I was reviewing Margaret’s refill order today and saw her wonderful weight chart. Just want to share with you. Proud of you, Margaret. -Dr. C
I was reviewing Margaret’s refill order today and saw her wonderful weight chart. Just want to share with you. Proud of you, Margaret. -Dr. C
There are 3 major features of DietBuddy that will will benefit you:
Cody L. lost 40 lbs in 1 month (from 275 down to 235 lbs) and is our December Biggest Weight Loser Winner! Cody wins $100.
Jennifer A. is our Biggest (% Body) Weight Loser of December with 9% loss of her body weight! She wins $100.
Kristina O. lost 24 lbs and wins the 20lb or more Weight Loser Contest of December. She wins a 5% Discount Coupon.
DietBuddy is our innovative approach to monitor, motivate and support patients in their fight against obesity and diabetes (diabesity). Successful treatment of diabesity requires not only medications, but also patient’s lifestyle changes. Lifestyle changes rely heavily on continuous motivation and support. In the fight against diabetes, the major missing link is the continuous motivation and support for patients. DietBuddy is designed to provide this missing link. DietBuddy is a win-win-win system for patient, the DieBuddy and DrWLC. The DietBuddy System works for both Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance Phases. Here is how DietBuddy works:
All DrWLC patients will have a diet buddy. This buddy usually is the person who introduced the patient to DrWLC, but the patient may change the diet buddy to someone else. Ideally, the Diet Buddy should be someone who is close to the patient, talks with or sees each other regularly.
Note: As the DietBuddy program is a new program, there may be confusions, misunderstandings and technical difficulties early on. Please report to us and be patient with us. Let’s work together to build a better grass-root support structure for our battle against obesity. We may make changes to this system without advanced notice. But rest assured that all changes will be made to improve the system.
Send me your thought or comments to DrCheng@DrWLC.com
*DietBuddy is registered trade marker. DietBuddy mechanism is a trade marked system.
Appetite suppressants are a major help in our battle against obesity. Without these appetite suppressants, the weight loss failure rate is very high. However, all the appetite suppressants are controlled substances, the use of which is under strict DEA/FDA control. Such strict measures are design to protect the consumers. The essence of the government’s message is that you need to combine lifestyle changes with these drugs for weight loss. At DrWLC, we strictly follow these DEA/FDA prescribing guidelines to help our patients to achieve their weight loss goals and to identify and prevent diversions of these drugs for purposes other than weight loss.
Our holistic weight loss plans have the following components. Our patients are required to follow our instructions.
In general, we do not prescribe appetite suppressants alone for weight loss. Appetite suppressants alone are not very effective for weight loss; are more likely to cause drug tolerance and there is a potential for drug diversion. If an overweight/obese patient doesn’t show weight loss progress, while on weight loss plan including an appetite suppressant, we may first issue a warning. If a patient requests a refill of appetite suppressant only, and patient is still obese or overweight, I usually will add a few other items to help your weight loss. But our patients may not buy and use the added products (doctors can only make medical recommendations, but can’t and won’t force our patients to follow our medical advices). If the patient continues NOT to show weight loss progress, didn’t follow my medical advice and ignored my warning, the first time, I’ll put the refill request of appetite suppressants on hold until the patient filled the other required items. If a patient still does not show weight loss progress (i.e., the patient doesn’t follow our medical advices), we’ll discontinue our services.
While I was reviewing Angela’s refill request, I saw her beautiful chart. She started using our services on May 12, 2010. Her initial weight was 182 lbs. After persistent effort, she weighs 13o lbs now. I just want to share this with you. -Dr. C
How to Order Refills
How to Pay Your Refills
Thank you.
Dr. Cheng
We divide all our patients into 2 phases: Weight Loss Phase or Weight Maintenance Phase. If your current body weight exceeds the ideal weight that you set in your account, you are in Weight Loss Phase. In other words, your weight is above the Red Line in your Weight Chart.
Phase Loss Phase: This patient’s weight is still above the Red Line (the ideal weight), so he is in the Weight Loss Phase. He is required to Weigh In (online at home, work or in our clinic) at least 2 times a week and lose >4 lbs/wk. Our database will alert the patient, the patients personal support and the staff if he did’t weigh in twice a week and didn’t lose 4 lbs (hCG plan only). For Phen + Pro plan, we expect 1 lb/wk.
Weight Maintenance Phase: This patient has achieved her weight loss goal (her weight is now under the Red Line (ideal weight). The patient is required to Weigh In once a week or more. If the patient doesn’t weigh in once a week, we’ll alert the patient, patient’s support and the staff. The goal for Weight Loss Phase is NOT to allow your weight to go above the Red Line (ideal weight). This is the Phase where you should can save money. As long as your weight is under the Red Line, try to eat healthy, exercise to maintain weight. Try to use Rx products as little as possible.
DrWLC has been trying hard to help you in your fight against obesity. Now we’ll offer you free ground shipping when your order is >$200. Overnight shipping charge remains unchanged.
For new patients, when you are in the Weight Loss Phase (trying to lose weight), if you order a refill 7 days before you run out of your meds, you’ll receive a 5% Discount. This is designed to prevent lapse of medication coverage which tends to hurt weight loss process.
We recommend all those who need to lose weight to stay on a diet plan for 2-3 months continuously. This is because staying continuously on a plan for 2-3 months usually produces longer lasting healthy lifestyle changes.
We have seen 2 types of dieters. The first type are those who stay on the diet for a few months continuously until they reach their weight loss goal. Another type is those who go on a diet for a month and lose some weight, then stop and in a few months they come back again after regaining all the weight back. The major reason for the failure of the second type is because they don’t stay on a diet long enough to really make any significant changes to their lifestyle.