The market went down today, but it is still within a trading range. Here are my trades today:
- Bidu spread: bullish bull debit spread call, 135/140, weekly expiring in 4 days. Cost: $4.5/pair, if Bidu stays above $140 by the end of Thursday (Fri is a holiday), the profit is $0.5. Bidu has been trading above 140 most of April.
- PCLN: bullish debit call spread (long call strike 500, short call strike 505, cost: $3.8/pair, potential profit: $1.2, weekly expiring in 4 days). PCLN has been trading above 505 in entire April. Currently at 516.78, strike 505 is 2.3% in the money. I hope that PCLN will not lose more than 2.3% in 4 days.
- NFLX weekly (bullish bull debit spread, 225/230. Cost: $3.5, potential profit, $1.5 in 4 days. This trade is a bit riskier than the other 2 trades.