We take an integrative approach to disease management especially cancer. Most cancers are caused by carcinogens (toxins). The classic genetic mutation theory of cancer stipulates that carcinogens cause genetic mutations which eventually lead to cancer. However, toxins can cause not only genetic mutations, but also damage many other important biomolecules and cellular organelles, particularly mitochondria. Mitochondria are cell’s energy powerplant and a regulatory center for cell growth and death. We believe cancer is the result of the imbalance of the increasing damaging effects of toxins (carcinogens) and the decreasing protective effects of anti-toxin nutrients. When such imbalance reaches a tipping point, cancer ensues. We also believe treatments aiming at only cancer killing will not deliver results as these approaches only look at the cancer cell, ignoring the more important part, the whole body, our disease fighting defense. Studies upon studies of the FDA approved chemo drugs of the past 20 years show cancer patients do not receive significant benefits (neither improvement of quality of life, nor life extension) from these cytotoxic drugs in a global scale (1). We believe on the one hand, while killing or controlling cancer cell remains an important goal, we need to avoid debilitating “casualties” of those toxic cancer chemotherapies. On the other hand, we need to boost our own cancer fighting immunity by repairing the damages done by those toxins and by other unhealthy lifestyle choices made in the past.
- Lifestyle (spiritual, attitude, sleep, exercise etc)
- Diet:
- Restricted Ketogenic Diet, Intermittent Fasting
- Nutrition, Orthomolecular nutrition:
- Mitochondrial nutrition, antioxidants: High dose Vit C, D3, niacin, methylene blue, NIR light therapy
- Toxins, Detox: Fat soluble vs. water soluble toxins, Chemical and heavy metal toxins, Elimination of toxins, Detox
- Hormonal Balance: Thyroid, adrenal, sex hormones
- Regenerative Medicine (cell and stem cell therapy, etc).
- Others, e.g., lose dose naltrexone (LDN)
- Studies of the Past ~20 Years Show: Cancer Chemo Drugs Do Not Offer Significant Benefits. http://www.drwlc.com/blog/2022/03/06/studies-of-the-past-20-years-show-cancer-chemo-drugs-do-not-offer-significant-benefits/