5 Bad Attitudes to Avoid

I am a student pilot.  In today’s lesson on Aerodynamic Decision Making (ADM), the textbook described 5 bad attitudes (listed below along with their remedies) that pilots should avoid.  I found these 5 bad attitudes actually apply everywhere in our lives, including investment.  When the market goes up and your stock picks are making money for you, you feel invulnerable.  But when the market goes low, you feel hopeless (resignation).  I post them here to remind us to remain optimistic and humble.

Antiauthority:  Don’t tell me!
Follow the rules. They are usually right.
Impulsivity:  Do something quickly!
Not so fast. Think first.
Invulnerability:  It won’t happen to me.
It could happen to me.
Macho:  I can do it.
Taking chances is foolish.
Resignation:  What’s the use?
I’m not helpless. I can make a difference.

Table:  Courtesy of Gleim Aviation.

About admin

Richard Cheng, M.D., Ph.D., is an avid Wall Street investor with 20+ years of investing experience. He is specially adept at observing the world to find the patterns and then design strategies to win his battle. Most, if not all, happenings in the world, follow certain patterns. These patterns may be complex, multi-factorial, not so intuitive at the first glance, or even may appear chaotic. However, even chaos has its own patterns. If you pay attention and be patient, you'll find them and then you will gain an upper hand in your battle. Using this blog space, he documents his trades and his thoughts as they happen. He uses this blog as a a notebook to help him better refine his strategies. Hopefully this will help you as well. Good luck in your trading.
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One Response to 5 Bad Attitudes to Avoid

  1. Nancy says:

    Thanks for the share!

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