Wendy (63031) came back to the office to continue her hCG weight loss after her delivery of a healthy baby 3 months ago. She reported that her overall health (energy and mood levels) improved significantly on hCG diet. Also, her MS exacerbations decreased while on hCG and during her pregnancy. She was diagnosed to have MS over 10 years years. She reports that she would have `2 exacerbations each year in at least the 2-3 years prior to her starting of hCG diet with us. In the 2 years since her starting hCG diet in March 09 and throughout her pregnancy, she had only 1 milder exacerbation of MS. This is another case suggesting possible hCG’s effects on improving autoimmune disease.
Table of Contents
- Anti-Aging/Functional Medicine (27)
- Coupons & Money Saving Tips (7)
- Covid-19, Vit C and Integrative Medicine (9)
- Dietary Instructions (9)
- DietBuddy (2)
- DIY Diet (2)
- Employement (3)
- hCG (3)
- hCG's possible effects on other diseases and anti aging (2)
- Holistic hCG Diet (8)
- How does our Holistic hCG Diet work? (7)
- How to use our website and database (2)
- I am on diet, but not losing weight. What should I do? (1)
- Integrative Cancer Therapy (2)
- Medications and Products (10)
- Misc (129)
- New Products (11)
- News (28)
- Obesity Related Diseases (2)
- Obesity: Cause, Theories & Related Diseases (2)
- Policies (3)
- Q&A (5)
- Side effects and problems you may have on our plans and how to solve them (7)
- Skin Loft (1)
- Testimonials (23)
- Weight Loss Contests (22)
- Weight Loss Phases and Monitoring (1)
- Weight Loss Plans (2)
- Weight Maintenance (4)