H2O2 (2%) inhalation to treat 96 cases of pneumonia safely and effectively

Covid-19 pandemic sweeping through the entire Planet Earth leaving nowhere untouched, causing tremendous damages. We have been promoting many known and existing antiviral agents available to us even before Covid-19 outbreak. These natural antiviral agents include vitamins C, D3, zinc, and hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide has been known for more than 200 years and has been clinically used (including intravenous administration) for over 100 years.

Back in 2004, in a study 96 cases of pediatric mycoplasma pneumonia patients, several Chinese doctors reported the safe and effective use of 2% hydrogen peroxide ultrasound inhalation.

观察超声雾化吸入2%双氧水配合治疗儿童支原体肺炎的临床疗效.方法:96例支原体肺炎患儿分为A,B 2组,均采用阿奇霉素口服,B组同时使用2%双氧水漱洗及超声雾化.结果:治疗1~6个疗程后,B组患儿治疗时间及疗效均优于A组.结论:儿童支原体肺炎配合超声雾化可明显提高临床疗效,并可作为支原体预防.

[1]章奕, 陈康, 赵志红. 超声雾化吸入2%双氧水佐治儿童支原体肺炎[J]. 中国康复, 2004, 19(3):1. 10.3870/j.issn.1001-2001.2004.03.026

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How to Live a Healthier, Happier & Longer Life?

Announcing the Y-Fountain Anti-Aging

Lecture Series

A healthier, happier, and longer life is only possible with the priority on the prevention, treatment and potential reversal of chronic diseases, followed by specific anti-aging targeted therapeutics.

Aug 13th (this Sat), 9pm

 Zoom (ID: 332 511 4061; Passcode: 999999)

A healthier, happier & longer life is the eternal dream of the mankind. But all of us mortals want a quick fix: to enjoy all the “sins” (e.g., smoking and drinking, staying up late playing mahjong), and then expect to pop a miracle pill to rid us of all the illnesses and live a long life. Where there is a market need, there is a “solution”. The market is full of profit-driven “smart” businesses and unscrupulous “scientists” trying to sell you a miraculous longevity pill.

A “Healthier, happier, longer life” is not just a miracle longevity pill. You pay for it and you “sacrifice” for it: you need to “sacrifice” (change your unhealthy habits and unhealthy lifestyle). Abundant research, life experience and common sense tell us that the vast majority of us are not able to reach the biological limits of our life (estimated to be ~125 years of age) because most of us suffer from chronic diseases, which greatly cut short of our expected lifespan.

A healthier, happier and longer life starts with the prevention, treatment and reversal of the common chronic diseases first. Dr. Cheng, in the upcoming Lectures Series (How to Live a Healthier, Happier & Longer Life), will share with you his experience and learning of the past 40+ years. Please note this is a public English lecture series.

Initiated, organized and sponsored by:

  1. The Y Fountain Inc, a San Francisco-based biotech firm, pioneering in developing anti-aging drugs and nutraceuticals using cutting edge technology.
  2. Richard Cheng, M.D., Ph.D.
    • Board certified anti-aging specialist
    • President, Cheng Integrative Health Center (www.DrWLC.com), with offices in Columbia, SC, USA and Shanghai, China
    • Editorial Board Member, Orthomolecular Medicine (orthomolecular.org)
    • Executive Editor, Orthomolecular Medicine Education Service (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1dbpz2xB3jhAAyjvLn2yOQ).
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Bone Health and Osteoporosis, an Orthomolecular Perspective

by Richard Z. Cheng, M.D., Ph.D., Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D.

Summary: Osteoporosis, like most other disease, is caused by not just Vitamin D deficiency, but by many other factors. But the central dogma has been promoting just prescription drugs and calcium supplements. This strategy sounds simple and straight, unfortunately not only they don’t work, they may even be harmful to you.  There is a rich body of data in the literature that show lifestyle, nutrition, toxin and hormonal balance (or lack thereof) have an impact on bone health and osteoporosis. A brief summary of these research data is presented here.  The practical management of osteoporosis, and other chronic diseases, should incorporate these aspects for optimal results.

The recent issue of NEJM published an article showing Vit D supplementation does not improve osteoporosis. 1 Forbes magazine immediately jumped the gun: Stop Taking Vitamin D Already! 2

Vitamin D is more than just a vitamin, it is more like a hormone with pleiotropic effects on human, including immune boosting effects to fight against Covid-19. Declaring to stop taking Vit D based on just one negative study is not only unscientific, it’s against common sense.  (I will not discuss the study design issues, as Dr. Bill Grant will offer his critique of NEJM’s poor study design soon). There have been many clinical studies on Vit D3 and Covid-19 in the last 2 years, including a special collection of Micronutrients for Viral Infections – Reference Bibliography by International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine, 3 and several such papers on Orthomolecular Medicine News Service including a recent review by Dr. Bill Grant. 4 Have the author and editor of the Forbes article either not been updated on the Vit D research or is there something else?

Prescription drugs and calcium supplements have no significant benefits on osteoporosis.

Earlier this year, a meta-analysis published on JAMA found that bisphosphonates, a major class of prescription osteoporosis drugs offer very few benefits to osteoporotic patients. 5 Another meta-analysis on JAMA showed calcium supplements do not offer significant help to osteoporosis. 6

Calcium supplements increase your risks of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

To make matters worse, calcium supplements not only do not improve your health, but may actually increase your risks of cardiovascular diseases and cancer, as reported on a recent study. 7

There are actually many studies in the literature demonstrating the increased risks of calcium supplements, as elegantly summarized by Thomas Levy, M.D., J.D.8 9

Prescription drugs and calcium supplements are not helpful and may be even harmful.  So, are osteoporosis patients doomed?

Not at all. There is a rich body of evidence in the medical literature showing that osteoporosis is a multifactorial disease, and a healthy lifestyle, toxin overload (hence detoxification), optimal nutrition and hormonal balance are effective in improving not only osteoporosis but your overall health. I’ll summarize these findings below. 8

Highlights of some of the relevant research:

  • Vitamin C and Osteoporosis:
    • Increased oxidative stress (= inflammatory response) in the bone is accompanied by an increase in C-reactive protein (CRP). CRP can accurately predict fracture risk in older women with osteoporosis.10
    • Increased other inflammatory markers are also closely associated with increased fracture risk. 11
    • High-dose vitamin C can significantly reduce CRP and many other markers of inflammation. 12
    • Vitamin C stimulates the development of osteoblasts.13 14
    • Vitamin C is necessary for the synthesis of progenin (class III), which is required for the growth of osteoblasts. 15
    • Dietary vitamin C, which is negligible compared to any form of vitamin C supplementation, does not reduce fracture risk.16
    • Elderly osteoporosis patients with a history of fractures had significantly lower levels of vitamin C than those without a history of fractures.17
    • Supplementation with vitamin C, but not calcium, significantly increased bone mineral density in all bones.18
    • In ovariectomized mice, vitamin C prevents bone loss.19Vitamin C significantly accelerates fracture healing (PMID: 11510911).
    • Vitamin C significantly improves the strength of healed fractures.20
  • Magnesium deficiency and osteoporosis:
    • Magnesium is a natural calcium antagonist.21 22
    • Magnesium dissolves calcium deposits in soft tissues.23
    • Magnesium deficiency leads to an increase in intracellular calcium. 24
    • Magnesium increases bone density and reduces fractures.25
    • Magnesium reduces all-cause mortality.26 27
    • Usual supplemental doses have no toxic side effects.
  • Vitamin K deficiency and osteoporosis:
    • Inhibits ectopic calcification by activating proteases such as osteocalcin and matrix Gla proteins.28
    • Helps dissolve deposited calcium.29
    • Neutralizes warfarin (warfarin can cause ectopic calcification). 30
    • Reduced fracture risk. 31
    • Improves bone quality. 32
    • Reduces cardiac and all-cause mortality. 33
    • At any dose tried, there was no apparent toxicity. 34
  • Vitamin D deficiency and osteoporosis
    • A normal level of vitamin D ensures that the body gets enough calcium from the diet.
    • The role of vitamin D goes far beyond the metabolism of bone and calcium.
    • Vitamin D regulates about 2000 genes. 35
    • Deficiency of vitamin D leads to osteoporosis. 36
    • Too much vitamin D exacerbates osteoporosis. 37
    • During bone growth and development, it plays an important role in bone density. 38
    • Reduced all-cause mortality at therapeutic doses of vitamin D. 39 40
  • Estrogens and Osteoporosis:
    • Reduce coronary calcium deposition. 41
    • The higher the E2, the lower the CAC score. 42
    • Inhibits a calcification-promoting protease. 43
    • Estrogen deficiency leads to an increase in cytokines that promote inflammation. 44
    • Reduction of fracture risk in patients with osteoporosis. 45
    • Estrogen deficiency increases all-cause mortality. 46
    • Estrogen deficiency promotes metabolic syndrome. 47
  • Androgens and Osteoporosis:
    • Testosterone deficiency is a well-established fracture risk factor. 48
    • With calcium channel blocking function. 49
    • Prostate cancer patients often have low testosterone levels (PMID: 22068548).
    • Testosterone levels are inversely proportional to coronary calcium index. 50
    • Testosterone deficiency increases all-cause mortality. 51 52
  • Thyroid hormones and Osteoporosis:
    • Thyroid hormones have a significant effect on the metabolism of cells throughout the body. 53
    • Early skeletal development and the highest bone mass (Peak Bone Mass) have essential roles. 54
    • Both high and low thyroid function increase fracture risk. 55
    • TSH has a direct (non-thyroid-related) bone-protecting function. 56 57
    • Both too high and too low thyroxine independently increased all-cause mortality. This includes subclinical hypothyroidism and subclinical hyperthyroidism. 58 59
    • Thyroid hormones status should be a part of routine medical examination, and should be checked regularly (at least annually), especially in the elderly population.
  • Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) and Osteoporosis:
    • Some EFAs have calcium channel blocking capabilities. 60 61
    • Numerous EFAs have been shown to protect bone mineral density. 62 63
    • Blood EFA levels are inversely related to all-cause mortality. 64
    • Not toxic, may cause gastrointestinal discomfort in large quantities.
  • Calcium Supplements Are Not Only Unhelpful, They Are Harmful: Chronic Hypercalcemia Is Common in Adults, and Calcium Supplements Promote Coronary Calcium
    • A more recent study (2017) showed that calcium supplementation has no effect on osteoporosis. 6
    • One-third of Americans over the age of 45 have CT-detected arterial calcification. 65
    • Coronary heart disease is positively associated with osteoporosis. 66
    • Aortic calcification is positively associated with osteoporosis (PMID: 16704561). 67
    • Calcium supplements promote coronary calcium deposition.
    • A recent 10-year large study of 5448 subjects in the United States found that calcium supplementation was 22% more likely to be positive for CAC (coronary calcium index) than those who did not. CAC has been generally recognized as a reliable predictor of atherosclerotic plaque burden, coronary heart disease, and all-cause mortality. 68 69 70
    • A recent (2022.6) meta-analysis once again showed that calcium supplements increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. 7
  • Significant calcifications outside the bones: indicating calcium excess
    • Ectopic calcifications are very common in cancer.
    • Using the latest MRI, 22 of 23 prostate patients were found to have prostate calcification. 71
    • Excessive intracellular calcium is associated with cancer:
    • The relationship between intracellular calcium and cancer is well established. Higher intracellular calcium concentration increases cancer cell growth and metastasis. 72 73 74
    • Conversely, a drop in intracellular calcium reduces cancer cell metastasis. 75
    • Women with the highest scores on a bone density test had an increased risk of breast cancer. 76
    • Calcifications are usually seen on mammography in patients with breast cancer. 77
    • Calcium and calcium channel blockers (CCBs. Also known as calcium ion antagonists, which have the effect of reducing intracellular calcium ions).
    • Calcium channels are proteins on the cell membrane that selectively allow calcium to enter and leave the cell.
    • CCBs were originally used to treat high blood pressure (which has a vasodilatory function), but are now used for a variety of diseases.
    • The only serious side effect of CCBs is excessive calcium antagonism, resulting in vasoconstriction disorders and hypotension.
    • The hypotensive and other therapeutic effects of CCBs can only be demonstrated on the basis of increased intracellular calcium. Although different CCBs have other different effects, their main function is to block calcium channels. Therefore, we can conclude that any disease for which CCBs are effective is due to the increased intracellular calcium ion concentration affected by the disease.
    • In addition to high blood pressure, CCBs are also effective against the following conditions:
    • Coronary spasm (PMID: 21389642);
    • Angina pectoris (PMID: 23016717):
    • Anti-atherosclerotic (PMID: 22653165);
    • Pulmonary hypertension (PMID: 20543192);
    • Raynaud’s phenomenon (PMID: 21704799);
    • Acute Brain Injury (PMID: 22854593).
    • Epilepsy (PMID: 19303743);
    • Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuritis (PMID: 23206755):
    • Alzheimer’s Disease (PMID: 21925266):
    • Parkinson’s disease (PMID: 22387374):
    • Osteoporosis (PMID: 21881574):
    • CCBs reduce all-cause mortality (PMID: 10323641; 10922432; 15716708; 19451836).
    • Further evidence that increased intracellular calcium leads to increased intracellular oxidative stress (toxicity):
    • CCBs can prevent methylmercury-induced nerve damage in rats (PMID: 8882354);
    • The use of CCBs is inversely related to the occurrence of prostate cancer (PMID: 23280547);
    • CCBs reduce intracytoplasmic iron accumulation and further increase the increase in intracellular oxidative stress. The accumulation and increase of intracellular iron are also important factors in the carcinogenesis of cells (PMID: 21860702).

To put these altogether, we recommend an integrative management of osteoporosis to include at least the following:

  1. Healthy lifestyle
    1. Sufficient sleep, exercise, outdoor activities and relaxation
    2. Nutrition rich anti-inflammatory healthy diets to include low carbohydrates, sufficient proteins and healthy fats; minimize processed foods and synthetic food additives, agricultural chemicals, antibiotics and hormones, and other environmental pollutant.
  2. Nutrition: In addition to what’s described above, macro- and micro-nutrients play a significant roles in the prevention and reversal of bone health and osteoporosis, as reviewed in 78. Broad spectrum optimal vitamins and micronutrients, esp. vitamin C, D3, K2, and magnesium, as these nutrients require each other for optimal effects, as described in 79.
  3. Toxins and detox. Environmental toxins are major category of root causes to our health.
  4. Hormonal balance. Monitoring the status of the thyroid, adrenal and sex hormones and balance if indicated, is another under-recognized area in medicine today.


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  77. Holmberg, L. et al. Mammography casting-type calcification and risk of local recurrence in DCIS: analyses from a randomised study. Br J Cancer 108, 812–819 (2013).
  78. Martiniakova, M. et al. The Role of Macronutrients, Micronutrients and Flavonoid Polyphenols in the Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis. Nutrients 14, 523 (2022).
  79. Cheng, R. Z. A Hallmark of Covid-19: Cytokine Storm/Oxidative Stress and its Integrative Mechanism. http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v18n03.shtml (2022).
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How to Live a Healthier, Happier and Longer Life?

Dr. Richard Cheng, M.D., Ph.D. will start a series of regular online interactive presentations, sharing with you his 4o+ years medical experience on 

How to Live a Healthier, Happier and Longer Life.


We need both the general and the specific anti-aging medicine measures to live a healthier, happier and longer life.

The dream to live a healthier, happier and longer life dates back at least to the beginning of recorded civilization.  The vast majority, if not all, of us do not die at the end of natural lifespan, but die of chronic diseases.

Common chronic diseases cut short our lifespan by an estimated ~40 years or so. If one does not suffer from any diseases, one is expected to live to ~120 years of age, then dies of “true natural aging”.

So anti-aging medicine is about the study, prevention, treatment and reversal of chronic diseases. If we can prevent, reduce or slow down this chronic disease driven aging process, then we can extend life-expectancy beyond an average of ~80 years, up to ~120 years. I consider this as the general anti-aging medicine.

The specific anti-aging medicine is the effort to “tweak” our “natural aging process” to extend the estimated natural aging beyond 120 years, once we succeed in preventing chronic diseases to achieve expected lifespan of ~120 years.

We need both the general and the specific anti-aging medicine measures to live a healthier, happier and longer life.

Most, if not all, chronic and acute diseases are due to multifactorial causes. Take Covid-19, an acute viral infection, for example. It’s well known that most people contracted Covid-19 show no or mild symptoms.  Only a very small percentage of patients develop severe disease.  Why?

Whether you develop Covid-19 disease and how severe are your clinical symptoms depend more on your immunity.

The Balance of Covid-19 Virus and Your immunity

determines Your Clinical  Disease

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Reversal of Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaques, Another Case

Ms. FCD, 60 years of age, came to our service,~6 months ago at the end of 2021, with diagnoses of:

  1. Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaques (Fig. 1).
  2. Hyperlipidemia
  3. Thyroid Nodules

I advised her to go on low carb/ketogenic diet, exercise, nutritional supplementation including high dose Vit C, niacin, Vit D3, Vit K2,  magnesium, other antioxidants and mitochondrial nutrients and special amino acids (mostly in our TotoCell Nutrition package).  She later confessed that she did only low carb diet (not the more complete ketogenic diet) and did take the nutritional supplements, but at lower doses of what I recommended.  A repeat ultrasound exam ~6 months later, June 2022, did not show those plaques. Ms. F said the examining doctor looked hard in the same area where those plaques were seen back in 2020, but she couldn’t find them this time.

We have reversed several cases of carotid atherosclerosis as well as coronary atherosclerosis with plaques and stenosis, with a similar approach.

Top Figure. Ultrasound, Dec. 9th, 2020. Left carotid plaque (0.2 x 0.18 cm).

Center Figure, Ultrasound, June 11th, 2022, No carotid plaques seen.

Bottom Figure, front page of the recent report showing the examining date.






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Expert Panel Discussion: Hydrogen peroxide in the prevention of Covid-19

Open and Free to Public

Over 4,000 hospitalized patients and 89 healthcare staff used hydrogen peroxide on a daily basis during the peak season of Covid-19 season (Apr. 2021 – Dec. 2021). None of the 4,000+ patients got Covid-19.  None of the 89 staff got Covid-19, except one  who discontinued the use of hydrogen peroxide! Drs. Amoah and Ayettey reported.

Expert Panel Discussion: Hydrogen peroxide in the prevention of Covid-19, with a Q&A session.

Date and time: 11 am June 9th EST
Zoom: Meeting ID: 849 9827 7125; Passcode: 328134

You and your guests are welcome to participate and interact with the experts with your questions. 


  • Dr. Albert Amoah, Emeritus Professor and former dean, University of Ghana Medical School. Author of the HP clinical report (1).
  • Dr. Seth Ayettey, Professor and former dean, University of Ghana Medical School. Author of the HP clinical report (1).
  • Dr. Thomas Levy, Board Certified Cardiologist and author of HP book (2).

Host of the Expert Panel Discussion:

  • Dr. Richard Cheng, Board Certified anti-aging physician.

Many safe, effective and inexpensive antiviral agents have been ignored for one reason or another. Hydrogen peroxide (HP) is one of them.  Knowing the availability of these agents and their practical utility may protect us from the current and future unknown viral infections.

Drs. Amoah, Ayettey and their team recently reported that “daily and regular hydrogen peroxide use protects HCW (healthcare workers) from COVID-19 and curtails nosocomial spread of SARS-CoV-2” (1).

Dr. Levy published his book on hydrogen peroxide for viral infections, Rapid Virus Recovery, in 2021, with over 600 citations, which reviewed and analyzed for us the safety, effectiveness, biological mechanisms and the potential practical uses of hydrogen peroxide (2).

About the Experts:

  • Dr. Albert G.B. Amoah is an Emeritus Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics and a Consultant Physician at the University of Ghana. He holds the MB.ChB degree from University of Ghana and  PhD degree from the University of Surrey, UK. Among his distinguished achievements is the setting up of a National Diabetes Management and Research Center, a centre of excellence for multi-disciplinary diabetes care, training and research in Ghana. He has a membership of the Royal College of Physicians (UK) and fellowships of the West Africa College of Physicians, the Ghana College of Physicians  and the Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences.
  • Dr. Seth Ayettey graduated MB; ChB from the University of Ghana Medical School in 1974 and PhD from Cambridge University in 1978. He served as Chair of the Department of Anatomy at the University of Ghana Medical School from 1981 to 1997, Dean of that school from 1998 till 2000, and first Provost of the College of Health Sciences, University of Ghana from 2000 to 2004. He taught Anatomy for 37 years, retiring 2015. Four years of his teaching and research life were spent at the Tulane University Medical Center as a Visiting Professor. Dr. Ayettey has contributed a great deal to knowledge of the structural basis for the excitation-contraction coupling in the specialized and the general myocardium of the mammalian heart. His recent effort, together with his team in Ghana, has been in researching hydrogen peroxide protection against COVID-19.  Dr. Ayettey is also a pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana. Three of his children are in medical science – Hannah, a senior specialist in oncology; Mary, a senior specialist in periodontology; and Ruth, a specialist in OBGYN: They are part of the hydrogen peroxide research team.
  • Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D. is a board certified American cardiologist and internist and is a prolific author. Among his many books is Rapid Virus Recovery, a book on hydrogen peroxide with over 600 scientific citations (2, 3). He is also an inductee of the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame (4).
  • Richard Z. Cheng, M.D., Ph.D. is an NIH-trained and board certified American anti-aging  physician. Dr. Cheng is also an inductee of the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame (5).

A brief history of Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a well-known antiseptic, used extensively to disinfect surfaces and instruments. But not many people realize that hydrogen peroxide is a molecule that exists everywhere in our body with very important biological functions.  Hydrogen peroxide was discovered over 200 years ago in 1818. In 1856, hydrogen peroxide was discovered to be present in human body. In 1888, hydrogen peroxide was for the first time reported to be efficacious in treating numerous diseases, including scarlet fever, diphtheria, nasal catarrh, acute coryza, whooping cough, asthma hay fever and tonsillitis. Intravenous hydrogen peroxide was first reported in 1920 during WWI/Spanish flu for influenza pneumonia. Medical interest on hydrogen peroxide began to slow down in the 1940, when attention shifted to the development of new prescription drugs. In 1960s, hydrogen peroxide was found to have a protective effect on myocardial ischemia. Intravenous infusion of hydrogen peroxide has been studied and promoted for the treatment of various diseases including cancer, skin diseases, polio and bacteria-related mental illness, even in pain relief (5).

Covid-19 Pandemic swept through and turned the entire world upside down with a virus that’s previously unknown to the mankind (at least most of us).  Without specific drugs and vaccines for this new virus (SARS-Cov-2), the world panicked and millions of lives and billions upon billions dollar lost as a result.

We share this world with many microorganisms including bacteria and viruses, some of these may cause human diseases. Despite the human stockpile of antibiotics for bacterial infections, there are very few antiviral drugs.  There is no drug that is effective against all viral infections. Antiviral drugs and vaccines specific to a new virus take a long time to develop. As we have witnessed first hand that Covid-19 vaccines took a year to roll out, which set a world record.

Covid-19 is not over yet, Monkey pox is lurking around the corner. Epidemics/Pandemics are on the rise (6).

Here are few questions that all of us should think about:

  1. What have we learned from the global management of Covid-19 pandemic?
  2. Are you prepared for the next epidemic/pandemic?
  3. When the next epidemic/pandemic hits, what are you going to do?
  4. What about other known viral infections, such as common cold and viral pneumonia? Don’t we have other safe and more effective remedies?



  1. Amoah AGB, Sagoe KW, Quakyi IA, Ayettey-Anie HNG, Ayettey-Adamafio MNB, Ayettey Brew RNA, Newman-Nartey M, Nartey NO, Brightson KTC, Kessie G, Ayettey AS, Konotey-Ahulu FID. Further observations on hydrogen peroxide antisepsis and COVID-19 cases among healthcare workers and inpatients. J Hosp Infect. 2022 May 17:S0195-6701(22)00149-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jhin.2022.05.007. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35594985; PMCID: PMC9113766.
  2. https://www.medfoxpub.com/medicalnews/product/RVR/Rapid-Virus-Recovery-No-need-to-live-in-fear/
  3. https://isom.ca/profile/thomas-levy/
  4. https://isom.ca/profile/richard-cheng/
  5. Armogida M, Nisticò R, Mercuri NB. Therapeutic potential of targeting hydrogen peroxide metabolism in the treatment of brain ischaemia. Br J Pharmacol. 2012 Jun;166(4):1211-24. doi: 10.1111/j.1476-5381.2012.01912.x. PMID: 22352897; PMCID: PMC3417441.
  6. Cheng RZ (2020) Protected Population Immunity, not a Vaccine, is the Way to Stop Covid-19 Pandemic. J Clin Immunol Immunother 6: 025.
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Reversing Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis with Orthomolecular Medicine

Mr. YYJ, a 50 year old man with a history of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and  renal cell carcinoma (Stage I) came to our service in late 2021.

The hallmark of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is the elevation of auto-antibodies.

On 6/4/2021, his anti-thyroid microsomal antibody (TPO) was elevated at >1300 U/ml; his anti-thyroid globulin antibody (TgAb) was elevated at 297.8 U/ml (top figure below).

We recommended our Integrative Orthomolecular Medicine Protocol for Autoimmune Diseases which included carnivore diet (ketogenic diet + restriction of plant based foods that are high in plant toxins such as lectins), Vit C (10,000 mg/day), Vit D3 (10,000 IU/day), TotoCell Nutrition and Niacin (2,000 mg/day).

A repeat test 8 months later, on 2/12/2022, shows:

TPO went down from >1300 to 721.6 and his TgAb went down from 297.8 to 197.4(bottom figure below).

This is a significant improvement.  I advised him to further increase Vit D3 levels under my supervision and repeat these tests in 3 – 6 months. (Note: Use these high dose supplements only under a qualitied healthcare provider.)

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Restricted Ketogenic Diet for Cancer

Restricted Ketogenic Diet (R-KD) is an important part of our integrative cancer management protocol.  The following is the general principles which should be modified upon each individual cancer patient.

  1. Total calories, 600-1200 calories/day.
  2. ~80% of the total calories from fat (we recommend animal fats, avoid seed oils rich in Omega-6 PUFA fats)
  3. ~10-12% of the total calories from proteins,
  4. ~8% – 10% of the total calories from carbs.  Simply put, avoid all starchy foods such as wheat and rice, potatoes, corns which are high in carbs. Avoid foods and drinks with added glucose or high fructose corn syrup.
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Niacin on Blood Glucose and CVD Risks, A Summary of Decades of Research

The following research summarizes decades of clinical  studies on niacin and its impact on blood sugar and cardiovascular disease risks. Niacin lowers blood lipids and reduces cardiovascular disease risks, although it also appears to slightly increase fasting blood sugar levels. We can reduce the effect of niacin on glucose by following a low-carb diet. I also need to point out that elevated blood sugar is only a marker, what really matters is the beneficial effect of niacin on cardiovascular health. The fact that niacin reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease risks is what really ultimately  matters.

Niacin is a precursor to NAD+, a molecule that is essential in over 50% of our biochemical reactions.  NAD+ decline is observed in aging and many chronic diseases.  I personally take large dose niacin daily.

In this clinical study of more than 500 human subjects, published in Diabetes Care in 2018, the authors concluded that niacin (NA), but not niacinamide, significantly increased Bacteroides abundance in humans. In the absence of systemic side effects, these favorable microbiome changes induced by microencapsulated sustained-release NA were associated with improvements in systemic insulin sensitivity and biomarkers of metabolic inflammation. [1]

In this 2016 paper published in the journal Heart, the authors concluded: In a meta-analysis of 11 trials of 26 340 nondiabetic participants between 1975 and 2014, regardless of background statin or combined laropiprant therapy , niacin treatment was associated with a moderately increased risk of diabetes. [2]

In this 2013 paper in the American Journal of Cardiology, the authors analyzed a total of 407 subjects with established vascular disease but not diagnosed with DM who participated in the FATS, HATS, AFREGS and CPC clinical studies. Authors’ conclusions: 3-year niacin use in subjects with normoglycemia at baseline was associated with increased blood glucose levels and the risk of developing impaired fasting glucose, but not diabetes, and was associated with a significantly lower incidence of coronary artery disease Associated stenosis progression and major cardiovascular events. [3]

The 18 years (1990-2007) of niacin clinical studies in the literature were summarized in a 2008 analysis of “consensus guidelines” published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings. Authors’ main conclusions: Niacin is the most effective drug for raising HDL-C, while also lowering triglycerides and LDL-cholesterol; high-dose niacin significantly reduces cardiovascular events and atherosclerosis progression. [4]

  1. Fangmann D, Theismann EM, Türk K, Schulte DM, Relling I, Hartmann K, Keppler JK, Knipp JR, Rehman A, Heinsen FA, Franke A, Lenk L, Freitag-Wolf S, Appel E, Gorb S, Brenner C, Seegert D, Waetzig GH, Rosenstiel P, Schreiber S, Schwarz K, Laudes M. Targeted Microbiome Intervention by Microencapsulated Delayed-Release Niacin Beneficially Affects Insulin Sensitivity in Humans. Diabetes Care. 2018 Mar;41(3):398-405. doi: 10.2337/dc17-1967. Epub 2017 Dec 6. PMID: 29212824.
  2. Goldie C, Taylor AJ, Nguyen P, McCoy C, Zhao XQ, Preiss D. Niacin therapy and the risk of new-onset diabetes: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Heart. 2016 Feb;102(3):198-203. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2015-308055. Epub 2015 Sep 14. PMID: 26370223.
  3. Phan BA, Muñoz L, Shadzi P, Isquith D, Triller M, Brown BG, Zhao XQ. Effects of niacin on glucose levels, coronary stenosis progression, and clinical events in subjects with normal baseline glucose levels (<100 mg/dl): a combined analysis of the Familial Atherosclerosis Treatment Study (FATS), HDL-Atherosclerosis Treatment Study (HATS), Armed Forces Regression Study (AFREGS), and Carotid Plaque Composition by MRI during lipid-lowering (CPC) study. Am J Cardiol. 2013 Feb 1;111(3):352-5. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2012.09.034. Epub 2012 Nov 17. PMID: 23168285
  4. Goldberg RB, Jacobson TA. Effects of niacin on glucose control in patients with dyslipidemia. Mayo Clin Proc. 2008 Apr;83(4):470-8. doi: 10.4065/83.4.470. PMID: 18380993.


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Antioxidants, Exercise Endurance, Mitochondrial Regeneration

Someone asked me today about the relationship between Vit C intake and exercise, citing the results of a small (2008) study showing that oral vitamin C inhibits oxidative stress and may lead to reduced mitochondrial regeneration [1] . This isn’t the first time I’ve been asked about the use of antioxidants in cancer and exercise. A recent study (2017) found that oral vitamin C did suppress exercise-induced oxidative stress, but had no negative effect on mitochondrial biogenesis [2]. It is not uncommon to see such conflicting results in science.

Oxidative stress is a double-edged sword.  Oxidative stress has a critical regulatory role in our physiology.  But increased oxidative stress is a KEY pathology in most, if not all, chronic and acute diseases. Hence, the balance of oxidative stress is the KEY, as illustrated below:









I have been promoting exercise as part of the healthy lifestyle. Free radicals are generated and oxidative stress is increased during exercise.  The elevated oxidative stress needs to be quenched promptly.  If not, long time sustained oxidative stress may result in physical injuries and illnesses. Hence, I recommend intermittent exercise and take plenty of rest in between. Take badminton for example. I love badminton games.  I play for 2 hours each time and 3-4 times a week.  In between 2 games, I rest enough so that I don’t feel tired.  If you don’t feel restful enough and still feel tired from the previous episode of exercise. Over-exercise may do you more harm than good!

I don’t see enough evidence to support Vit C negative impact on exercise as of now.  But if you are really concerned, then don’t take oral Vit C 3-4 hours before exercise.  Take Vit C a couple of hours after exercise to reduce the exercise induced oxidative stress.

More about oxidative stress:

Let me point out some simple facts about oxidative stress.

Most, if not all, chronic diseases exhibit elevated oxidative stress, including but not limited to metabolic diseases (obesity, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia/gout), cardiovascular disease, autoimmune diseases, psychiatric and emotional disorders, and cancer, among others.

A growing body of evidence begins to emerge that shows the clinical effectiveness of antioxidants. In our own practice, the systematic use of antioxidants (which we call whole-cell nutrition) is part of our standard regimen. We are already seeing improvements or reversals in chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, metabolic disease, autoimmune disease (including those with skin rash such as psoriasis, eczema, and vitiligo) and even cancer.

Reversing CVDs with Orthomolecular Medicine


  1. Gomez-Cabrera MC, Domenech E, Romagnoli M, Arduini A, Borras C, Pallardo FV, Sastre J, Viña J. Oral administration of vitamin C decreases muscle mitochondrial biogenesis and hampers training-induced adaptations in endurance performance. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Jan;87(1):142-9. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/87.1.142. PMID: 18175748.
  2. Kim JC, Park GD, Kim SH. Inhibition of Oxidative Stress by Antioxidant Supplementation Does Not Limit Muscle Mitochondrial Biogenesis or Endurance Capacity in Rats. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 2017;63(5):277-283. doi: 10.3177/jnsv.63.277. PMID: 29225311.
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