s solution. Regarding vasoactive drugs, noradrenaline and dopamine are recommended to maintain vascular tone and increase cardiac output. For patients with shock, norepinephrine is the first choice. It is recommended to start low-dose vasoactive drugs at the same time as fluid resuscitation to maintain circulation stability and avoid excessive fluid infusion. Cardioprotective drugs are recommended for severe and critically ill patients, and sedative drugs that inhibit the heart are avoided as much as possible. For patients with sinus bradycardia, isoprenaline can be used. For patients with sinus rhythm, heart rate 300 mmHg, the dose of broad-spectrum protease inhibitor can be reduced to 1 million units / d. Anticoagulation therapy can be used to protect endothelial cells and reduce cytokine release. Anticoagulation with unfractionated heparin (3 to 15 IU / kg per hour) when FDP ≥10 µg / mL and / or D-dimer ≥5 μg / mL . The patient’s coagulation function and platelets must be re-examined 4 h after the first use of heparin. With ISVVH, 6 to 10 hours per day.
7. Sedation and Artificial Hibernation:
Patients undergoing mechanical ventilation or receiving ECMO need to be sedated on the basis of analgesia. For patients with severe man-machine confrontation during the establishment of an artificial airway, short-term application of low-dose muscle relaxants is recommended. Hibernation therapy is recommended for severe patients with oxygenation index 8. Oxygen therapy and respiratory support:
① Oxygen therapy with nasal cannula or mask, SaO2 ≤93% under resting air, or SaO2 <90% after exercise, or oxygenation index (PaO2 / FiO2) 200-300 mmHg; with or without respiratory distress. Continuous oxygen therapy is recommended. ② Transnasal high-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy (HFNC), receiving nasal cannula or mask oxygen therapy for 1 to 2 hours. HFNC is recommended when oxygenation fails to meet treatment requirements, and respiratory distress does not improve; or hypoxemia during treatment and / or exacerbation of respiratory distress; or an oxygenation index of 150 to 200 mmHg. ③ Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) is an option when receiving 1 to 2 h of HFNC oxygenation does not achieve the treatment effect, and there is no improvement in respiratory distress; or hypoxemia and / or exacerbation of respiratory distress during treatment; or When the oxygenation index is 150 ~ 200 mmHg. ④ Invasive mechanical ventilation should be considered when HFNC or NPPV treatment for 1 to 2 hours oxygenation cannot meet the treatment requirements, no improvement in respiratory distress; or hypoxemia and / or exacerbation of respiratory distress during treatment; or oxygenation index 9. ECMO implementation:
Those who meet one of the following conditions may be considered implementing ECMO. ① PaO2 / FiO2 60 mmHg for more than 6 h. ECMO mode is preferred for intravenous-venous ECMO.

(D) Some Specific issues and managements
1. Application of glucocorticoids:
Use glucocorticoids with caution. Glucocorticoids can be added with imaging shows significant progress in pneumonia; SaO2 ≤ 93% or shortness of breath (respiratory frequency ≥ 30 breaths / min) or oxygenation index ≤ 300 mmHg in the state of no oxygen inhalation, especially when the disease progresses significantly faster and there is a risk for intubation. It is recommended to promptly withdraw glucocorticoid when intubation or ECMO support can maintain effective blood oxygen concentrations. For non-severe patients, it is recommended to use methylprednisolone at 20 to 40 mg / d, and for severe patients at 40 to 80 mg / d, and the course of treatment is generally 3 to 6 days. Can be increased or decreased according to body weight [12].
2. Use of immunomodulatory drugs:
Injecting thymosin subcutaneously twice a week has certain effects on improving patients’ immune function, preventing the disease from becoming worse, and shortening the time of detoxification. Due to the lack of specific antibodies, high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin therapy is currently not supported. However, some patients have low levels of lymphocytes and at the risk of co-infection with other viruses, and in these cases human immunoglobulin can be infused intravenously at 10 g / d for 3 to 5 days.
3. Accurate diagnosis and treatment of bacterial and fungal infections:
Clinical microbiological monitoring should be done to all severe and critical cases. The sputum and urine samples are collected daily for culture. Blood culture should be promptly done in patients with high fever. All patients with suspected sepsis who have indwelling vascular catheters should be sent for peripheral venous blood culture and catheter blood culture at the same time. For patients with suspected sepsis, it may be considered collecting peripheral blood for molecular diagnostic tests for etiology, including PCR-based molecular biology testing and next-generation sequencing.
Elevated procalcitonin levels indicate for the diagnosis of sepsis / septic shock. When COVID-19 progresses, there is an increase in CRP levels, which is not specific for the diagnosis of sepsis caused by bacterial and fungal infection.
Critically ill patients with open airways are often prone to bacterial and fungal infections at a later stage. If sepsis occurs, empirical anti-infective treatment should be given as soon as possible. For patients with septic shock, empirical antibacterial drugs can be used in combination before obtaining an etiological diagnosis, while covering the most common Enterobacteriaceae, Staphylococcus and Enterococcus infections. Patients with infection after hospitalization can choose β-lactamase inhibitor complex. If the treatment effect is not good, or the patient has severe septic shock, it can be replaced with carbapenem drugs. In considering enterococci and staphylococcal infections, glycopeptide drugs (vancomycin) can be added for empirical treatment. Daptomycin can be used for bloodstream infections, and linezolid can be used for lung infections. Attention should be paid to catheter-related infections in critically ill patients, and treatment should be empirically covered with methicillin-resistant staphylococci. Glycopeptide drugs (vancomycin) can be used for empirical treatment. Candida infection is also more common in critically ill patients. Candida should be covered empirically when necessary. Echinocin drugs can be added. With the length of hospitalization of critically ill patients, drug-resistant infections can gradually increased. At this time, the use of antibacterial drugs must be adjusted according to drug sensitivity tests.
4. Nosocomial infection prevention and control:
① According to the Basic System for Infection Prevention and Control of Medical Institutions (Trial) [13] of the China National Health and Health Commission 2019, hospitals should actively implement evidence-based infection prevention and control clustering intervention strategies to effectively prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia and intravascular catheter-related blood flow Infections, urinary tract-associated urinary tract infections, multi-resistant bacteria and fungal infections such as carbapenem-resistant gram-negative bacilli. ② Strictly follow the National Health and Health Commission’s “Technical Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of New Coronavirus Infection in Medical Institutions (First Edition)”, “Guidelines for the Use of Common Medical Protective Products in the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia of New Coronavirus Infection (Trial)” and “New Coronary Pneumonia During the epidemic, the requirements of Technical Guidelines for Protecting Medical Staff (Trial) [14,15,16], hospitals should strengthen process of management, and the correct selection and usage of personal protective equipment such as masks, gowns, protective clothing, eye masks, protective masks, gloves, etc, and implement disinfection and quarantine measure to minimize the risk of nosocomial infections and to eliminate infections in medical staff.
5. Treatment of infants and young children:
Children with mild symptoms are treated with symptomatic oral medicines. For moderate disease type, treatments with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with syndrome differentiation can be considered in addition to symptomatic oral treatments. If combined with bacterial infection, antibacterial drugs can be added. Severely ill children are mainly under symptomatic and supportive treatments. By experience, Ribavirin injection is given for antiviral therapy empirically at 15 mg / kg (2 times / day). Ribavirin treatment should be limited to no more than 5 days.
(E) Integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine
The combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine for the treatment of new coronavirus pneumonia can improve the synergistic effect. For adult patients, the condition can be improved through TCM syndrome differentiation. For mild disease, those with a syndrome of wind-heat type are given the TCM Yinqiaosan plus and minus treatment; those with gastrointestinal symptoms and those with damp-wetting and yang-type syndrome are given the plus and minus Xuanpuxialing and Sanren decoction. For moderate disease, those with syndromes of hot and evil stagnation of lungs can be treated with Ma Xing Shi Gan Decoction; those with syndromes of dampness and stagnation of lungs can be treated with Da Yuan Yin, Gan Lu Fang Dan, etc. These treatments can control to some degree the progression of the disease, reducing the incidence of progression from moderate to severe type. For anorexia, nausea, bloating, fatigue, anxiety and insomnia, the Xiao Chai Hu Tang plus and minus treatment can significantly improve symptoms. For severe patients, if the fever persists, or with high fever, bloating, and dry stools or constipation, and those who are heat-tolerant and the lungs are closed, Dachengqi Decoction enema can be given to release symptoms, or Baihu Decoction, Shengjiang San and Xuanbai Chengqi Decoction plus and minus can be used to reduce the progression from severe to critical illness.
In children with mild symptoms, the syndrome differentiation belongs to the epidemic offence, Yinqiaosan or Xiangsusan plus and minus treatment can be used. Children with moderate symptoms, those with damp heat and closed lungs, are given Ma Xing Shi Gan Decoction and Sanren Decoction; those with moderate scorching dampness and heat such as bloating and vomiting with abdominal distension can be BuHuanJinzhengqi San plus and minus. For severe children patients with epidemic toxicity closing the lung (currently rare in the country), please refer to adult Xuanbai Chengqi Decoction and Manna Disinfection Danjiao; if the poisonous hot accumulates, the gas can’t pass, and food and medicines are not tolerated, the Rhubarb Decoction is given to enema for emergency.
(F) discharge standards
Those who meet all the following conditions can be considered for discharge: ①The body temperature returns to normal> 3 d; ②Respiratory symptoms have improved significantly; ③Imaging of the lungs shows a significant improvement of acute exudative lesions; ④Two consecutive negative airway nucleic acid tests (sampling time at least 1 d apart); ⑤ After the nucleic acid test of the respiratory specimen is negative, the fecal pathogenic nucleic acid test is also negative; ⑥ The total disease course exceeds 2 weeks.
(G) Self-management of discharged patients
1. For discharged patients, close follow-up is still required. Follow-up is recommended at 2 weeks and at 4 weeks after discharge to the designated follow-up clinic.
2. When a patient is discharged from the hospital, his place of residence and address in the city should be specified.
3. Patients should rest at home for 2 weeks after leaving the hospital, avoid activities in public places, and must wear masks when going out.
4. According to the patient’s address (including hotel), the relevant district health committee is responsible for coordinating the corresponding medical institution for health management. Professionals will visit for the patient’s temperature twice a day for 2 weeks, ask their health status, and deliver related health education.
5. If fever and / or respiratory symptoms recur, the corresponding medical institution shall report to the District Health and Health Commission and the District Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in time, and assist in sending the patient(s) to the designated medical institutions in the area for treatment.
6. After receiving the report, the District Health and Health Committee and the District Centers for Disease Control and Prevention should report to the superior department in a timely manner.
Writing experts (sorted in alphabetical order by last name): Wu Yuan (Department of Critical Medicine, Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine), Hu Bijie (Department of Infectious Diseases, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University), Li Feng (Department of Respiratory Medicine, Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center), Xin Li (Department of Cardiovascular Surgery / ECMO Treatment Center, Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University), Li Yingchuan (Department of Anesthesiology, Sixth People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University), Lu Hongzhou (Department of Infection and Immunology, Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center), Mao Enqiang (Shanghai Jiaotong University Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine, Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to the Hospital), Qu Hongping (Department of Critical Care Medicine, Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine), Shi Kehua (Department of Respiratory Medicine, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine), Wang Lan (Department of Pulmonary Circulation, Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University ), Wang Qibing (Department of Laboratory Medicine, Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University), Wang Sheng (Department of Emergency Medicine, Tenth People’s Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University), Yu Kanglong (Department of Emergency and Critical Care, First People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University), Zeng Mei ( Department of Infectious Diseases, Children’s Hospital of Fudan University), Zhang Wei ( Department of Respiratory Diseases, Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Chinese Medicine, Zhang Wenhong (Department of Infectious Diseases, Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University), Zhu Duming (Department of Critical Medicine, Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University), Zhu Lei (Department of Respiratory Medicine, Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University)

Consulting experts (in alphabetical order by last name): Li Qiang (Department of Respiratory Medicine, Oriental Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University), Li Xiangyang (Department of Respiratory Medicine, East China Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University), Qu Jieming (Department of Respiratory Medicine, Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine), Song Yuanlin (Affiliated to Fudan University Department of Respiratory Medicine, Zhongshan Hospital), Tian Rui (Department of Critical Care, First People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University), Wang Xingpeng (Shanghai Shenkang Hospital Development Center), Wu Yingen (Longhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine), Xu Jinfu (Affiliated to Tongji University Department of Respiratory Medicine, Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, Xu Jie (Department of Infectious Diseases, Ninth People’s Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine), Zhang Huiyong (Department of Pulmonology, Longhua Hospital, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine), Zhu Tongyu (Urology, Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center) Zhuchen Chen (Department of Emergency, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University)

Conflict of interest: All authors declare no conflict of interest

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The original documents in Chinese: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/bF2YhJKiOfe1yimBc4XwOA

Translated by Dr. Qi Chen

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