Table of Contents
- Anti-Aging/Functional Medicine (27)
- Coupons & Money Saving Tips (7)
- Covid-19, Vit C and Integrative Medicine (9)
- Dietary Instructions (9)
- DietBuddy (2)
- DIY Diet (2)
- Employement (3)
- hCG (3)
- hCG's possible effects on other diseases and anti aging (2)
- Holistic hCG Diet (8)
- How does our Holistic hCG Diet work? (7)
- How to use our website and database (2)
- I am on diet, but not losing weight. What should I do? (1)
- Integrative Cancer Therapy (2)
- Medications and Products (10)
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- Obesity Related Diseases (2)
- Obesity: Cause, Theories & Related Diseases (2)
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- Side effects and problems you may have on our plans and how to solve them (7)
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- Testimonials (23)
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Category Archives: hCG
How to maximize your CALou?
Maximize your CALout There are 3 ways that our body burns calories. Metabolism: ~85% of the calories that we burn everyday are through our metabolism. Physical activity (not including exercise): this contribute to ~10% to our daily calorie expenditure. Exercise: … Continue reading
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Maximize CALout
CALin – CALout ~ Body Weight Not burning enough calories is a major problem in America’s obesity epidemic. We all know that we need to eat less and exercise more in order to lose weight. There are a lot of … Continue reading
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hCG’s role in this diet (1)
hCG appears to have 2 major advantages over other diets: More weight loss around the waist line Reduced difficulties or side effects Although the mechanism is unknown, these above effects may have to do with hCG’s biological nature. hCG is … Continue reading
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How to minimize your CALin
Minimize your CALin CALin: calorie intake (the calories that you eat every day). To minimize CALin means to cut down the calories in your food as much as possible while maintaining your nutritional balance. First of all, what is nutritional … Continue reading
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What defines an ideal diet?
We all know that our body weight is a reflection of the calories that we eat (CALin) and the calories that we burn (CALout). There are the only 3 possible scenarios listed below: CALin > CALout: Weight Gain CALin = … Continue reading
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What if you don’t like injection?
There are several forms of hCG available on the market, i.e., injection, sublingual, nasal and transdermal. However, we prefer and recommend the injection form for the following reasons: First and foremost, the injection form is the most reliable. Once injected, … Continue reading
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Janet struggled for many years and finally went on hCG and achieved her ideal weight.
Janet B, over 65 years of age, has been a patient of mine for many years. Her weight fluctuated ~200 lbs for all those years. I had been telling her about our great success with the holistic hCG diet. But … Continue reading
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Multiple sclerosis (MS) improved on hCG
Wendy (63031) came back to the office to continue her hCG weight loss after her delivery of a healthy baby 3 months ago. She reported that her overall health (energy and mood levels) improved significantly on hCG diet. Also, her … Continue reading
Posted in hCG's possible effects on other diseases and anti aging
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The observed effects of hCG
In our clinical experience of over 7000 patients, we have seen the following effects of hCG on people. This list is not proven by clinical trials, but they are our clinical observations. Weight loss, esp. the loss of abnormal fat … Continue reading
Posted in hCG, hCG's possible effects on other diseases and anti aging
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Why can hCG help you lose weight (1).
In today’s weight loss world, probably there is nothing more controversial than hCG. Many so called medical experts don’t believe in hCG in weight loss. Yet more and more medical clinics in the US are adapting hCG in their weight … Continue reading
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