Bidu: calendar spread

One of the positions I have is: long BIDU and short BIDU 428/17, strike 175 options. BIDU reported earnings last night and the stock price went down a bit. I bought back my 175 calls, and sold the same strike ($175), expiring on 7/21/17, for a credit spread of $5.5/share (credit spread: sale price – purchase price > 0).
For each share of bidu, I sold for $5.5. The margin requirement for each share (i.e., the cash required) is ~$50. The duration of the options contract is 84 days.
ROI (Return On Investment) analysis : (5.5/50) * 100%=11% (i.e., 11% return in 84 days). To convert to one year’s ROI: (11/84) * 365 = 47.8%.

The breakeven point of this trade is 175 (stirke price) – 5.5 (profit from options sale) = $169.5.  In other words, even if BIDU drops from 180 to 169.5 (5.8%) 0n 7/21/17, I break even.  Or the downside protection is 5.8%.



BIDU chart: BIDU broke out of  resisnce around 175.  It’s 200 MA (moving average) is 180. So I chose 175 to be on the more conservative side (since this is a joint account with other investors in the group).  If it were only my personal account, I might even push for a strike at 180, which will give a higher potential return and also, of couse, lower downside protection.

Note: the above calculation is a brief one without considering the transaction fees and margin interest, all of which become very nominal when the total trading value is relatively high.

About admin

Richard Cheng, M.D., Ph.D., is an avid Wall Street investor with 20+ years of investing experience. He is specially adept at observing the world to find the patterns and then design strategies to win his battle. Most, if not all, happenings in the world, follow certain patterns. These patterns may be complex, multi-factorial, not so intuitive at the first glance, or even may appear chaotic. However, even chaos has its own patterns. If you pay attention and be patient, you'll find them and then you will gain an upper hand in your battle. Using this blog space, he documents his trades and his thoughts as they happen. He uses this blog as a a notebook to help him better refine his strategies. Hopefully this will help you as well. Good luck in your trading.
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